The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers

12/07/2022 - BY L1nn

When I was first starting out as an MTF crossdresser, I made a lot of mistakes. And one of the biggest ones was choosing the wrong friends


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


As MTF crossdressers, we all know that there are some types of friends that we should avoid. These are the friends who will make fun of us or who will not accept us for who we are. These are the friends who will not support our lifestyle choices and who will only bring negative energy into our lives.


So, which friends should we avoid? Read on to find out!



Friends who are too critical and never happy


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


As a crossdresser, I’ve learned to avoid friends who are never satisfied with my appearance. You know the type—they’re always offering “helpful” criticism, pointing out every little thing they think you should change.


These friends are often well-meaning, but their constant criticism can harm your self-esteem. I had one friend who always told me that my makeup wasn’t good enough or that my clothes didn’t look right. It reached a point where I was so self-conscious about the appearance that I stopped going out in public.


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


If you have friends constantly critiquing your appearance, it’s time to distance yourself from them. Find people who will accept you for who you are and support you in your journey. You’re a crossdressing sister and deserve to be treated as such!


Friends who are not supportive


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


When I started my transition, I told one of my best friends about it. I was worried about how she would react, but I needn’t have been—she was completely supportive and even helped me pick out my first outfit!


However, not all friends will be so understanding. Some people may be unable to handle the fact that you’re Crossdresser, and they may even try to convince you to stop. These friends are not worth your time or energy, so it’s best to distance yourself from them.


 The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


Find people who will support you in your transition and accept you for who you are. These friends will be invaluable to you in your journey.


Friends who are always trying to one-up you or outdo you


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


I’m always open to healthy competition with my friends. However, some people take things too far. They’re always trying to one-up you or constantly trying to outdo you.


For example, I had a friend who would always try to buy nicer clothes than me, or she would get her hair done at a better salon. It got to the point where I stopped hanging out with her because I didn’t particularly appreciate feeling inferior all the time.


If you have friends who are always trying to one-up you, it’s time to distance yourself from them. Find people who are comfortable in their skin and don’t need to compare themselves to others constantly. You deserve better!


One of my best strategies for cutting such friends off is to –


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


Be honest with them about how their behavior makes you feel. They’re not worth your time or energy if they can’t acknowledge you for who you are.


Distance yourself gradually. Spend less and less time with them until you don’t have any contact with them anymore.


Unfriend them on social media, or block their number if necessary. It’s essential to protect yourself from negativity.


Friends who are judgmental and unsupportive


 The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


As a crossdresser, I have undoubtedly come across all sorts of people in your journey. Some are kind and accepting, while others can be downright harmful. In this blog post, I’ll outline the kind of friends to avoid as an MTF crossdresser. So, if you want to attain the most of your transition, keep reading!


One of the worst types of people you can meet as a crossdresser is judgmental and unsupportive. These friends will make you feel bad about yourself, and they may even try to convince you to give up on your transition.


 The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


If you have judgmental and unsupportive friends, it’s time to distance yourself from them. Find people who will accept you for who you are and support you in your journey.


Friends who are constantly critiquing your appearance


 The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


As a crossdresser, one of the toughest things to deal with is people who are constantly critiquing your appearance. It can be very encouraging, especially when you’re first starting. They can also make you doubt your own beauty if you are not keen.


As a sissy, I want to look my best at all times. However, some friends can’t help but point out every little flaw. For example, they might say that my lipstick is smudged or that my dress is too tight.


I cut such friends off because I realized they were not my friends. They’re just people who get a kick out of putting others down.


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


Friends who don’t accept you for who you are


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


As an MTF crossdresser, one of the essential things in my life is to be accepted for who I am. Unfortunately, not everyone will accept you, and that’s okay.


Some friends don’t understand your Crossdressing, and they may even try to convince you to stop your transition. However, it’s important to remember that this is your life, and you have the right to live it how you want.


I’ve had friends who stopped talking to me after I came out as a crossdresser. It hurts, but I know it’s their loss, not mine. I walked away from those relationships because I deserved better.


Friends who make you feel bad about yourself


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


My greatest desire as a drag queen is to make people feel good about themselves. However, some friends have a way of making you feel bad about yourself.


My recent encounter with such a friend was when she started to talk about my weight. She said I had gained a few pounds and needed to “do something about it.”


Her words hurt me, but I knew she didn’t mean them. She was trying to make herself feel better by putting me down.


I decided to terminate the friendship because I realized she wasn’t my friend. She was just someone who made me feel bad about myself, and I didn’t need that in my life.


You, too, can learn to recognize these people, and you can avoid them by distancing yourself. Find friends who will make you feel good about yourself and support you in your journey. You deserve nothing less!


Friends who don’t respect your privacy


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


As an MTF crossdresser, I must be careful about who I tell about my crossdressing. Not everyone is accepting, and some people can even be dangerous.


I’ve had friends who didn’t respect my privacy and would tell other people about my Crossdressing without my permission. This often put me in dangerous situations, and I had to end those friendships for my safety.


Finding friends who respect your privacy and only share information about you with your permission is crucial. Your safety should always be a priority.


The Kind of Friends to Avoid as Mtf Crossdressers


There are definitely types of friends you want to avoid as an MTF crossdresser. You don’t need people in your life who are constantly putting you down or trying to make you feel like less than a woman. Find supportive, open-minded friends who will accept you for who you are – even if they don’t understand your journey. And if all else fails, remember that you can always count on me – I’m here to support you every step of the way! Leave me a comment below letting me know what kind of friends YOU avoid as an MTF crossdresser.


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