4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig

08/20/2021 - BY rachel

The final piece that completes a transformation for many crossdressers is a wig.


But how can you make sure that a wig is right for you?




Everyone’s hair is different, as are their facial features and shape.


Perhaps your hairline has receded or perhaps you’d just like to completely change your look.


I’ve found that choosing the right wig can complete my transformation and increase my level of confidence about my girly appearance.


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


To choose the right wig for you there are just a few things to keep in mind.


Just look in the mirror and try to figure out the shape of your face.


Once that’s done, you’ll be better able to choose a good wig style in the right size.


By determining your skin tone, you can pick a suitable color.


Then it’s up to you to decide the best material.


Finally, the best part, trying on your wig and seeing your new girly appearance! Enjoy!




By following some of my advice below, you can complete your transformation into your ideal feminine self.





Step 1: Understanding your face shape


1. The difference of face shapes between male and female


You don’t need to be an expert to know that male and female faces have different features.


Some can be quite obvious like facial hair, but others are subtler.


Below is a short list of some of those subtle differences.


Chin and jawline


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


This is one area that a lot of crossdressers can be insecure about, but don’t worry; a good wig can help with the illusion of femininity.


Our chins and jawlines can be quite angular or even square.


A female chin and jawline would appear to be more rounded and delicate than a masculine one.


Female jawlines also appear narrower.


The right wig can help us all frame our faces properly to create that womanly image we crave.


Forehead and cheeks


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


This is one of the most obvious areas to pay attention to when choosing a wig.


Choosing the right one for you will frame your face or allow you to mask particularly masculine features.


A man’s forehead will be wider and longer than a woman’s; there is also a chance that your forehead could have a curved profile, especially if, like some of us, you’ve experienced some hair loss.


Women, meanwhile, will have a straighter and more uniform shape to their foreheads.


The distance between the top of their eyes and their hairline will be less than yours.


Just like foreheads, cheeks have some subtle differences.


Female cheeks will be fuller because of the higher amount of fatty tissue, while men will have more angular cheeks.


2. Different face shapes


● Oblong face shape


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


If your face looks like it is a bit longer than it is wide, you’ve probably got a long-shaped face.


To make sure, you should measure from your chin to your hairline; then measure across the widest point of your face.


If the first number is larger than the second, you might have an oblong-shaped face.




You should try to look for wigs with curly or wavy hair.


This will add volume to your appearance and mask the length of your face.


Bangs could also cover the forehead; slanted bangs will help with this.


Curly or wavy hair that extends past your chin or even beyond your shoulders will work well.


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Avoid shorter styles and wigs with straight hair and straight bangs; remember, a shorter wig won’t frame your jawline in the way you’d want.


This is a chance to have that long-flowing hair you have always dreamed of!


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


● Heart face shape


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Some of us have a heart-shaped face; if you do, you’ll have a larger forehead, higher cheekbones, and a narrower, perhaps pointed (v-shaped) chin.


I think those of you with a heart-shaped face are so lucky; a V-shaped chin and high cheekbones are some features that any woman would be jealous of!


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


I think you should look for a wig that will allow some hair to fall across your face to soften the wider areas above your earline.


You’re likely trying to cover some of your forehead with your wig.


You should choose one with a side parting and some bangs.


You shouldn’t need to choose a wig with too much volume above the ears; styles like a light bob or a layered hairstyle will work well and add width to the lower half of the face.


● Square face shape


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


If you have a strong square jawline and a straight hairline going across the forehead, you probably have a square face.


The width and length of your face will be roughly the same.


You’ve likely got a straight hairline and your hair appears a bit thinner to someone looking directly at you.


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Tips for Choosing a wig: Good wig choices for those of us with square-shaped faces would add height and volume to the top of our heads.


This will elongate the symmetrical square shape, and narrowness at the sides.


I’d like to suggest a wig that has an off-center parting; short-to-medium length wigs, especially with waves or roundness around the face to soften the angular shape, are good choices.


The addition of volume to both the top of your head and the sides of the face is quite important here.


Wigs with long straight and flat hairstyles are to be avoided; they won’t mask a strong jaw if you have one.


● Round face shape


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Round faces are usually symmetrical, just like square-shaped faces.


However, your jaw and hairlines won’t be as flat or angular.


If you were to measure a round-shaped face from the highest to lowest point; the measurement would be nearly equal to the widest point of the face.


Luckily, if you’ve got a round face, you probably also already have full feminine cheeks that we can emphasize with the right choice of wig.




If you have a round face, you are in luck; round faces are suitable for a good selection of wigs.


Try to find a wig that is longer than your chin.


Good choices would have more volume at the top or crown of the head but should be a bit thinner along the side of your face.


You can also try wigs with layering at the top and an off-center or side parting.


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Because the widest part of your face is at the cheeks and ears, you should avoid having too much extra width here.


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Step 2: Choosing a wig


1. Wig size


This part is pretty easy. Use a tape measure usually intended for fabric.


You’re going to want to measure the circumference of your head, from your hairline to the back of your head.


The line of the tape measure should wrap around fully, just above your ears.


Take note of how long it is.


This measurement is the most important to remember when checking wig sizes. You can watch the following video.



2. Wig material


There are usually two options for the material that is used to make wigs.


Some wigs are made with 100% real human hair, others are made from synthetic fibers.


Each one has its pros and cons; continue reading if you would like to know more.


● Synthetic fibers


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig




I think these wigs might be the most versatile.


These wigs can be pretty economical in price.


If you aren’t looking to spend a lot on a wig, this could be the right choice for you.


With the development of technology, synthetic fibers are not only affordable but also increasingly realistic.


These are probably the most popular wigs for crossdressers.


I’ve found them in a lot of different styles; my favorite thing about these wigs is that the fake fibers often give some extra texture and layering to the wig, sometimes they even make me look like I just got new highlights at the salon!


These wigs are also probably the easiest to find; they can be found in costume shops or even big retail stores.




In my experience, completely synthetic fibers have a few drawbacks.


Because the fibers used to make the wig aren’t natural, they make me feel itchy when the hair rubs against my neck and back, especially when wearing a backless top or dress.


Finally, depending on the type of fiber used to make the wig, you could get quite hot wearing it, especially outdoors.


● 100% Genuine human hair


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig




These wigs are going to look and feel the most realistic because they are.


There isn’t a better feeling than finally having your feminine hair; I remember the first time I put on one of these and I was shocked at how realistic it looked.


I could have spent hours looking at myself in the mirror!




As you can probably guess, these wigs are expensive.


A wig made of 100% real hair can cost hundreds of dollars.


They can also be harder to find than the other choices; specialty stores or online retailers are the most likely places to find them.


These wigs might also feel quite heavy when you pull them on.


You never quite know how much all that hair weighs until you have some of your own.


Wig color


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Choosing the most suitable color for your wig is another important step to selecting the best wig for you.


Just like with cosmetics, first, we need to figure out your skin tone.


Judging skin tone


I had so much trouble figuring this out when I was learning.


After I tried many methods, I thought the white paper method was the most effective.


It will help you determine if you have a warmer or cooler skin tone.


The white paper method


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Find a piece of blank white paper, any size will do.


The paper must be completely blank, and free of any smudges or discolorations.


Hold the paper next to your face and look into the mirror; make sure that you’re holding the paper so that the edge touches your cheek.


If your skin looks rosy, pink, or red-blue, you likely have a cool skin tone.


If your face appears more yellow, you likely have a warm skin tone.


There’s a chance that you might not notice any colors, or you might see a grayish color, you’re likely to have a neutral skin tone.


If you have a cool skin tone


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Look for wigs that incorporate natural colors like black, brown, blonde, beige, auburn, or honey.


If you’re thinking about more vibrant or bold choices, you could choose bright reds or even purple.


If you have a warm skin tone


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Choices might be a bit more difficult for you if you’ve got a warmer skin tone.


Look at wig labels and try to find ones that contain elements of chocolate, mocha, chestnut, cinnamon, or amber.


This might sound like I am suggesting a lot of different ways of saying brown, but there will be subtle differences.


Place the wigs next to each other and you will notice.


You might want to check wigs that are predominately one shade of brown or blonde, with highlights of a different shade.


Step 3: Putting on your wig


Follow these five easy steps to put on your wig.


And the following video also can teach you how to wear a wig.



1. Put your wig on a wig stand or hold it up in your hand, making sure to keep the shape.


Gently comb or brush your wig.


Start in the middle of your wig and brush down to the ends.


After the bottom half of the wig has been brushed or combed; repeat the gentle brushing from the top of the wig to the area where you began brushing earlier.


When this has been completed, gently brush your entire wig a few times.


Now your wig is ready.




2. Wear a hairnet or wig cap.


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


These are usually very thin materials similar to tights.


Make sure all of your natural hair is held in place by the cap.


My natural hair is pretty curly and wild, so I like to make sure that all my hair is as flat and uniform as possible.


Use a hairpin or two to secure the wig cap in place.


By doing this, you’ll make sure that none of your hair is peeking out from underneath your girly hairstyle.




3. The underside of the wig has some internal structure that will keep it secure on your head.


It’s usually quite itchy if I put it directly on my head, which is another reason I like to use the hairnet.


Locate the back of the wig and put it on your head as you would a baseball hat.


Hold the back with one hand pull the front over the top of your head and secure it around the front of your forehead.




4. Take care to make sure all the wig caps and your hairline are covered.


Look in the mirror and make minor adjustments to the position as you see fit.


Use hairpins to secure it in place.




5. Gently brush your hair with a comb or hairbrush and enjoy your new look!


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Step 4: Wig care


Once you’ve spent money on a wig, you will want it to last if possible.


Follow these steps to keep your wig in good condition.


The following video can tell you how to wash a wig.



1. Wash your wig once every few months or after you’ve worn it about twenty to thirty times.


Use a very small amount of shampoo.


Wash your wig under a gentle stream of water and rub the shampoo into the wig with care.


Rinse out the shampoo. Make sure that the water isn’t too hot and the stream isn’t too powerful.


Being too rough with the wig may cause hairs to fall out.




2. After the wash is complete, pat dry the wig with a towel.


Again, be gentle. After pat drying the wig, place the wig on a stand to air dry.


Do not use a hairdryer. Do not expose the wig to direct sunlight.


A hairdryer or sunlight could damage the wig or alter its color.




3. Use conditioner on wigs made of genuine human hair.


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


Hair oil can be used on wigs made of synthetic fibers.


This is optional but could extend the life of your wig.


4. Be mindful of how you store your wig.


4 Steps for Crossdressing Beginners to Choose a Suitable Wig


A wig stand is the best option.


Do not fold your wig or store it flat.


This may result in damage to the wig; the hair may tangle to an extent that brushing will not solve or lose its shape.




Now you’re ready to choose the best wig for you.


Remember these easy steps and I’m sure you’ll choose one that turns you into the stunning woman you want to be!



Learn More:


Beginners Guide: Tips For Choosing the Perfect Crossdressing Wig

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