They arrived today ahead of the estimated date Jul 25 - Aug - 25. I was ShOcKeD when I opened the PLAIN Brown Shipping box only to find another plastic wrapped Black Box with Gold writing on the box. But, when I opened that box what I found was OUTSTANDING Workmanship and an D - Cup Breast plate! If it is an accurate count, there 3 cards, 2 5x7's and a littler 2x3 card with what looks like 12 inspector stamps on it. So, when ROANYER says; " Extremely realistic, looking and touching like real boobs. Natural tear drop boob shape and soft silicone gel filler " they are and they Do feel realistic and they do have more Bounce for Your $$$.$$ Buck!
In Summation, if you can, go with SILICONE! The fiber and IS Lighter but the added weight of the silicone is manageable and the best way to go!
Sincerely Happy with Purchase,