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Why Cross-dressers Make Good Friends

10/12/2022 - BY Linna

The cross-dresser community has a set of particular, unique characteristics. We are all single individuals, but we share many personality traits with our sisters. One of such traits is that we are easy to befriend and make good friends! But why do so many of us have that in common? What is the impact of cross-dressing on our social skills?


Why Cross-dressers Make Good Friends


Much of it is due to our increased sense of Empathy. We go through a lot of challenges that help us understand other people. And as we experience the world in a broad manner, it’s common to see things from several points of view. Here, I’ll explain how and why it happens, so keep reading this article if you want to understand it!



1. They tend to have more Empathy


Why Cross-dressers Make Good Friends


As I’ve mentioned in the introduction, cross-dressers have a lot of Empathy. Living both as a man and a woman allows us to experience both sides of life. This experience grants us a better perspective on how other people perceive life and how it would be if we were to be in their place. That’s what Empathy means, after all! And it is an essential quality to seek in a good friend. It allows a group of friends to relate to and understand each other, no matter what they happen to be going through. It is also essential to promote intimacy and trust, or even the feeling of belonging. So, as cross-dressers have access to multiple points of view, they are able to make and keep new friends in a healthy and durable way.


2. Cross-dressers know how it feels to be discriminated


Why Cross-dressers Make Good Friends


Another thing that happens quite often is that cross-dressers befriend discriminated people. Sometimes, even social outcasts. These people often find it difficult to make friends since few people understand them. But most cross-dressers do. We grow up knowing that our way of life is taboo and that we will suffer a lot from prejudice. Society is changing to accept us, but many countries still outlaw cross-dressing. Discrimination affects millions of our sisters worldwide, and we have a hard time trying to find people who understand us. But it makes us even more reliable when someone needs a friend. We are less likely to judge other people, as we don’t want them to suffer the way we did. We do our best to understand them, as real friends should do.


3. We are willing to find people who accept us


Why Cross-dressers Make Good Friends


In a similar fashion to the topic above, cross-dressers are good friends because we long for acceptance. As I have already explained, society can be extremely harsh with cross-dressers. Wherever we go, we’ll have to face prejudice and discrimination, regardless of our passability. Very few people will understand and accept us in the more conservative regions. Because of that, whenever someone’s willing to do that, we become pretty close to them. We build a relationship based on trust and develop intimacy to some degree. We open up and explain as much as we can to them about ourselves and our cross-dressing activities. We feel an obligation to keep them feeling comfortable around us, as we don’t want to disappoint them. In other words, we don’t want to lose a friend that was so hard to find in the first place. Because of that, we do our best to be good friends to them as well, so they keep sticking around.


4. Cross-dressers like to share stories


Why Cross-dressers Make Good Friends


Good friendships often involve a lot of good stories. They help new friends to understand more of our past and personality, allowing them to become intimate. Sharing stories is a good way to bond with our friends, as it strengthens our bonds and makes our friendship grow stronger. The thing is that cross-dressers love to share their stories if they feel comfortable around someone. We have a lot to share since our experiences tend to be quite interesting! New stuff happens almost every day, so we never run out of stuff to talk about either.


Why Cross-dressers Make Good Friends


Another advantage of sharing your past is that people will be aware of certain events in your life that can influence your friendship. Knowing more about each other helps you create a healthy environment around your friends. You can share your whole history as a cross-dresser, including your motivation and first steps, making it clear how important it is to you. But make sure to listen to your friends as well, since sharing information is a thing that should go both ways. You might also want to understand their past so that these dynamics can work. We can use our exciting backgrounds to prompt dialogue. As such, we can exchange information about ourselves.


5. Most of us have gone through similar experiences


Why Cross-dressers Make Good Friends


Cross-dressers, trans people, and other members of the LGBTQ community tend to befriend each other with ease. Most of it is due to our similar experiences, as we go through pretty much the same stuff. Cross-dressers, for example, can talk with trans people about gender roles, expression, and dysphoria. Discrimination and prejudice are, unfortunately, also common topics among us. But the general idea is that we understand each other, and finding people who think like us is a good thing. We like to learn from one another and exchange experiences, which creates an environment that favors friendship. We tend to keep in touch and talk a lot about what happens in our daily lives, learning a lot from each other and bonding. Many healthy, life-long friendships start this way.



Why Cross-dressers Make Good Friends


A good friendship depends on many different factors, such as understanding, respect, loyalty, and a degree of intimacy. But Empathy is, without a doubt, the most important of said actors. Friends must understand each other’s point of view and what each one goes through. And cross-dressers have a natural aptitude for that. We learn a lot about Empathy and points of view during our cross-dressing journeys as we endure discrimination and prejudice. But in the end, it makes us stronger and the perfect type of people to make new friends! With that in mind, we would love to hear about your experience with that. Tell us in the comments what it is like to make new friends as a cross-dresser!

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