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What Is HRT and Whom Is it For?

07/01/2022 - BY rachel

It is a well-known fact that many transgender individuals start crossdressing. The mannerisms and tastes acquired through a lifetime may be the manifestation of something else. Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT, is a medical treatment to affirm one’s gender expression. In this article, we are going to talk all about this almost magical transformation.


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


There are many reasons why men and women crossdress. We have seen this in previous posts. But for some, it is more than just expressing their feminine side. For many crossdressing are the first steps toward the confirmation of their gender. Join me to learn all about HRT and whether it is for you or not!



1. What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


As you may know, humans are a bunch of chemical substances regulated by electric impulses. Some of these chemical compounds are responsible for our physical appearance among many other things. These are hormones and also have a great impact on the development of sexual organs. Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment by which any hormonal imbalance in your body can be treated. Many procedures follow the same guidelines, all aimed to treat a different cause. Menopause, impotence, hair loss, to name a few.


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


There is also a specific treatment to reaffirm one’s gender through this method. Its basis is dealing with the unwanted natural hormones in the body and replacing them with some pills that have the opposite effect. Because this site is mostly dedicated to Male-to-Female crossdressing and transformations, we are going to delve deep into Feminizing Hormone Therapy.


2. What Is Feminizing Hormone Therapy?


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


Feminizing Hormone Therapy is a medical treatment that uses female hormones to deal with the effects of the naturally produced testosterone in the body. On top of that, male hormone blockers help neutralize the effects of the unwanted chemicals. All in all, this produces overall changes not only physical but mental too. Shrinkage of male genitalia, growing breasts and hair, and a general redistribution of the corporal fat tissue are some of the visible effects.


3. Who Is This Treatment For?


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


This treatment is an option for transwomen, intersex, and non-binaries alike. It is intended for those that wish to get rid of most masculine traits and develop feminine ones. Feminizing hormone therapy is a well-known treatment for gender dysphoria. In simpler words, FHT is for all those that feel their appearance doesn’t match their authentic gender. If you always wanted to sport feminine attributes, then maybe this is for you.


4. The Changes That FHT Produces


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For



Many changes come when one goes through feminizing hormone therapy. From the outside, the physical ones are the more visible but not the only ones. The female hormones and testosterone blockers that are prescribed for this treatment will also have effects on your mind. Some of these substances include anti-androgens, estrogen, and progesterone. The following are some of the changes that the combined intake of these medications produces:


  • Shrinkage of the male genitalia.


  • Decreased muscle mass production.


  • Lower libido.


  • Less frequent erections.


  • Thinning of body hair.


  • Breast development.


  • Increased growth of hair in your head.


  • Softer skin.


5. How Can I Start Feminizing Hormone Therapy?


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


If you have decided that this treatment is for you, hooray! Now that the path is clear, the next thing to do is to consult with specialists. To avoid unwanted complications and achieve better results faster, medical consultation is mandatory. First of all, ask your physician for confidence, if you have one, to guide you through the steps of this treatment. A psychiatrist consultation is also in order, since the hormonal imbalances may cause a negative reaction in your mood.


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


Of course, you should visit an endocrinologist, a specialist in hormones and their effects on the body. Last but not least, a psychologist that accompanies you through the whole process, even before you start taking any medications, is a great anchor for your mental health.


6. Preparing for Feminizing Hormone Therapy


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


If you already called any of the specialists mentioned before, you may be well on your way! In case you haven’t, these are some things you may wanna consider before you start:


● Revision of your medical history:


Because this is a medical treatment, doctors need to know your medical history. Either to prevent negative reactions or to assure proper results, this step is key. Surely the first doctor that you see will tell you more about this.


● Patient awareness:


Anyone must have all the proper information before undergoing any treatment. You must be well aware of the implications this treatment has. Reading this article is a great start, but don’t forget to consult medical specialists.


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


● Physical tests:


Along with your medical history, some protocolar tests are required. A blood panel, a liver check, and a urinalysis are the most standard ones.


● Mental health diagnosis:


Before undergoing FHT, many doctors will ask for a confirmed gender dysphoria diagnosis. You can talk with a psychiatrist or psychologist about it. That’s why it is best to start consulting with a mental health expert.


7. How Does This Treatment Work?


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


There are many ways the hormone intake can be administered. Each of them has a specific purpose and intensity. Depending on your lifestyle and requirements, the doctor will assign you the proper amount and form of administration. Patches, pills, creams, and injections are the most common forms of hormonal replacement intake. Once your body gets accustomed to small doses of the chemical compounds, your doctor will increase the dosage. After a while, your body will achieve the desired feminizing results and the intake need will be lower. This is a common practice to avoid complications during the treatment.


8. How Soon Will I Notice Changes?


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


Each body functions in its own way and this makes it difficult to predict how long will pass before you notice any changes. Generally, it takes between 18 to 24 months to see the full effect of FHT. But smaller changes can be noticed as soon as two weeks after starting the treatment.


9. What Are the Risks of FHT and How to Lower Them?


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


Like with any other medical treatment, some risks can be a product of FHT. Some of them include:


  • High blood pressure.


  • Deep vein thrombosis.


  • Low blood pressure.


  • Water retention.


  • Osteoporosis.


  • Hyperglycemia.


To lower the risks of the treatment there are some very basic and intuitive things you should vow by. First, follow your specialist(s) instructions at all times. They know what they are dealing with. If at any moment you sense a shady feeling coming from a doctor, don’t feel coerced and ask for a second opinion. You should always seek consultation from experts in transgender help. Last but not least, respect your follow-up consultations to make sure everything is going according to plan.


10. When to Consult a Specialist During FHT?


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


Some negative side effects can appear while undergoing FHT. It is best advised to ask your doctor if any of the following symptoms appear:


  • Dizziness.


  • Swelling and hives.


  • Bulging eyes.


  • Itchy skin.


  • Pain in your joints.


  • General tiredness and muscle weakness.


  • Jaundice (yellowish skin or eyes).


What Is HRT and Whom Is it For


To avoid further complications, you should visit your doctor as soon as any of these side effects appear.


This is a general guideline as to what to expect from hormone replacement therapy. I hope it is clear enough so you can learn the basics about FHT. Remember to check with specialists in the area to guide you through your gender affirmation! There are other more invasive procedures to enhance your feminine features, but let’s leave that for another post! I hope you are all doing well and taking care of yourselves! See you soon, lovelies!


Written by Tina Munova.

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