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Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?

12/15/2022 - BY L1nn

When does it all begin? For some sisters, crossdressing is a lifelong dream. It’s something they discovered later in life for others, i. For most of us crossdressers, like me, it stemmed from childhood. But no matter where you fall on the spectrum, you can be sure of one thing. Crossdressing is a safe place for you to explore your identity and your sexuality.


Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


“How did this all begin?” For many crossdressers, the answer may be that they have been hiding their true selves from others for so long that they didn’t even know where it began. Others may have been born into a family where there was no one to talk about feelings or emotions with. So acting on them was not encouraged or even possible. Still, others might have had parents who wanted their children to be like everyone else in their community. Therefore, no one talked about anything except the rules of society and how those rules applied to everyday life.  For some sisters, it happens in childhood; for others, in adulthood. But no matter when it happens, it’s important to be true to yourself.


Regardless of when or what sparked your interest in crossdressing, it is important to remember that there are many sisters out there who share your interests and experiences. You are not alone! It isn’t always easy to navigate life as a crossdresser but if you know who you are nothing will hold you back.





 Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


Every crossdressing story has its beginning. Usually, the most common first memory of crossdressing is from a young age. It might be something as innocent as putting on your mom’s high heels, or maybe it was when you were caught playing with her makeup. Either way, the first memory of crossdressing is usually something that you can’t forget about.


 Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


Whether you were dressing up as a fairy or pretending to be a princess, your first experience with crossdressing was probably fun and exciting. You may have been too young to realize what it is at the time. As kids, we were allowed to wear dresses and skirts without so much as a raised eyebrow. We didn’t even realize what crossdressing was until later on in life when we realize society’s norms.


 Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


When I was a kid, I used to watch my mom dress up in her finery every day before work. She always looked so beautiful, and I wanted to be just like her. She would wear her lipstick and perfume and put on her makeup with care. I remember being mesmerized by the way she did this—it was an art form for her, and one that made her feel empowered and beautiful.

As a child, I didn’t understand why my mother would spend so much time on herself. But when she got ready for work each morning, she always looked fabulous. It wasn’t until later in life that I realized that she was dressing up for herself—not for anyone else or even because it was expected of her. I think of this as a lesson that we can all take into adulthood: You should never stop being true to yourself!


Teenage years


 Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


Sometimes it’s during the teenage years that shape our knowledge in crossdressing. It is often said that the first step toward adulthood is discovering who you are, and for some sisters, this means that during the teenage years you discovered who you truly are. During that time, your knowledge about sexuality and gender expression expands.


 Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


As a teenager, you may feel like you can’t express yourself without looking like everyone else.


It’s when you first realize that you have the desire to dress as the opposite gender, and often it can be quite confusing. Dressing in clothing that doesn’t fit the norms can be very liberating and exciting. Crossdressing gives you the opportunity to explore your creativity and express yourself in ways that are not always allowed by society.


Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


For other crossdressers, it involves simply accepting what they already are. Some start off with a deep curiosity about what it’s like to wear women’s clothing, while others might have discovered their love for femininity at an early age. Some crossdressers may even have come from a family of crossdressers! Wherever your journey begins, it’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to become a crossdresser. Each sister’s experience is different and unique.


Social and peer pressures


 Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


In the early stages of life, most children are gender-neutral. We enjoy activities that are considered feminine or masculine by society. But as we grow older, we start to conform to what society deems normal. We become more aware of our gender roles and how they differ from those around us. This can lead to confusion as we try to fit into boxes that don’t really fit us well at all.


 Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


We also learn how to behave as our gender dictates. In addition to these social pressures, children are also influenced by their peers during these crucial developmental years. One reason why one may start crossdressing is because of peer pressure or social pressure. If your friends are doing it, you will also want to do it too. Your friends might encourage you to wear clothes which usually girls wear.


 Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


For some crossdressers, it may be the feeling of being a woman brings them joy. Others may have an interest in wearing women’s clothing. Because they feel like they can relate to women better when they are dressed up as one. Whatever your reason is, we can say that everyone has their own reason for dressing up like this! The excitement of wearing something different from your usual attire is what drives many sisters to wear clothes that are unconventional by society’s standards. The freedom given by wearing a dress or skirt is incomparable and makes you feel more confident about yourself than any other type of clothing can give you!




Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


When you have acknowledged your love for crossdressing this is where it will start manifesting in your life. Once you have accepted who you are, then your journey can begin! What does that mean? It means that you’re going to start seeing things differently. You are the one who decides when it’s time to take that first step and start exploring your inner self, your true identity. You may want to start by buying some breast forms and getting a wig, and maybe some shapewear as well. In this sense, crossdressing is no different from any other part of your life: it is a choice that you make every day. It’s an act of self-expression, a way for you to express what’s inside of yourself and feel comfortable with it.


Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


It all starts with one simple question: who are you? If crossdressing is something that makes you feel good, there’s zero reasons to hide it. When you know who you are, and what it is that makes your heart sing, then you can begin to unfold right before your eyes. Once you have an idea of who you are, it’s time to start practicing. Start small—start by wearing some high heels around the house or at work before going out in public. You can even start with something as simple as putting on makeup while looking in the mirror! Crossdressing is a journey, and the first step on that journey is acknowledging your love for it—and then letting it guide the rest of your life!


Practicing crossdressing


 Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


The first step in coming to terms with your crossdressing is accepting that it’s not a phase or something you can change. It’s who you are and it may take some time to understand, but once you do, the rest will follow!


You’ll need to let go of your old ideas about who you are or what’s normal for you, and also need to start exploring how others feel about crossdressing and how they live their lives with it as part of who they are. You’ll need to find a way to find peace within yourself so that when the time comes for change, it won’t seem like such a scary thing anymore.


Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


Crossdressing is not something that happens overnight. It takes time and effort to build up the courage to come out and start living as yourself. But once you’re able to do that, it will open up a whole new world of possibilities for yourself: friendships with other crossdressers; access to resources that can help guide your transition (if necessary); even just peace of mind knowing that no matter what anyone else thinks about it, you’re doing what’s best for YOU. You’re not alone in your quest to accept yourself. We’ve all been there. The most important thing is to be patient with yourself as you go through this process. It takes time to accept something new about yourself, but eventually, it will become second nature. You’ll come to realize that you’ve always been this way—it just took finding out how much fun it could be!


 Crossdressing: When Does It All Begin?


Crossdressing is a journey. It’s a journey that begins with you. Once you’ve come to terms with this, it will be much easier for you to decide to start exploring your crossdressing journey. The key to being a successful crossdresser is to accept your identity and not be ashamed of it!

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1 comment

  1. It all started with my mother allowing me to play between her sweet, smooth deliciously perfumed legs as a toddler! It was back in the day when women used to be entirely dressed (sans dress!) before or after going out to work or dinner! She even covered me and her lower regions with a blanket so as to makeme(us?) feel more comfortable? Dad was at work-but I don’t think it was sexual abuse -jist needed validation for her. She was in her 40’s when she married Dad and perhaps things were not as wonderful as planned! So it began! About 62 years of being intensely aroused by women’s smooth , nyloned legs feet and toes! Mom -being frugal- after my birth always wore cheap stretch nylons-unlike some of my other female relatives who wore sexy, rht nylions and paraded around in their stockinged feet for me to enjoy!b They were very much aware of their sensual effect on me! I had to make do with Mpm’s crappy nylons and her black obg-until I stole a pair of a relatives very sexy black rhts which I used for quite a while(and kept well hidden. I wrecked the metal garter clips on Mom’s obg-along with a garter belt and some of her mules! I particularly enjoyed seeing my pretty, nyloned toes in Auntie’s rhts=pulled Mom’s obg ever higher for more pleasure! I graduated to using and semen staining Mom’s slips and other things! I also purloined women’s large size stilletos. business suits, bras, panties-and when I was lucky=real ff nylons -and much later on-pantyhose!.It was not easy to buy women’s garments for one’s own use even into th 90’s. I remember going into a hosiery store in the Bronx(way back when!) and asking the lady salesperson for a bloack garter belt for my “girlfriend” She wasn’t fooled-but reluctantlyt sold me the item! I would have loved to have a very favorite aunt as my girlfriend(or wife!) -but obviously that wasn’t going to happen! Women weren’t cooperative about wearing obgs or garter belts and rhts for me!i I even began to broach the matte!)r with Mom-but she grew very angry-(understandably!) and perhaps guiltily as having set me on this road long ago! She knew what was up-and made sure not to ever sit on the sofa next to me after Dad died. I spent a lot of time in the bathroom with nylons and Mom’s black and white sandals! I have to guess Mom must have known -but she never mentioned it-or disposed of my (her!) favorite black obg. After she died I put on all of her clothes both in the house-and occasionally -and very carefully outside! Once -on a “moonless” night I dressed completely up-right down to some very nice purloined blue sandals-without a wig(nice hair is “hot”-but still with mustache! down a long driveway-to the mailbox-It was very exilerating! I have since discussed my desires about girdles, nicely nyloned legs feet and toes with a number of women-from younger than myself to much older and was surprised how easy they were with my desires!

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