Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity



Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity

Lately, I’ve been really into the soft boy aesthetic. I mean, who wouldn’t be? It’s as therapeutic as baking — a dash of manliness, a dash of feelings, and a whole lot of soft fashion. Truly, these soft boys are giving dictionaries a run for their money! Soon, they’ll redefine what it needs to be a man in the 21st century.


Oh, but their influence extends beyond just personal style. They’re also here to flush down the toxic societal norms and expectations for “real men.” Who, honestly, are just tired of being forced into a mold.

Soft Boys and Breaking Stereotypes


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


So what got me started on soft boys? Well, I just got fed up, I guess. Fed up with this list of all things men “should” be.


Men Shouldn’t Show What They Feel


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


Guys can’t “show” feelings — what an ick. To this day, lots of folks think men should be tough and not cry — like ever. But soft boys? They don’t like buying into that BS. So what if you want to share your real emotions? So what if you want to be honest with yourself and others?


I really don’t see the point in pretending to be this “super macho man.” I quite like it the appeal of a feminine man. I like it when I’m more in touch with my feelings. That doesn’t make me less of a man though! Actually, it makes me more honest with myself and the people around me!


Plus, being emotionally vulnerable makes it easier to connect to my partners. I’m open with my feelings, so there’s no guessing game with what I feel. Things are easier to smooth out with that. Less drama too!


Men Shouldn’t Ask for Help


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


Urgh, talk about toxic masculinity. Men are super pressured to be — almost — unnaturally strong. Not just physically! Men should also be unshakable mentally and emotionally. I keep on thinking that society’s ideal men are basically just… stones.


Plus, this toxicity isn’t just harmful to dudes. It’ll spill over to everyone connected to them in one way or another. No matter the gender, they all catch the fallout from this nonsense.


Soft boys are ready to call this out! They shed themselves off toxic masculinity. They’re actually ambassadors of a healthier, happier form of masculinity!


Sexual Dynamics of Soft Boys


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


It’s a really confusing world. Red flags are shunned, but they’re still lusted over. Let me change that for you. You don’t have to beg for red flags’ love when soft boys are the greenest flag of all.


• Openness and Honesty in the Bedroom – Soft boys aren’t shy when it comes to talking about sex. Soft boys are very open and can communicate very well. They say what they like. They listen to what their partner wants
• Kicking the Aggressive BS to the Curb – Soft boys aren’t aggressive at all! But they can still dominate the hell out of anyone in bed. They’re not pushy or rough — unless that’s what their partner wants. It’s hot to be gentle and caring!
• Gentle and Thoughtful – So, how do soft boys handle their sexual desires? They don’t force it. They’re considerate of their partners. (Which isn’t very common when it comes to red flags and sex.) If they feel good, their partner should too! It’s not just about getting to the finish line.
• Embraces All Bodies, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identities – Since they have high EQs, soft boys don’t have the habit of judging others. Skinny? Fit? Chubby? Men? Women? Trans? They’ll be into you just the same.

Romantic Relationships with Soft Boys


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


Romance with soft boys is a different kind of high. Let me tell you why.


• Soft Boys are Always Emotionally Available – You know what’s really sexy? Emotional availability. They’re not just there physically. Soft boys truly empathize with their partners. They also reciprocate. They don’t just shut you off when you’re feeling your worst.

• Soft Boys Know Equality and Mutual Respect – In any relationship, equality is super important. But with a soft boy, it’s a given! There’s no room for one-sided deals. Everyone gets a say and everyone’s feelings matter. Respect isn’t just about listening either — it’s also about action. Soft boys truly listen and try to understand where you’re coming from.

• Soft Boys are Nurturing – They’ll go the extra mile for their partners. Let’s say you fell down, got hurt, or just had a really bad day. A soft boy is there with bandaids, ice cream (or your favorite snack), hugs, and kisses. They won’t tell you to toughen up ’cause they have first-hand experience on pretending not to hurt and how it doesn’t always mean you’re tough.


Benefits of Being a Soft Boy


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


Being with a soft boy already posts a great deal of benefit. But if you want to be the soft boy in the relationship, what’s in it for you?

• Personal Growth – A soft boy is self-aware. When you’re self-aware, growth comes naturally. By being in touch with your emotions, you’ll improve your overall well-being.

• Relationships and Connections – Ready for high-quality relationships? You should if you plan to be a soft boy! Soft boys, with their open-mindedness and genuine interactions, lead to deeper, more meaningful connections with friends, family, and romantic partners.

• Mental Health – Soft boys, as they’re more open with what they feel and are mindful of others,’ get to deal with less stress, anxiety, and depression. It’s easy for them to reach out for help, and two minds are infinitely better than just your own.

Challenges and Criticisms


Of course, there are still difficulties soft boys need to face. Know that society will always find something to criticize, so be prepared!


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


Misconceptions and Stereotypes


If you choose to step into your soft boy shoes, expect to face societal misconceptions. Yep. to this day, stereotypes still won’t go away. Common assumptions include being perceived as overly sensitive and weak. Aka, not manly enough.


No worries. Society’s just lagging on what “strength” really means. It doesn’t take into consideration just how important authenticity is for the modern man. It hates a type of masculinity that promotes a broader, more inclusive understanding of what it means to be a man.


Plus hey, you can still look feminine in masculine clothing, right? Then you can also look masculine in feminine clothing.


Overcoming Fear of Judgment


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity

Even if you understand the previous point, there can still be a seedling of doubt in soft boys’ hearts. I won’t blame you for being afraid of unwarranted judgments. These conclusions can even affect your relationships. For instance, some will assume that being a soft boy means you’re gay. Some women may also be more inclined to date a more traditional man.


Overcome these by finding soft boys who can inspire you. They don’t have to have that soft boy aesthetic. These are men who are more open about their feelings and emotions. They just have high EQ and know how to use it in their everyday life.


Take Keanu Reeves for example. Many appreciate him for his humility. He’s grounded and moves within society without care of his A-List celeb status.


Balancing Emotions


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


I don’t have to point this out, but I will in case anyone misunderstands. Having a high EQ doesn’t mean you should be dramatic. Or cry with a drop of a pen. It isn’t like that at all! If you do this, then you’ll simply be acting to fit a narrative.


So find the balance in your emotional expression. Go ahead and be open about your feelings. But don’t treat everyone you meet as if they’re your therapist. Not every conversation needs to be a therapy session either!


Be aware of your emotions without letting them dominate every aspect of life. Be mindful, regulate yourself, and understand when tenderness is needed.


Practical Tips for Soft Boy Traits


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


Being a full-pledge soft boy will come to you over practice and time. But I’ll leave you with some practical tips anyway:




Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


Yep, a lil self-reflection goes a long way! It’s easy to say that soft boys are self-aware, but how do you become self-aware? It’s through taking a closer look at your thoughts and feelings.


What’s the first thing you think of in the morning? How do you process the day? Just put every thought bubble on a piece of paper. Then collect them. That’s exactly what journaling is! Read over your entries and reflect on the whys, especially ask: “Why did I feel like this about this specific subject or instance?”


You’ll get to better understand your emotions and thoughts. That’s how a soft boy can master his feelings!


Mindfulness Practice


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


Being mindful brings things into perspective. I describe it as “letting things slow down.” When things go slower, you get to really scrutinize them, you know? Breathe properly — yes, there’s a right way to breathe! Meditate, or just simply be present in the moment.


When your heart is calm and your mind is clear, it’s easier to respond to emotional challenges. When you do so, you’ll be less stressed and anxiety will divorce you. You’ll also get to think problems over and answer these issues with rational solutions.


Improving Communication


Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


Soft boys can communicate effectively — but it’s not an innate talent. As a soft boy, you can learn to communicate well by first talking with the people you trust. As there’s already a feeling of safety there, it’ll be easy to put your feelings into words.


Be clear and honest. Be crude. Be brash. Then work on picking the right words next time.




Why Soft Boys Are Redefining Masculinity


Soft boys are redefining masculinity, not by throwing their traditional manliness out of the equation. It’s by putting more emphasis on empathy, openness, and emotional intelligence. Rather than what other people think, they strive to create healthier and more meaningful relationships.


The changes soft boys promote crumble toxic stereotypes of masculinity. Which, in the long run, will benefit society as a whole. So go ahead and be a soft boy today!

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