Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


As cross-dressers, we specialize in makeup techniques that feminize our faces as a whole.


In our search to achieve the perfect feminine face, we get familiar with many different makeup products.


Each one aimed for a different effect. The goal is to feminize as many of our facial features as possible.


One of the most important features to be feminized is our lips, hence the vast use of lipsticks.


But how do you know which lipstick is better for each occasion?


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


With so many options of tones and colors, one may get confused with a certain ease.


You may, however, find a use for all of them if you consider the circumstances.


Nude tones, for example, might be a good choice for a professional look, while red is more effective in terms of feminization.


Black and other darker tones are stylish, while pink is quite versatile.


But don’t forget about gradients and ombre looks, as they are good for expressive effect.




Through this article, I hope to show you how to choose your tones according to your goals.


Each day is a different day for a cross-dresser, and adapting your look to the circumstances is essential.



1. Nude tones


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


This option is better suited for trans people and full-time cross-dressers who go to work en femme.


The thing with nude tones is that they draw little attention but may feminize you to a particular effect.


Think of that as a lip equivalent to foundation and contours.


You may use it to shape and define your lips, making them more feminine.


But it’s a pretty discreet method instead of a flashy one.


If you don’t be careful, you may conceal your lips too much instead of feminizing them.


Therefore, I recommend you choose a slightly darker tone than your skin tone.


The idea is to contrast your lips and keep them looking natural altogether.


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


As for the situations, I like to think of nude tones as perfect for worktime and formal or official circumstances.


The same applies to job interviews and appointments, as all of them are situations in which flashy tones may be inappropriate.


But it doesn’t mean that you can’t look feminine or beautiful during these occasions, and that’s how nude tones help you.


Besides that, we can say they also fit in almost every situation if that’s all you want to achieve.


It makes such neutral tones versatile and somewhat reliable.


2. Red


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


Red is a well-known lipstick tone among cross-dressers. It evokes femininity and helps our lips to stand out.


Besides that, it creates an overall girly and passionate look on most faces, as long as you get it right.


Combining a vivid red tone with a lip gloss may make your lips look more prominent.


It’s widely used, and so might grant you the ability to blend in with other women in lots of places.


With that in mind, red lipstick is a great overall choice for many people.


It has excellent feminizing potential and is suitable for most informal occasions.


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


Speaking of that, you may find red lipstick to be valid for night-outs and dates and for going out with friends in general.


One may look rather chic if one happens to choose this tone, which reduces the need for extra accessories.


In a certain way, it favors minimalistic makeup styles but is not so suitable for simple occasions.


It may be good to remark that it’s more common to see women using red lipstick during the evening to gain a more sophisticated look.


Red lipstick is better suited for cross-dressers that go out at night.


Nothing prevents you from using that during the day, although it may be a little harder to blend in.


3. Pink


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


A soft pink tone is somewhat like a midterm between red and nude tones.


It has some traits from both of them, even if that’s on a smaller scale.


What’s worth pointing out is that pink lipstick is associated with intense femininity for all ages.


Shinier and brighter tones are common among teenage girls and young adults.


Meanwhile, women above their thirties often choose a pale color scheme to represent maturity.


And pink is suitable for all of them.


Intense tones are good for outlining and feminizing your lips, while pastel ones draw less attention.


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


As such, there’s little to no restriction about when to use pink lipstick.


It’s an all-rounder that women use all the time for a variety of reasons.


If they are ever in doubt about which color to choose, pink lipstick is often the answer.


And as they are so closely tied to the idea of femininity by today’s standards, Cross-dressers may benefit even more from this choice.


It may have one of the highest feminization effects alongside red lipstick, but it still looks professional and clean.


In other words, any cross-dresser looking for a convincing transformation should consider that, especially if they want to look innocent and feminine.


4. Darker tones


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


Darker tones, in general, are used to achieve either a dramatic or powerful effect.


They are not so common in our daily lives but thrive among certain groups of people.


Black or dark blue lipstick may be a good choice if you want to fit into the gothic or e-girl stereotypes.


In that case, such tones are combined with pale makeup for more excellent contrast.


It does have a considerable feminizing effect, as it outlines your lips effectively.


However, it’s not associated with femininity so much.


The biggest downside, however, is that you may be seen as weird, if not bold.


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


I recommend the use of these tones for situations that won’t require you to dress up or change clothes too often.


You may have to compensate for the lack of feminine features with other makeup tricks and cross-dressing techniques.


It takes time and makes cross-dressing impractical in situations that would otherwise be simple.


With that in mind, dark lipsticks are better suited for themed parties, streams, and occasions that allow you some preparation time.


If you’re bold enough and manage to take your time to dress up, you may use these tones at will.


But I would recommend something more practical if you’re in a hurry.


Cross-dressers that choose this color tend to be confident, brave, and decided.


5. Ombre and gradients


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


Ombre and gradient mix different lipstick colors, mainly to the same effect.


It’s a flashy and bold choice but quite stylish if appropriately executed.


It seems that the most effective combinations rely on contrasts.


A darker tone is used as an outline for your outer lips. Generally, a tone that contrasts with your skin color.


And on the inner part, a bright tone is used, contrasting with both the outline and skin.


It requires skill and practice, but the results tend to be quite rewarding.


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


All of that extravagance makes this combination of tones well-suited for glamourous circumstances.


Gala events and fine parties may be the ideal location, as well as artistic or concept photoshoots.


Drag queens, in general, may also find this option a valuable asset for their characters whenever they want to add an extra layer of style.


It’s also worth noticing that it takes some time to do it, so save it for special occasions.


Any cross-dresser who shows up to a party wearing this kind of lipstick will show to have a unique personality, making them different from anyone else.


6. General tips for all occasions


Even though each situation calls for a different shade of lipstick, all of them may benefit from a few other techniques.


These will improve the overall feminization effect, as well as your well-being.


They are, as a whole, worth trying due to these benefits, so here we go.


● Choose a glossier finish.


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


To feminize our lips, we generally want to make them look fuller and more prominent.


In that case, give preference to lipstick with a shinier finish.


A matte finish, on the other hand, tends to make your lips look smaller and thinner.


● Use moisturizing lipsticks


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


Some lipsticks have moisturizing properties that prevent your lips from feeling dry.


If you’re still not used to wearing makeup, it may help you feel more comfortable in the lip area.


It also helps your lips to look naturally healthier and more feminine over time.


● Try a lip liner


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


A lip liner allows you to achieve sharper results and a more well-defined lip.


You may use it as a guide to determine the area you want to fill with lipstick.


It’s an excellent tool to feminize your natural lips with other outlining techniques.


● Keep your lipstick near you


Choosing a Lipstick Color for Each Occasion


Your lip makeup may need to be retouched over the day.


This is a common issue for cross-dressers who go out to drink or use their mouths in any other way.


With that in mind, always keep your lipstick in your purse in case an emergency happens.




In conclusion, we can assume that some lipstick tones are more versatile than others.


Either way, each situation calls for specific behavior.


As such, it’s possible to determine which lipstick tones are better suited for each occasion based on how they match such behaviors.


The best example here would be the nude tones as a symbol of professionalism.


In comparison, pink serves as an all-rounder because it’s associated with femininity.


But in the end, for any possible occasion, making use of some extra care steps may improve your experience.


How do you deal with such an issue?


Tell us in the comments about your experience with lipstick and which lipstick tones you prefer.



Learn More:


How to choose the perfect lipstick colour for any occasion


How to Choose a Lipstick Colour for Every Occasion



What do you consider to be the most versatile lipstick tone?


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