Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

05/09/2022 - BY jiasuo

Every crossdresser wants to have that ideal feminine body, and this can be challenging to do during the holidays. The holidays are all about indulging and giving thanks while spending time with family, but it can also be tempting to snack. It’s crucial to balance this with healthy eating and physical activities to avoid putting our health at risk. Plan to stay healthy and productive. Say no to fat and calories and achieve that feminine body.


1-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


It’s important not to let the holiday weight gain spoil our health and wellness goals. Therefore, it’s essential to set some healthy goals for the coming holidays. When it comes to anything food-related, eating in moderation is necessary. If we overeat at any time, we are likely to put on weight. However, overeating doesn’t always mean over-indulging. It can be as simple as overfilling on a particular type of food or combining different types of food. Here are more ideas for avoiding holiday weight gain: Cook and eat a healthy dish, walk or do some exercise, or play games.


When on holiday, staying on track with our fitness goals to achieve that feminine body can be impossible. All the temptations are there, especially regarding the variety of foods available. When we’re in our comfort zone, it’s even harder to be motivated to get in shape. Although there is no magic bullet, the tips in this article will help us crossdressers tackle holiday weight gain and ensure that we don’t fall off track with our health and wellness goals.



1. Don’t let holiday weight gain spoil your health and wellness goals.


2-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


We can’t help but feel festive when seeing commercials and decorations popping up in any holiday season. The holidays mean family and food, making it hard for some crossdressers to resist the feast of high-calorie foods. However, getting in shape sounds like a daunting task during these times. Having the best intentions to lose weight and stay healthy can be foiled since we often let ourselves indulge during the holidays. We have to contend with holiday parties, cookies, candy, and friends and family trying to tempt us with delicious food.


3-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


To avoid holiday weight gain, one factor is making a plan of action and sticking to it. Make sure to eat when we’re hungry and never out of boredom. Never think you need a particular food. If we need something sweet, have a handful of nuts instead of a piece of chocolate. This way, we won’t gain weight over the holiday season! Stay mindful and plan meals for the holidays. While it might be tempting to go for a few alcoholic drinks, it’s best to have a few small snacks to kill the hunger and avoid eating a couple of pounds of delicious holiday food. It’s best to incorporate foods low in calories and high in protein, fiber, and vitamins.


2. Snack wisely


4-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Eating and snacking are the best ways to celebrate, socialize and relax during the holidays. Just like any activity, snacking has the potential to be a positive or negative experience. Unfortunately, some snacks and drinks can pack on the pounds and contribute to having an unflattering layer of fat. That’s even more reason to be mindful of our snacking habits! Make sure to snack wisely to avoid gaining weight. While snacks can be incredibly convenient and help us get through the holiday, they can quickly add up and lead to weight gain. Choosing the right kind of snacks is essential to avoid going overboard.


5-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Also, we want to make sure that we control how much we are eating at any given time. Instead of taking just one plate of food and eating to our heart’s desire, take two or three small plates and divide up food equally. Also, a great snack for weight loss, for example, is cucumbers or celery sticks, which are low in calories and high in volume. Keep track of what we’re eating, and don’t go off-track by filling plates with junk food. Also, as tempting as possible, don’t go straight to dessert!


3. Observe portion sizes


6-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


We all know how it’s effortless to gain weight than lose it! And it starts by consuming fewer calories per day. If we consume more than we burn, we will gain weight. For example, if we eat 2000 calories a day but only burn 1000, we gain weight. That said, it’s important to remember that making sure we don’t overeat is essential. Portion control is key to keeping our weight in check. A pretty easy way to count how much we’re eating is to get a small plate and fill it with our meal. If it’s still too much, cut it in half. It should be more than enough to fill us up. If we know we’re going to eat more than what’s on the plate, especially on holiday, we should counter it by exercising.


7-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Observing portion size has become more prominent because larger serving sizes contribute to the growing obesity problem. It is vital to learn how to portion our food correctly so as not to gain that unwanted weight. For instance, we shouldn’t have seconds if we are already full. Portioning our food will make us feel more satisfied, and we won’t feel as hungry. To make portioning our food more manageable, we should eat our meals from salad plates, not from dinner plates.


4. Keep the meal balanced


8-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Eating healthy snacks instead of junk food will help us get the nutrition we need without overindulging. It’s not just about calories but about the ratios of the foods we eat. A crossdresser should consume a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and plenty of protein! One of the essential elements of a diet is protein. We also need to keep in mind that all the different nutrients, including minerals and vitamins, are what our body requires to function. The best way to accomplish all these is to list the healthy meals we want to make. Planning our meals can help us avoid unhealthy choices.


9-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Keeping our diet balanced is vital for ensuring we don’t gain weight. We should not forget to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables during the holiday season. These foods with nutrients and fiber help us feel full with fewer calories. Avoid fatty foods and refined sugars as much as possible. Also, it’s important to note that alcohol calories count as well.


5. Do activities with family


10-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


We’ve seen it on the news and read it in the newspaper headlines countless times. Studies have shown a substantial increase in people who gain weight during the holidays. While this is an unfortunate fact, there are several steps we can take to help avoid putting on extra pounds during this time. To beat holiday weight gain is to keep in mind that the holidays are about spending time with our family. By spending time with the family, we can have fun social events without worrying about eating. This quality time is a great way to bond and avoid overeating, which is vital to keeping our waistline in check.


11-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Overindulgence in food and overeating can result in type 2 diabetes, where the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to break down sugar in the blood. It can also develop heart disease, as it clogs the arteries. To avoid this, we can do physical activities with our family. Go on a hike, or play a pickup game of basketball together. Doing activities not only keeps us healthy but our family as well.


6. Cook a healthy dish.


12-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


The holidays are a time of love and anticipation. However, they can be a time of stress, too, especially when our body seems to be fighting us the whole way! With so many social events and parties with tasty but unhealthy food, it can be hard to avoid gaining weight during such occasions. The best way to ensure that we don’t gain any weight during the holidays is to cook our meals! We will save money by not eating out, but we’ll also ensure that we aren’t overeating processed food and staying on top of our health!


13-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain)


Baking during the holidays can be incredibly rewarding and bring out the inner domestic goddess in all of us. However, it can be tough to resist all of the foods that will be readily available to us as we get together with family and friends. By cooking a healthy dish for ourselves and our family, we can avoid gaining weight during the holidays. For example, we can make a simple dish like vegan burgers. All we need to do is cook a vegan burger in the oven and then stuff it with some vegetables like zucchini or spinach. We can also add some toppings such as avocado and healthy mayo to add a bit of extra flavor to our dish. This dish is a simple, tasty, and nutritious dish, which will make our holiday season a lot healthier.


7. Limit dessert intake


14-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain       


Last but not least, limit dessert intake. Who doesn’t love sugary cakes and drinks? It is challenging to say no to a sugary, delicious dessert on holidays, but we’re increasing our health risk and gaining that unwanted larger waist. The tastiest treats are often the worst for us, and that’s why we should never eat the whole cookie, pie, or cake.


15-Seven Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


That’s one of the easiest mistakes to make when filling up on carbs. Instead of eating a sugary treat after every meal, try limiting it to small portions. The best way to avoid gaining weight during the holidays is to limit the amount of dessert we eat. We can also try to make more sugar-free desserts! However, it’s best to avoid dessert altogether.



The holiday season often means mass amounts of food, drinks, and desserts. It’s crucial to follow the steps above not to gain weight during the holidays. We want to remember that holidays are essential, but we shouldn’t prioritize indulging in holiday dishes over self-care or our en femme goals.

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