The 7 Best Cuckold Stories That Will Leave You Intrigued

06/25/2024 - BY jiasuo




Do you have a thing for exploring some of the deeper, more complex sides of human sexuality? Then you’re probably familiar with cuckold stories. For those who aren’t, let me initiate you. Cuckold’s stories typically revolve around themes of power dynamics, jealousy, and sexual fantasies. One partner, (usually the guy or the supposedly “dominant” partner) gets turned on by their partner being intimate with someone else. Sounds wild, right? Because it is. The amount of cuckold stories and porn is astonishing. But that’s only because there’s a demand for them.



Why Do People Like Cuckold Stories



Cuckold stories are erotic for their taboo nature. Plus, it’s a fantasy most don’t want to happen to them, so they make do with reading others’ experiences or watching videos about it. There’s just something endlessly intriguing about these tales.


Cuckold Stories You Should Read Now



Cuckold isn’t a favorite trope of mine, but I do venture outside of my usual reading tags and have read a good amount under the #Cuckold. So, buckle up because I’m gonna share my top 7 cuckold stories that’ll definitely leave you wanting more.


Eric’s Cucked by ericdimwitty


erick's cuck 


All of a sudden the guilt hit her again – she had basically forgotten I existed. She realized his dick was still in her hand, and as bad as she felt, she wasn’t ready to let go of it yet


“Yeah, this isn’t gonna happen again though.” she said “Thanks for letting me play with this but I need to be a good girlfriend again” she wiggled his now softening, but still impressive, dick.


“Right for sure” Carlos said, semi-sincerely “but let me know when you want another taste… or for me to return the favor.”


“Stop” she giggled “I told you I’m loyal, remember?”


crossdress Roanyer


Eric’s college girlfriend hooks up with his roommate Carlos who’s got a bigger package. While she’s feeling guilty at first, she gets caught up in the moment and kind of forgets about Eric.


The story ends with her trying to return to being a “good girlfriend” after their encounter, but Carlos leaves the door open for future fun.


There’s still a second part, but this story fairly explains how he got a cuck fetish. Still, the main themes here are about temptation and the excitement of pushing boundaries.


You get to see the internal struggle between feeling guilty and giving in to pure, raw desire, which is something a lot of people can relate to, even if they don’t want to admit it.


I liked it because it makes you think about your own boundaries and what’s truly important in a relationship. Plus, it’s spicy as hell and keeps you on edge.


The Cuckold’s Confession by peterpaulplay


cuckhold confession 

It is true. No matter how sick or pervert I can be, I dream about watching you fucking another man. It is a fantasy that eats my mind, makes my dick hard often, and forces me to bite my tongue to avoid mentioning it.


If that intro didn’t hook you already, I don’t know what will! This cuckold, as the writer and narrator, shares his perspective as being someone who’s into his wife boning other men.


At first, it’s just a fantasy, but then it actually happens. He’s like, wait a minute, do I really want to see this? Spoiler: Yes, he does.


The story stood out to me as I read all about the cuckold husband’s raw emotion and honesty. You feel his excitement, jealousy, and ultimate acceptance. It’s got this gritty, real-life undertone.


Raging Hormones by Lifestyle 66




“I need a cock, Dave, and yours is great when it’s there. But you need a stunt cock to help me through this! I can’t take it anymore. I have a few more weeks to go before these pellets wear off! And I can find a solution waiting for me …”


A cuckold story about a married couple who discovered their love for cuckolding. It started when the post-menopause wife (Carla) started taking “pellets” to answer her husband’s (Dave) need for sex.


The pellets granted this married couple great sex on demand until Carla wanted more but this time, it was Dave who couldn’t perform.


I honestly didn’t like this story at first since it started with a jackass husband demanding sex as if it’s something Carla owes him.


But I love revenge stories so the second part of Raging Hormones made up for it! The second part is all about Carla and her liberation through enjoying sex.


Hotwife Challenge by Isabella


trans living 

“The fulfillment of our fantasy with the handyman had him buzzing with an unprecedented arousal that broke through his inhibitions. He gave my pussy a quick, small lick to familiarize himself with the taste. I could tell he found it a bit unpleasant by his facial expression but that soon gave way to a smile of accomplishment. He licked along the length of my slit until his tongue had cleaned the crusty leftover of the handyman.


“C’mon, I think you can still get some warm, sloppy seconds,” I said, helping him on top of me in the missionary position.



This cuckold story takes dares to the next level. A husband challenges his wife to fulfill his cuckold fantasy: Have the handyman fuck his wife while he watches (and eventually get so turned on he fucks his wife right after the handyman’s finished with her.)


There are cuckold couples who prefer strangers to fuck their significant others to make the fantasy more palpable. This whole story is like a cheap porno, with the husband as the director. It’s a classic read about stereotypical cuckold pairs.


Wife Ruined by cukydreams


sexual crossdresser 

He didn’t dare look into the bounders eyes as they all snickered at him waiting for his slut to come out. Dressed only in a jacket from the club she weakly walked out. Chris helped her to the car and put her inside. Before he could get in the car Reginald walked up to him.


“Hey Chris, thanks for letting us destroy your wife.” as he handed him a DVD. Written in black sharpie read “Why your wife doesn’t like your cock anymore.”


I’ll be honest— this one’s a bit wonky with grammar and punctuation but stories are for everyone. Even if your English isn’t great, sharing your talent with others is already a feat!


As you can pick up from the excerpt, it’s about a wife who had a wild night with her husband’s friends and they recorded it to show the husband.


I had to include a cheating cuckold story. It’s to show you that there are couples out there who started their cuckold journey with a cheating partner. The results will differ for everyone, but it can also be a way to discover a kink.


It’s also a peak at the drawbacks of cuckolding. Reading this cuckold story will give you a realistic view of what to consider if you want to be a cuck.


Cucked by Wife at a Party by Anne



I was so drunk. It was my fault. She was too. But annoyingly drunk where she starts to openly flirt in front of me. Most guys would get all macho but I can’t and what’s the point as it doesn’t get me anywhere…So I’m so pissed and she’s chatting and I was desperately trying to stay awake but I was all over the place. Yes, it’s my fault. I was dragged to a room and passed out on the floor…


It’s about an hour or so later and I woke up, really confused. I knew I was in a room but a couple were in there and my god were they having fun!


So he climbs onto the bed and without stopping is moving the girl’s face round to suck him. Yes you guessed, it’s only my bloody wife on the bed!!!!!!


I have no way to verify if this Quora answer is real or not. It’s about a cuckold husband who passed out at a party and woke up with her wife bouncing on his gym buddy’s you-know-what.


Oh, and there’s not only one but two of them as another walks in through the door. He briefly contemplates what he’ll do, but these guys’ packages are much bigger than him so he feels pathetic.




In the end, he pretended to still be asleep as he watched everything happen. He doesn’t dare to let them know he’s watching because one, he knows his life has this second life, and two, it made him horny.


In this cuckold story, the narrator spills one of his humiliating experiences like he’s talking about the weather. All good for him though, since he discovered he has a thing for humiliation play.


In the comments about this answer, another cuckold also shared his lifestyle and defended it. Meanwhile, another jab at his wife’s feelings about him.


She Deserves Bigger & Better! by Pete334402




While waiting, we started chatting about the evening (that’s when I found out Kofi’s name). I teased Jess about how much she seemed to enjoy his company and how she’d spent all night with another man, a black man to boot!


Jess got quite apologetic at this point, thinking I was mad at her. She went on about what a brilliant mover he was and how funny he was, a real charmer!


Back in our room, Jess wanted a shower, saying how sweaty she was, but I made her wait, saying as I stripped off, “How bloody horny I was watching her flaunt herself with her Big Black Cock friend all night!”




This cuckold story shows a healthy, natural progression of a pair to choosing cuckolding. The protagonist knows his wife deserves so much more and he couldn’t give it to her because of his work schedule and, well, cock size.


So, he starts setting up situations for her to be with other men who he believes are better endowed and more skilled.


This tale is hot, no doubt, but it also emphasizes the feelings of those who choose the cuckolding lifestyle. It plays into the idea of self-sacrifice and devotion but in a really twisted way.


The guy believes that letting his wife have these experiences will make her happier and thus strengthen their bond.





So there you have it, my top 7 cuckold stories that are sure to leave you intrigued and wanting. Each of these stories offers a unique glimpse into the world of cuckolding, why individuals do it, the feelings involved, and more.


Do you have any favorites of your own? Drop a comment and let’s chat!

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