Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid (MTF crossdresser tips)

07/23/2022 - BY jiasuo

Maintaining a feminine voice is essential for any MTF crossdresser who wants to sound like a genuine lady. There are many ways I have managed to feminize my voice, but there are also many mistakes that I have made along the way.


1-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


From speaking too deeply to speaking in falsetto, we make many mistakes as MTF crossdressers in our attempts to feminize our voices. Other voice feminization mistakes we make include trying to whisper instead of speaking normally, not paying attention to our pitch, and speaking too fast.


In this blog post, I will discuss the top 5 voice feminization mistakes to avoid. I will also provide tips on maintaining a female voice and achieving the best results possible!



1. Speaking Too Deeply


2-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


One of the principal blunders I made when trying to feminize my voice was speaking too deeply. This made my voice sounded masculine and unappealing to others. To avoid this, make sure to speak at a higher pitch and use a lower tone when speaking. It would be best if you also focused on enunciating your words clearly and avoiding any nasality.


To overcome this mistake, you can also try recording yourself speaking and then listening back to see if you are speaking at a higher pitch than usual. During this course, ensure that you are not speaking in a monotone voice, making your voice sound even more masculine.


3-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


To avoid speaking too deeply, it’s advisable to try practice speaking in a higher pitch than your normal range. It may feel strange initially, but you’ll get used to it with time. You can also consult a speech therapist or other professionals for help in finding your ideal pitch range.


Training your voice to sound feminine can be intricate, but it’s worth the effort. Avoid this common mistake, and you’ll be on your way to sounding like the closet queen you know you are.


2. Speaking In Falsetto


4-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


Another mistake I made when trying to feminize my voice was speaking in falsetto. This made my voice sound high-pitched and unnatural. To avoid this, focus on speaking in your natural tone. It would matter if you also concentrated on enunciating your words more clearly.


To avoid speaking in falsetto, you can also try recording yourself speaking and then listening back to see if you are speaking in a falsetto voice. If you are, make an effort to speak and lower the tone.


5-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


Practice Speaking in your natural range. It may feel strange initially, but you’ll get used to it with time. Again, you can also seek the services of a speech therapist or other crossdresser professional for help in finding your ideal pitch range.


6-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


Many institutions and crossdresser centers have the capacity to teach our queens how to avoid speaking in a falsetto so they can enroll to sound more like a true female. Additionally, many online articles and videos also go into great detail about how you can avoid speaking in falsetto. Searching for these resources can be a great way to help you learn more about how to feminize your voice.


For better results, remember to practice speaking in a lower register daily. This will help train your voice to speak at a lower pitch and make it sound more feminine. It will also help you avoid speaking in a falsetto voice.


3. Whispering


7-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


Another common voice mistake I’ve noticed is whispering. This made my voice sound breathy and unnatural.


Perhaps you might ask, what makes most new MTF crossdressers whisper instead of speaking in a normal tone? Well, it could be because we think whispering makes us sound more feminine. On the contrary, it actually makes us sound more masculine.


8-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


Men typically whisper when they want to sound sexy or seductive, while women use their natural voice. So if you want to sound more feminine, make sure you avoid whispering at all costs! Instead, speak in a clear and confident voice.


Another thing, whispering actually makes you less audible, which can be annoying. So if you want to be heard and understood, avoid whispering as well. Instead, use a clear and confident voice. If you want to sound more feminine, make sure you use your natural voice and avoid whispering!


Here are some tips on how to do just that…


9-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


1) Use your natural voice: The first step is to use your natural voice. This means speaking in a way that is comfortable and relaxed for you. Try not to force your voice into a higher or lower pitch than what is comfortable for you. You might have to experiment a bit to find your natural range, but once you do, stick with it!


3) Speak clearly: This tip goes hand in hand with using your natural voice. When you use your natural voice, you will automatically speak more clearly. However, if you find yourself mumbling or speaking unclearly, make a conscious effort to speak more clearly.


4) Practice: The more you practice using your natural voice, the easier it will become. So find opportunities to practice whenever you can. One way to do this is to record yourself speaking and then listen back to see how you sound. You can also practice in front of a mirror so that you can see what facial expressions go along.


4. Upswinging Your Sentences


10-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


One of my biggest mistakes while trying to sound more feminine is upsweeping your sentences. This makes one sound like they’re always asking a question, which can come out as annoying. I actually thought I sounded feminine until one day when a friend pointed it out to me. It’s not that big of a deal to fix, though. If you find yourself doing this, just slow down and enunciate each word a little bit more clearly. You’ll sound more confident and assured, which is always attractive.


11-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


As a male-to-female crossdresser, you might also find yourself upsweeping your sentences when you’re nervous. Again, this is something that can be easily fixed by slowing down and enunciating each word more clearly. If you find yourself doing this often, try to take a few deep breaths before speaking. This will help you relax and sound more natural.


12-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


So the next time you find yourself upsweeping your sentences, just slow down and pronounce each word a little bit more clearly. You’ll sound more confident and assured, which is always attractive.


5. Pinching Your Voice


13-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


As I tried to sound more feminine, I made the mistake of pinching my voice. This made my voice sound high-pitched and squeaky. And I didn’t even get bothered until later. So if you’re trying to sound more feminine, beware of pinching your voice!


As MTF crossdressers, sometimes we might assume pinching the voice is the way to go. After all, many of us have deeper voices, and think that by artificially high-pitching it, we’ll sound more like the beautiful ladies we aspire to be. Unfortunately, this often has the opposite effect. Not only does it make you sound cartoonish, but it can also be quite off-putting to those around you.


14-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


If you’re still set on trying to pitch your voice higher, there are some things you can do to minimize the damage. First of all, try not to overdo it. A little bit of pitch elevation can go a long way. Secondly, focus on enunciating your words clearly, rather than just letting them come out in a high-pitched squeal. And finally, make sure you’re still speaking at a natural pace – if you try to speak too quickly, it will only sound like you’re trying to disguise your voice.


So the next time you’re in front of a mirror practicing your feminine voice, beware of pinching! A little bit can go a long way.


15-Top 5 Voice Feminization Mistakes to Avoid


As an MTF crossdresser, voice feminization can be a great way to improve your vocal quality and projection, but it’s essential to avoid making common mistakes. For instance, the mistakes I’ve highlighted above are quite common.


By avoiding these five errors, you can make the most of your voice feminization efforts and sound your best. If you’re unsure of how to properly feminize your voice, consider working with a speech pathologist specializing in transgender voice therapy.


Have you tried any of these techniques? What guidelines do you have for other sisters looking to feminize their voices? Let us know in the comments below!


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