Common Questions About Voice Feminization

12/24/2021 - BY rachel

Voice feminization is a very important aspect of crossdressing.


Makeup, shapewear, and the right outfits will make you look feminine, of course.


But if you don’t sound like a woman when you talk, the illusion will be broken.


Just imagine how it would be to hear a very masculine voice coming from a cute woman.


With that in mind, many crossdressers start voice training in order to sound more feminine.


But this kind of practice, when done wrong, can harm you or ruin your voice.


In order to practice it correctly, you must be aware of the issues and risks that it brings.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


It would be best if you learned how to equilibrate things.


That’s because practicing with too much intensity may be bad for your vocal chords.


It would be best if you also learned the right techniques to avoid a falsetto sound.


There’s much more to it than simply raising your pitch, as you want to sound like a girl, not a child.


If you happen to ruin your voice, it’s still possible to find your natural tone again.


However, it’s unwise to practice all by yourself.




The objective of this article is to help you avoid any possible detour while practicing your voice.


That’s to make sure your training goes well and that you can feminize your voice without problems.



1. Does voice feminization ruin your original voice? Or is there any harm?


It depends. If you start to practice by yourself, without any kind of guidance, the chances of harming your vocal chords are quite high.


What you have to do is to keep informed and avoid misconceptions.


Only scientific methods will work the way they should and are safe for your chords.


You must respect time and be patient, as there’s no miracle involved.


Achieving a convincing female voice requires practice, and it takes time.


If you decide to rush or to try alternative unproven methods, you’re risking harm to your vocal chords or at least getting a sore throat.


We call that a blind practice.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


The best thing you can do is to arrange a consistent practice schedule.


Start from the basics with easy exercises and gradually progress to the more advanced stuff.


If you take your time to practice following these rules, success will be granted.


You’ll be able to keep your original voice intact and change it into a convincing feminine one whenever you want.


You’ll only experience side effects if you do a blind practice.


It’s a lot like taking singing classes, where you’d learn how to use each cavity.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


And such as learning how to sing voice feminization can be taught.


There are many voice instructors out there, some specializing in transfeminine people, and I encourage you to find one.


Training with a tutor is way better than training alone.


You’ll get results twice as fast and with less than half of the detours.


2. What kind of people can practice voice feminization?


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


Well, almost anyone. Many crossdressers and transfeminine people do that.


Their age and skill vary, yet they don’t give up and keep up with the training.


Both men and women can do voice feminization training, but there are a few restrictions.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


First, due to the intensity of the practice, people with injuries in their vocal chords should avoid it.


If you practice this kind of exercise, chances are that your condition will get worse.


That’s because you’ll be putting too much effort into your chords, which might be fragile or sensitive.


A possible side effect, in this case, is your natural voice becoming too hoarse or inaudible.


If you plan on doing that but have any kind of injuries in your throat, talk to a phonologist.


Medical assistance is required in order to prevent you from pushing your limits.


So, if you have any injuries in your vocal chords, you shouldn’t practice by yourself, as that would be too risky.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


Another recommendation is to wait until puberty is over to start practicing.


It’s different for each person, but on average, it lasts from 12 to 18 years old.


During this period, it’s common to experience a lot of changes in our bodies.


These changes include our voice, which goes through a lot of transformations.


With that in mind, it’s difficult to practice voice feminization during puberty since your results will change as well.


But it’s nothing more than a recommendation, and nowadays, many children and teenagers practice it.


3. What should I do if I harm my voice while practicing voice feminization?


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


If you ever happen to forget these guidelines, you may end up harming your voice.


So, what happens if you force your vocal chords to such a degree that you can’t go back to your natural voice?


Well, a quite simple and practical method is to whisper.


Start whispering, and gradually start to speak louder until you reach your natural voice.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


Try to keep your mouth in a round shape, like a cylinder, while you do that.


If you feel that you’re lacking air, breathe slowly and pull down the air in a way that it goes through your throat.


Speak a few sentences, for a few minutes if needed, until you get the grip of your natural voice.


After that, you can try a thing called “bubble sound.”


This technique consists of doing a “brbrbr” or “bubble” sound with your lips for about one minute.


It helps to massage and relax your vocal cords.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


4. Which kind of register should I use for voice training?


By raising your pitch and stretching the vocal cords, you’ll achieve the falsetto register.


Because of its high pitch, some people think that’s how you achieve a feminine voice.


This is a common misconception.


If you train your falsetto, you’ll be stretching the cords without providing the proper pressure.


As a result, you’ll sound like a child and risk harming your throat.


You need to practice in the same register you use to speak every day, the modal register.


It helps you to achieve a more natural voice, and doesn’t push your cords to the limit.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


But you may be asking, how do I increase my pitch with the modal voice register?


Is it even possible? Well, it is.


What you have to do is to change the position of your laryngeal cartilage.


Your larynx has a set of 9 different cartilages, but don’t worry because you can use your Adam’s apple as a reference.


If you learn how to move it, you’ll be able to position your laryngeal cartilage in a way that raises your pitch.


The ideal amount is to raise your cartilage about two-thirds of the height above where it was before.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


Also, keep in mind that a pseudo-feminine voice benefits from the use of two cavities to resonate: the nasal and the oral.


This way, pull your Adam’s apple up until you feel that the sound is coming out from both your mouth and nose.


5. Is it better to learn through intensive practice?


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


No, intense practice won’t lead you anywhere.


If you practice your voice through intensive exercises without proper rest, you’ll harm your vocal cords.


And chances are that your natural voice will be ruined as well.


The best thing to do is to take your time to learn and practice.


Voice feminization tires your vocal cords and your throat, so you have to rest between each exercise.


A good way to do so is through the bubble sound.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


Another useful technique to help you relax after a training session is to drink warm milk with sugar and cinnamon or a spoonful of warm honey.


It warms your throat and lubricates the cords as well.


In addition to that, it’s good to drink as much water as possible during the practices.


Keeping your throat well hydrated and moisturized is key to keeping it free from harm while you train your voice feminization.


It shows us how important it is to equilibrate things when we try to learn a new skill.


It requires patience in order to do it correctly.


Be calm, and allow yourself some rest in between sessions.


With time, you’ll develop a convincing feminine voice without side effects.


Common Questions About Voice Feminization


Voice feminization can be a complex task.


It’s common to see crossdressers afraid of it since they fear harming their natural voice.


However, it only happens to those who do it the wrong way.


You’ll be fine as long as you stick to scientifically proven methods and avoid pushing your boundaries.


Each person has their learning rate, which should be respected in order to learn things healthily.


But learning rates tend to be faster once you find a proper tutor to guide you.


They point out whatever you do wrong, and help you to correct it.


Remember to rest and take proper care of your throat, and you won’t have any problem feminizing your voice.


But remember to practice for at least a few minutes every day.


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Common Questions About Voice Feminization


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