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Why Crossdressers Make Better Husbands

03/30/2022 - BY jiasuo

What is the character of a great husband? A great husband knows how to be inspiring to his wife.


At the same time, he can provide her with the support she needs to live a fulfilling life. He shows his love and affection through actions rather than words. This is arguably the best way to keep a wife’s love and respect.


He is reliable and knows how to handle challenging situations. He can also be honest with his wife and support her through thick and thin. He is a good listener and can understand his wife’s needs without her telling him. He is also a good communicator, can resolve issues swiftly, and won’t hold grudges for too long.


1 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


A crossdresser ticks most, if not all, of these things. Are crossdressers better husbands? Yes! Why? For one, MtF crossdressers are in touch with their feminine side. It’s been proven in countless studies that people who identify themselves as having a feminine side tend to be calmer, more caring, and more attentive lovers overall compared to those who aren’t.


This can be witnessed in their passion and tenderness when engaging with their spouses. Because of their affinity for dressing up, they are also sensitive and nurturing, making them more aware of what their partner wants. This goes without saying that crossdressers are innately open-minded.


They express their inner selves openly and unapologetically. A crossdresser is not limited in options in terms of clothes, style, or activities. They are comfortable and confident. This is the first significant step to being open-minded. Overall, crossdressers are better lovers because they are honest and passionate individuals with overflowing gentleness. 


Additionally, since crossdressers love to dress up, buying a couple of outfits for each other is a fun activity to engage in together. It also allows a couple to be creative and ensures that both remain fashionable. And, of course, a couple that shops together stays together.



1. Does being a crossdresser make you a better husband?


2 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


A crossdresser is generally more well-rounded in the realms of being a husband. Specifically, one who is delivering targeted love and care regarding serving his wife. A crossdresser does exceptionally well communicating with other women, seeing past their masks as a result of having been around them for so long. Crossdressers always listen.


They never judge and only help their loved ones grow as people and experience greater fulfillment in life. There’s nothing wrong with being sissy. A sissy gives the best massages ever, and they are in tune with their woman’s needs.


3 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


Additionally, a crossdresser can make a better husband because of their understanding of nature. Being more effeminate, a crossdresser will often have an easier time showing concern and empathy to their significant other.


Crossdressers are usually notorious for being good listeners. So, if your significant other is feeling under the weather, you can count on them to be there with a cup of tea and some listening ears.


2. They are in touch with their feminine side


4 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


Understanding both sides of the coin, crossdressing husbands possess skills that make them better partners. They know how to appreciate and treat women with due respect because they are in touch with themselves. They can wait for you to get ready because getting ready from their experience requires time.


5 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


They are more respectful towards women, and they have self-respect for themselves. Shopping tours can be way more interesting. They know when your feet are painful, and they won’t encourage you to do things that don’t please you. Read ‘s story to learn how crossdresser can make much better husband.


Every dress, shade of lipstick, the shoe is an expression for them. Unlike typical men, who are mostly calm, cross-dressing men would genuinely give you feedback.


6 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


Crossdressers generally are caring. They understand women’s feelings and desires more than others due to their nature, so it’s easier to open up to crossdressers about your concerns or problems in comparison to someone who is macho. In any relationship, arguments are normal and sometimes inevitable.


Both partners must listen with an open mind, trying not to beat the other person into submission by overpowering them in an argument – even though you might both win and lose arguments from time to time. Many parts have to work together harmoniously for a marriage to work, something which can be quite trying!


3. They are sensitive and nurturing


7 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


A husband should be sensitive and nurturing to their wife. That is a prerequisite. Typically, men don’t tend to express nurturing emotions. They worry about what others might think and are hesitant to act accordingly in an environment where it’s not the norm for them.


Crossdressers, on the other hand, do wear women’s clothing, and as a result, they’re more feminine. This makes them quite sensitive towards their wife’s needs and can easily connect with them.


8 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


A crossdresser husband who has a more feminine side is more likely to be more sensitive and caring. They are more in touch with their emotions and are more likely to be good at communicating exactly what they feel and think. They are also more likely to be good listeners.


As a result, this makes them better lovers. They are more likely to be more interested in pleasing their partner and more likely to be more attentive to their partner’s needs. They are also more nurturing and understanding, as they are more in touch with their emotions and bodies. They are more likely to pay attention to what their partner is feeling to provide love and care. 


4. They are open-minded


9 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


Men who often crossdress show a lot of honesty to their partners. This is a quality that most women appreciate, especially in relationships and even marriage. In addition, crossdressers are open-minded. They accept new knowledge and see different sides of issues.


Open-mindedness enables them to be aware of their own accentuated biases and work to overcome them, thus enabling clear thinking on thorny problems and complex subject matters.


10 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


Honesty is essential when it comes to crossdressers in general. You see, crossdressers are open-minded and tend to be honest in their relationships. Often these cross-dressing men are comfortable with themselves, which translates to relationships, both sexually and emotionally.


They are very used to being themselves, and that’s why you should never be afraid to ask them about these things! They will always tell you the truth about it, even if it’s uncomfortable for them to do so. Such creates healthy communication in relationships and is a key to a long-lasting relationship.


5. They take care of themselves well


11 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


Crossdressers tend always to look their best in a very feminine way, resulting in them paying more attention to their bodies when compared to the rest of society. As a result, they are typically buff, smooth, well-trimmed, and or groomed in a pleasing fashion to others.


This means that crossdressers often smell lovely, making them great partners – but it also means they will always appear put together. They are generally clean, well-groomed, and care about their appearance. This makes them easier to be around.


12 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


It’s important to take care of oneself. It is a great thing that crossdressing husbands can do that. It has several benefits. For example, it can help them be more confident about their bodies. It also can improve how they look and how they present themselves to others.


Also, by practicing self-care regularly, they can reduce or eliminate certain distressing feelings they may experience. This brings their physical well-being and mental health to an optimal state, which translates into being effective husbands.


6. They are better lovers


13 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


Crossdresser husbands are better lovers than typical men. This is because they tend to be more affectionate and are more willing to go the extra mile to ensure their partners are satisfied.


Crossdresser husbands tend to be more feminine and gentle, making some women feel more attracted to them. However, this by no means makes them any less manly. Crossdresser husbands have masculine features and are still capable of providing women with the protection that they may need.


14 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


Crossdresser husbands are better lovers because they are more open-minded and know what a woman wants and needs physically and emotionally. Because they possess more common traits than women, they tend to make better partners and satisfy lovers.


15 - Why Crossdressers make good husband


They care enough to take the time to shop at stores, and they understand what makes women feel special and beautiful. If you have a crossdresser husband, you have a great gift in your life because you can count on him to be there for you.


Crossdressers make great husbands because of their nature. They are kind, sensitive, open-minded, thoughtful, and even fashionable! They are caring and compassionate individuals who are always willing to listen to others.


Being in touch with their feminine side helps them communicate well with women. Making them potential partners for a happily ever after.


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What to Do With a Husband Who Cross-Dresses

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