Trans People : Is Hiding Your Silhouette Worth It?


In my college years, one thing I noticed is that people who would later come out as trans used to conceal their silhouettes.


They went to class in hoodies or wearing more clothing than usual, no matter how hot the weather was.


I didn’t understand them. That is until I found myself to be a genderfluid crossdresser.


Is Hiding Your Silhouette Worth It?


Now I see that they did that to conceal their bodies and deal with dysphoria.


Their goal was to pass. Sometimes, it works, but it’s not always the best approach.


There are other efficient ways of changing your silhouette, but it depends on a lot of factors.




With that in mind, you might be wondering if concealing your silhouette is worth it.


I’ll talk about the pros and cons of it so that you can decide for yourself.


It’s a personal choice, after all, and the answer may vary according to your context.



1. Why do trans people hide their silhouettes?


Is Hiding Your Silhouette Worth It?


Well, the specific reason may vary for each trans person and crossdresser.


However, the general idea is that concealing one’s silhouette may help them hide their masculine features.


You see, the silhouette of a man is quite different from that of a woman.


And not having an hourglass figure causes insecurities for transfeminine people and crossdressers.


Having such insecurities is rather common and may be caused by dysphoria.


In short, these people are uncomfortable with the way their bodies look, so they try and hide it.


2. Does it make a crossdresser more passable?


Is Hiding Your Silhouette Worth It?


When you hide your silhouette, you’re concealing some of the features that make you look masculine.


Otherwise, the lack of curves would be noticeable from afar.


So, depending on the circumstances, it does make you more passable as a woman.


On the other hand, it neutralizes the effect of most types of shapewear.


I say that because masculine and feminine bodies look almost the same under a hoodie or loose clothing.


This way, hiding your silhouette prevents you from being perceived as an ake-u sight but does nothing else to make you more feminine.


But combining this technique with good ake-up, a convincing wig, and feminine body language should work.


The pros


Trans people


So, what are the advantages of hiding your silhouette? Well, it’s a simple technique that may help you pass as a woman.


By concealing your masculine silhouette, the differences between your body and a feminine one become less clear.


If you’re in a hurry or can’t bring shapewear with you, a loose outfit may come in handy.


It’s practical and requires no previous knowledge of any other skill so that any cross-dresser can try it.


Besides that, it’s quite a comfortable technique.


It doesn’t compress your waist as a corset would do, so you also have more movement freedom.


Is Hiding Your Silhouette Worth It?


This, of course, makes this technique well-suited for exercises and physical activities.


Last but not least, concealing your silhouette with a hoodie may increase your confidence when going out, as you can use it to hide part of your face as well.


The cons


Trans people


As much as I like this method and have used it myself, I must also point out the disadvantages.


The first one is that it prevents you from looking hot in certain ways.


Curves make women more attractive, according to Western beauty standards.


By concealing your silhouette, you are doing nothing to show off a curvy body and may not look as attractive.


It also reduces the efficiency of breast forms and padded bras, as any volume in your chest will be hard to see with loose or oversized clothing.


If that’s the case, chances are that you’ll end up looking chubby instead of getting a cleavage.


Is Hiding Your Silhouette Worth It?


Another problem with this method is that it doesn’t work too well in hot weather since you may sweat quite a lot with a hoodie or thicker clothes.


3. Alternatives to this method


Trans people


The most obvious alternative would be to use shapewear, modeling your body and making it more feminine.


I would recommend a corset combined with hip pads and breast forms, as it solves the problem for most crossdressers.


But if you’re a transgender person seeking long-term results, you should try hormonal replacement therapy.


It helps your body to develop feminine features but requires a medical follow-up to track your progress.


If you do so, it’s also advised that you keep up a regular exercise routine and a healthy diet.


It helps your body assimilate the hormones, granting you the best results in the end.


It may take a couple of years, but until then, you can keep using shapewear or even conceal your silhouette.


Many trans people keep on hiding their silhouettes until they are confident with how they look, and there’s nothing wrong with that.




Using what trans people call a “Dysphoria hoodie” is a valid method of dealing with gender-related insecurities.


To a certain degree, concealing your silhouette may help you feel more confident and pass as a woman.


But even though this method is comfortable and accessible, there are alternatives.


Those are either more effective or reliable. I’d say it’s worth a shot, at least so you can decide by yourself.


In the end, each one of us has its priorities and context.


What do you think about it?


Leave your comment and tell us about your experience with hoodies and other ways of concealing your masculine features!

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