The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it

03/16/2022 - BY rachel

Envy is not a trait that solely appears in crossdressers but rather in everyone.


Comparing your body to some unrealistic standards can do a great deal of harm to the mental health of everyone.


For crossdressers, it can be devastating, taking into account that we aim for a feminine-looking body that doesn’t naturally occur.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


This is why keeping our expectations realistic, and with an acute point of view, we can use this to our advantage.


Jealousness is a double-edged sword that can help us progress and define our path as it can undermine our way.




Not being jealous of something or someone is difficult sometimes.


But usually, when we see the bigger picture, we realize there’s a silver lining to it.


If you want to know what I think the best ways to overcome this feeling are, keep reading!



1. Exploring the Feeling of Being Jealous


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


This dreadful sensation often occurs when we see someone has achieved (or looks like they did)  or naturally possesses something we aspire to or want. This can be almost anything.


Whether a partner, a car, or, for most crossdressers, femininity.


This feeling can lead you to feel like you are lacking something to reach your desired state.


For many of us, a feminine-looking body and manners.


This is not something that you can achieve overnight, but rather with time and compromise with our objective.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


As a confession, I kind of always envied the feminine anatomy as a whole.


It is truly amazing to the extent that it exceeds the reach of this article.


The point is that I always wondered what it would be like if I were born with a different gender.


But this feeling that I know is very common within the crossdressing and trans community should be the fuel to keep our engines running.


Do you want to sport a bubble butt? Choose a training routine for developing your glutes and stick to it.


Are you worried the hormones are taking too long to show results? Ask your doctor about it and be patient.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


Even though sometimes it looks like it, there’s no magical recipe that has instant results.


Comparing yourself to others is not easy because you don’t know the full picture.


What we can do is find inspiration in those who work and fight for their dream life.


Accepting your starting point wherever you are in the path of femininity will help you plan the next steps.


Once you realize that you are a unique and beautiful human being, you start to accept and love yourself.


There’s nothing to feel ashamed of for whatever you feel inside all these flesh and bones.


Walking down this path of loving acceptance of oneself, one can transform all the envy into something more beautiful: change.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


When you see someone achieving something you desire, you transform this disgusting feeling into happiness for that person and inspiration to do it yourself.


You begin to challenge yourself to achieve whatever you are looking for, and in doing so, you will be taking all the steps towards the right direction, the direction of self-improvement.


2. Self-improvement is a Mantra


No matter what your desires are, there is only one life we know of to achieve them.


In the path of continuous self-improvement, we not only look towards a brighter future, but we also build it every day.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


Enjoy the path of reassuring your unique point of view to this life and share it.


Crossdressing is a special kind of lifestyle, and everyone in this community sure is as well.


You can try socializing through social media, you will find that you are not as alone as one often thinks it is.


You can find a loving and friendly environment in Reddit forums if you are ready to take this important step.


Knowing how others process the same emotions you are going through will help you see the brighter side and have a more realistic approach to any situation.


It also helps us get rid of many common fears like transitioning or coming out.


Our outlook on anything that we know little of will always be coerced by our ignorance of the subject.


If you are an anxious person, this can make a deadly cocktail for your mental health.


Talking with others who have gone through the same as we help bring light into the mists.


Be kind and good to everyone; they have their worries and problems, too.


Not everything is as it seems in social media.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


Whether you want to change jobs or walk further down the path of femininity, it is in your power to do so, despite how hard it may seem.


When you begin taking whatever steps you can, no matter how little it may seem, you start making little achievements that lead to big ones.


Be proud of each step you take towards the goal you set for yourself.


Has the working routine shown results? Be proud of them and keep at it.


In case it hasn’t, it probably has something to do with the frequency, or maybe you started recently.


Keep your determination and hopes up, and you will get there.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


Are you going through an HRT, and you feel your skin feel smoother? Lighten up!


Every step can and should be celebrated and held in high regard.


You are the one taking yourself to the end of the line, and you will get there however you choose to do so.


3. Appreciate Your Achievements


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


Mastering walking with your first set of heels, coming out to someone, losing a pound or two, gathering the courage to go out, or booking a visit to the salon.


As simple as they may seem, there are many that because of whatever reason you choose, haven’t got around to doing.


What you may think is insignificant; for others, it can be quite the opposite.


When we feel jealous, we are focusing on something that we don’t possess rather than on whatever we do have.


Not only is this dangerous by itself, but also we are denying one of the most powerful traits we have as humans.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


And what we all have is the possibility to change our futures towards the ones that we desire. Indeed, it may not be the same for everyone.


Every human being is different and traverses life in its way.


We must be grateful that we have the chance to appreciate others and their achievements and work on our own.


Making this shift of mentality can be hard at times, but the harsh truth is that we don’t work to achieve happiness; no one’s going to do it for us.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


Love the person you are and the path that you take.


Love the little and big steps that brought you to where you are now and face every day trying always to achieve something else.


Be proud of how you feel and enjoy yourself.


4. Learn to Forgive Yourself


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


Don’t be too hard on yourself.


Seriously, there are times when one must admit that it is time to step down the gas a bit but be forgiving with yourself.


It is hard sometimes, I know; forgiveness is an important part of love.


It would be best if you practiced it with you as you do with others.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


Realizing that you made a mistake is a common feeling that everyone has in their lives.


Human beings are capable of bringing themselves down with destructive thoughts.


Feeling bad about it and beating yourself down on it won’t do anything to solve it.


First, forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness if any third party deserves it.


Avoid making the same mistake again, and ask for help if you think you are stumbling over the same stone over and over.


You were slouching and didn’t work out?


Please don’t torture yourself over it and organize your times better so you don’t miss any more training days.


Feel like it is too difficult to do your make-up?


Look for different styles than the one(s) you are trying and practice more.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


Sometimes, we set our goals too high, making them unrealistic and hard to reach in little time.


It is okay for us to dream big, but we can’t let them undermine our way to them.


Every day brings new opportunities to make our wishes come true that we must seize.


The Harsh Feeling Envy for Crossdressers and How to Overcome it


Being jealous of others leads nowhere good. It makes us focus on all things in life with negative energy and holds us back from our true potential.


When you learn to appreciate yourself and your achievements, you begin to see the bigger picture and build an even happier future.


By setting your mind, body, and energy towards it you can accomplish anything that you propose yourself.


You are not unique in how you are right now, but you become more special every day that passes by with love for yourself and others.


Keep shining your light!



Learn More:


How to Overcome Envy and Comparison : MTF Transgender / Crossdressing Tips





Written by Tina Munova.

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