Top 9 Inspirational Transgenders Success Stories to Inspire You





As transgenders, it’s important for us to see ourselves represented in the media so that we know that we, too, are destined for great things. No goal is too far, and no path is too difficult, especially when we see that other transgenders have done the same and succeeded. Today, I’m bringing to you a dose of 9 inspirational transgender stories that will help you realize that the sky’s the limit. We’ll look at how their unique journeys led them to be world-recognized and how you, too, can overcome the challenges that come with being transgender.



Laverne Cox




Famous for her role in the hit Netflix show Orange is the new black, Laverne Cox is one of the most successful transgender actresses.


She’s been nominated for an Emmy, and she’s also the first trans woman to be on TIME Magazine, British Vogue, and Cosmopolitan magazine.


What most people don’t know about the transgender actress is that she was bullied as a child in Alabama.


She shares these details while giving her journey to womanhood speech at Princeton University.




But the turning point of her life was when she saw an openly transgender actor on a television show.


Seeing this inspired her because she saw that it’s possible to be openly trans and have a successful and fulfilling career as an influential transgender actress.


Thomas Beatie




If you follow Oprah Winfrey, you’ve probably heard about the ‘pregnant man.’


Thomas Beatie is a transgender man who is famous for giving birth to not just one but three children with his ex-wife.


His story fascinated the world in 2008 and he was interviewed by big personalities like Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters.


Because of his story, he receives some backlash not just from the media but from strangers in the streets.


People would openly misgender him and openly call him a woman, although he identified as a man.


But during one of his interviews, he says that he’s proud to be a dad and he’s glad he’s the one who brought his kids into the world.


This inspirational transgender story shows many FTM transgender people that, honestly, there are no rules.


You don’t have to completely get rid of your reproductive organs, especially if you want to have a family and biological children of your own someday.


Sarah Savage




Sarah Savage is an author and the founder of the UK’s first TransPride in 2013. Since then, the pride event has brought together hundreds of transgender people in the UK who walk the streets waving pink, blue, and white flags.


During an interview with the Guardian, she said that she started TransPride because, as a transgender woman, she never felt like she belonged anywhere.


So, she wanted to create a safe and loving community for transgender people where they can share their stories and even stand up for their rights.


Her inspirational transgender story shows that even if you feel like you’re alone,  you’re not.


There are so many people going through the same issues as you, and if you’re brave enough to make the first move.


By doing this you’ll not just find a safe community, but also a loving one with people you can relate to.


Christine Jorgensen




Christine Jorgensen was a World War 2 veteran, and later on, she became the first transgender woman to go through sex reassignment surgery.


Her inspirational transgender story is one of a hero during the war who served her country and, later on, embraced her true identity as a trans woman.


According to the National World War 2 Museum, her transition story was openly received by the public in the early 1950s.


And this was at the time when being part of the LGBTQ+ community could get you immediately fired.


So why was she an exception?


It’s mostly because she was a US veteran, and the public acknowledged her efforts in fighting for her country.


After she came out as a woman, the media often praised both her beauty and the service she did for her country.


Renee Richards


Renee Richards 


If you’re a tennis fan, you’ve probably heard of Renee Richards.


She is the first person in history who has played for both the men’s and women’s tennis tournaments in the US.


She started her career at Yale University, where she still identified as a man and was the captain of the men’s tennis team.


Then, she went through her transition and started dressing as a woman in public.


Her inspirational transgender story is touching because she didn’t give up on her career and goals.


But after transitioning, she came back and played for the women’s team.


She later on became a surgeon until she retired when she turned 80 years old.


Caroline Cossey (Tula)


Caroline Cossey (Tula) 


If you love being the center of attention and have always dreamt of starring in movies and shows, then you’ll find Caroline Cossey’s story inspiring.


In the early 1980s, she was a British model and actress who starred in the 1981 James Bond Film as an extra.


Unfortunately, she didn’t get the privilege of coming out on her own terms since the British tabloid News of the World wrote an article that outed her as being a transgender woman.


This was after she had started getting recognized for her role in the James Bond movie


roanyer crossdresser


Overnight, everything that she had worked hard for crumbled and her career was practically over.


But Caroline didn’t just sit still, she clapped back 4 years later and appeared in a music video as a woman.


Then, she became the first trans woman to be in Playboy magazine and proudly declared that she was a woman.


She also fought for her right to marry a man and to be recognized as a woman by the British government.


Her inspirational transgender story shows that even if the world tries to tear down trans women,


we always find a way to dust ourselves back and take back our power and our voices.


Lili Elbe


Lili Elbe


If you’re a creative person and you love painting, then here’s an inspirational transgender story for you.


Lili Elbe was a transgender artist who was among the first people to go through sex reassignment surgery in the early 1930s.


She had five surgeries where she had her testicles and penis removed, and she received a uterus transplant.


Before her surgeries, her physicians discovered that she had been born with more female hormones than male ones.


Unfortunately, at that time, technology wasn’t as advanced as today, and she passed away from the surgery complications.


Angela Morley


Angela Morley


Growing up, I’ve always been fascinated by music, especially composers like Mozart.


That was until I discovered a transgender composer called Angela Morley.


She was a talented composer and orchestrator who made music that was used in films in the 1980s.


She even received 3 Emmy awards, and she was the first openly transgender person to be nominated for an Oscar.




Her story shows that even your new gender identity shouldn’t prevent you from pursuing your passion and creating art.


If Angela Morley can succeed in a time when being openly transgender was even worse than it is now, then you too can achieve anything you set your mind and heart to.


Christine Goodwin




If you’re passionate about transgender laws, you’ve probably come across the name Christine Goodwin.


She was a transgender activist who fought for transgender rights, which led to the UK’s Gender Recognition Act.


Christine had been born male, but she knew deep down that she was a woman even though she lived as a man and even had four children.


When she started crossdressing as a woman, something in her mind and heart shifted.


And she knew she had to go through gender reassignment surgery.




Luckily, the surgery was successful, but by law, she was still considered a man.


She couldn’t use her national documents like birth certificates, ID, etc, and she couldn’t even marry a man.


So she went to court to fight for her rights and this led to the Gender Recognition Act being passed by parliament.


Up to today, this act allows transgender people to legally change their gender and to be recognized as their new gender.


Final Thoughts




Honestly, I’d be lying to you if I said that these 9 inspirational transgender stories didn’t bring tears to my eyes.


It’s inspiring to see how far we’ve come and the challenges that fellow trans people have gone through and overcome.


I hope these stories inspired you and gave you the confidence to go after your goals, to continue fighting for our rights, and to live the life that you know you deserve.


Plus, if they can overcome the challenges, so can you and me


In the comments below, let me know which story inspired you the most.


Also, feel free to check out the current state of trans women in the LGBTQ+ community.


Until next time. Stay safe, and keep reaching for the stars. Cheers!


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