How the Wrong Hairstyle Can Be a Deal Breaker for Closet Queens


As closet queens, we know how important it is to strike the perfect balance between masculine and feminine when crafting our look.


After all, if one detail doesn’t look “just right,” it can alert people that something odd is happening – meaning our outing could be ruined before we even hit the streets.


closet queen 


And, as we all know from experience, no amount of Spanx or concealer can hide an awkwardly gelled curl or unbalanced bun!


But fear not, with just a few simple changes in styling routine and attitude, you’ll realize that creating hair looks that blend seamlessly has never been easier!


Read on for tips to breathe easy with a killer hairstyle on your next night out.



Discover the allure of flattering hairstyles for your face


closet queen 


As closet queens, what makes our hairstyle attractive and flattering to the face is often a matter of our style.


For example, if you prefer something more dramatic and daring, try an asymmetrical cut, such as a pixie or bob with one side longer.


Add some volume to your hair with layers or gentle waves if you want something more subtle and classic.


Whatever look you prefer, consider your face shape when selecting a style.


For instance, round faces look great with long layers and angled cuts; square faces benefit from softer, longer haircuts, and oval faces can get away with almost any hairstyle.


closet queen 


Regarding hair coloring, there are plenty of options for closet queens.


From highlights and lowlights to ombres and balayage, you can use color to add texture and dimension to your locks.


If daring, try out a bright, bold color like purple, blue, or pink. Whatever look you choose, get it done by a professional hairstylist so your hair is in the best condition possible.


The worst hairstyle choices for closet queens




As closet queens, our hairstyle choices are limited.


We need to choose subtle styles that don’t draw too much attention.


For example, neon-colored hair or very intricate braids might be a great look for some people, but as closet queens, we need to play it safe and stick with more low-key looks.


Some of the worst hairstyles for us include:


closet queen 


Bob cut


This short, blunt style may seem like a low-maintenance option, but the truth is that it’s actually quite difficult to pull off.


The angles are very strict and require a lot of upkeep in order to look good.


Moreover, it can give off an “old-lady” vibe which isn’t what we want.


Buzz cut


This super-short cut is a definite no-no. It’s too extreme and makes you stand out in an unpleasant way.


Not to mention, it requires frequent visits to the hair salon for upkeep.




Long hair at the back and short hair at the front might have been fashionable in the 80s, but it’s definitely not a good look for us as closet queens.


It doesn’t suit our aesthetic and might draw too much attention because we’re closet queens.




Short, choppy layers


Short hair in layers is an excellent idea, but it can create an unappealing texture if it’s too chunky and choppy.


Keep the layers subtle and avoid going too extreme with this style.




It’s all good if you want to rock a ponytail occasionally, but don’t make it your signature look.


Ponytails look messy and unfashionable, especially for us as closet queens. So, it’s best to avoid them as much as possible.


Ultimately, it’s important for closet queens to choose hairstyles that blend in with their surroundings and don’t draw too much attention.


Low-maintenance looks, such as a simple pixie cut or classic bob, are probably the way to go.


Remember – the goal is to look natural and not draw any unnecessary attention that could expose you as a closet queen.


Choosing the perfect style: face shape, personality, and lifestyle tips




As Closet queens, we have to think hard about deciding what our style should be.


To make it easier for you, here are some tips to help you decide which style best suits your face shape, personality, and lifestyle:


Figure out your face shape


This is key when deciding the suitable styles that suit you well. Do you have an oval or round face?


A heart-shaped or square face?


Knowing this will help you decide on the best hairstyles, makeup looks, and accessories for your look.




Take into account your lifestyle


If you’re looking to keep a low-maintenance style, opt for simple cuts that don’t require frequent visits to the salon or styling time in the morning.


On the other hand, if you have the time and energy to invest in your look, a more intricate style may be better suited for you.


Be true to yourself


Choose a style that reflects who you are.


Don’t try to conform to what everyone else is doing; instead, create a look for yourself that compliments your personality.




Make sure it’s comfortable


You don’t want to be in an outfit that is too tight or short, so when choosing your style, you get the right fit for your body type.


You should also consider any environmental factors that may affect your comfort in a particular look; for example, if you’re constantly in the sun, choose lightweight and breathable materials.


Don’t be afraid to take risks


Try different styles and find what works best for you.


Be prepared to make mistakes along the way; even if something doesn’t work out as planned, it can still give you valuable insight into what you do and don’t like.


By taking into account these five tips, closet queens can be sure that their style will look great and still reflect who they are as individuals.


So go ahead, rock those fabulous looks, and become the queen of your closet!


Tips for the perfect cut and style




As closet queens, we must be extra careful with our style.


Not only do you need to have the right hairstyle and clothing, but you also need a perfect cut and styling.


The good news is that getting the perfect cut and styling doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming.


Here are some tips to get the best cut and styling with minimal effort!


Find a hairstylist who can work with your hair type: A good stylist should be able to work with your natural texture and provide advice on how to style it best. Research online or ask for recommendations from friends or family members.


Talk to your stylist about what kind of cut and styling you want:  Be as detailed as possible and provide reference images if you have any.


This will help your stylist understand what look you’re trying to achieve and ensure they deliver the perfect cut and styling for you.




Invest in quality styling products formulated specifically for your hair type: Product selection is key to achieving the perfect cut and styling.


Investing in quality products will ensure your hair looks healthy and stylish for longer.


Consider going for a professional blowout to get bouncy, voluminous locks: Professional blowouts can help you achieve salon-quality styles without visiting the salon whenever you want to style your hair.


Visit your local salon and ask for a blowout to get the perfect look.




Use heat protection sprays before styling with hot tools: To protect your hair from heat damage, use a heat protection spray before you use any kind of hot tool (curling or straightening irons).


This will help keep your hair healthy and shiny even after repeated styling.


Try different styling tools to find the one that works best for you: From curling wands to straightening irons, many different styling tools are available on the market.


Experiment with these tools and see what works best for your hair type.


This will help you achieve salon-quality looks without too much effort.




Don’t forget to give your hair a break from styling: Over-styling can cause damage to your strands, so be sure to take breaks between styling sessions. This will help keep your hair looking and feeling healthy.


With minimal effort, you can get the perfect cut and styling as a closet queen.


With the right hairstylist, styling products, and tools, you can achieve salon-quality looks without spending too much time or money!


Maintain your hairdo: Products, treatments, and salon visits




Maintaining our hairdo as closet queens is much more than just a regular trip to the salon for some snazzy new cut and color.


To keep our hair looking its best, we must use good quality products and treatments at home that can help protect and nourish our locks.


Some must-have items in our arsenal include shampoo, conditioner, and styling products such as mousse, gel, and hairspray.


These items are essential for keeping our hair looking great between salon visits.


It’s also important to use a deep conditioning treatment once a week to keep our hair healthy and hydrated.


Regular trims are necessary to keep that hot new style from the salon looking its best.


Most stylists recommend getting a trim every 6 to 8 weeks.


While it might be tempting to skip those trims, they are essential for keeping our hair looking and feeling its best.




But even with all the right products and treatments, we must remember to treat ourselves too!


So remember those regular salon trips that keep us looking fabulous.


There’s nothing like a good wash and cut to make us look and feel amazing.


So don’t forget—maintaining our hairdo as closet queens doesn’t just mean using the right products at home.


It also means treating ourselves to regular salon trips.


With these tips in mind, your hair will look fabulous quickly!




We’ve seen how the wrong hairstyle can be a deal breaker for closet queens.


Keeping abreast of fashion trends is key to stand out from the rest.


That being said, there are a few things to remember when looking for the right hairstyle: choose cuts and colors that fit your face shape and style, consider maintenance needs, and work with a hairstylist who understands your wishes.


If you follow these tips, you will probably love the look you get. So don’t wait – get ready and go!


Give yourself confidence with the perfect hairdo suitable for any closet queen. Get the best hairstyle today and show off your glam self!


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