How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing

01/06/2022 - BY rachel

When we dress up, we are free to express ourselves as we want to. It’s a way to be who we are on the inside, and it tends to be a good experience. However, It’s rather common to feel alone when you dress up. Many of us have to do so undercover, and rarely interact with other people while crossdressing. It makes the experience something more personal and unique to each one, of course. But if you want to share it with more people instead of being alone, I may be able to help you.


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


Thanks to the internet, we can share our experiences way easier than before. The greatest part is that we can choose who we’re gonna share it with. This way, I can dress up with only a few people knowing, in order to reduce your loneliness without coming out. By interacting with other crossdressers online, you can feel like a part of something else. You can even learn news skills and improve the ones you already have. Livestreams allow you to get real-time feedback from your friends, which makes practicing way more effective.


Those are only a few of the many methods you can try to overcome your loneliness. In this article, I’ll explore them and give some extra advice, to make sure you feel less lonely. Some of them require a lot of confidence, but others allow you to stay incognito. Do some experimentation, until you find out which one is better suited to your reality.



1. Try out forums and blog threads


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


The easiest way to reduce your loneliness as a crossdresser, is to talk about it with other people in the same situation. Blogs in general are great to share stories and get some specific advice, through the experience of other readers and writers. But some blogs are made specifically for trans people and crossdressers. In this kind of blog, the stories you’ll hear are about crossdressers and their experiences, and you can share your own too.


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


Interacting with each other like that helps our community to grow stronger. It encourages newcomers to keep up with their own journeys. By sharing your progress and reading about other people’s journeys, your loneliness should be reduced.


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


I just want to make it clear that the internet is an open space, and that sometimes you may find some mean people in your way. So don’t mind if a few users say something bad about you. It’s okay to be upset and to report them to admins, but don’t let them ruin your day. They probably have nothing else to do and decided to spend their afternoon making others feel bad. The problem is always in them, not you.


2. Create a new profile in social media you like


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


To get more freedom in your social media, it may be a good choice to create a new profile in them. Pick a crossdressing name that fits your personality, and avoid using pictures of yourself. That’s to avoid being recognized. But if you are openly out as a crossdresser, or feel confident enough, there’s no problem in showing your face at all.


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


I, for example, keep two separate facebook accounts, one of which I use as a crossdresser with the name “Elise Wren” on it. It helps me to interact with the LGBTQ community with more freedom, since I haven’t come out to everyone yet. It also prevents me from being misgendered, and allows me to join certain groups and take part in conversations that i wouldn’t be able to as a cis man.


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


The point is that it may boost your interactions with other crossdressers, through different groups or pages. You can keep them updated on your progress, and hear what they have to say about it. If you have enough confidence, post a few pictures of yourself before and after your transformation. But if you don’t, it’s okay to keep them to yourself, or to wait until you build enough confidence.


It may take some time, but besides reducing your loneliness, this method may boost your confidence as well. However, as it’s also a tip that involves the internet, consider the advice I gave you by the end of the previous topic.


3. Get a pet


Getting a companion is one of the easiest ways to overcome loneliness, but it doesn’t have to be another human being. Love a pet, and it will love you back. This mutual friendship is beautiful, and helps people to deal with a lot of bad feelings they might have. I mean, if it’s enough to help people overcome grief, it might be enough to take care of most cases of loneliness. My advice is for you to get a pet that’s easy to take care of, but it depends on how dedicated you are, and how much time and money you can spend with it.


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


A dog, cat or a bird are some popular choices, but again it depends on what kind of animal you like. Keep them with you while you do your makeup, and give them a bit of attention while you do so. It may sound as if it would disturb you, but won’t in most cases. I keep both a cat and a dog with me in my room while I’m crossdressing alone late at night, and they provide me great company.


4. Video conference with other crossdressers


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


The COVID-19 pandemic from the last two years made many of us experience loneliness, and it wasn’t different for crossdressers. And now, with the OMICRON variant spreading, the loneliness persists. But these challenging times also brought us new experiences, some of which are useful for our future. One of them is, without a doubt, the ability to make live calls and stay in touch with other people at a distance. Apps such as Zoom, google meets and twitch are increasingly more common, with thousands of new users joining in everyday. We can use this kind of tool to our advantage as well.


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


Well, you’ll meet new people online if you follow the first two tips, and some you may even already have some crossdresser friends out there. A video conference can help you interact with each other more closely, and can make your friendship stronger. Invite these friends to a video call or a live stream, and talk with them in person. You can do that while you do your makeup, or already dressed up in your full outfit. Either way, you’ll be able to socialize while you crossdress, which should be able to reduce your feeling of loneliness.


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


Another option, if you’re into games, is to do a livestream playing video games while crossdressing. I know, it requires a lot of confidence, and i didn’t have enough to try it myself yet. But a few game streamers do that all the time, and give some tips about how they do it. Look it up online, to make sure if it suits you or not. But then again, as it involves exposure on the internet, watch out for trolls and mean comments.


5. Crossdress with friends or in a club


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


This tip may work best for people who live in big cities that can find other crossdressers near them. The cross dressing community understands the common issues its members face everyday, and helping each other is a key to success. If you know a group of crossdressers near you, join them! You may be surprised with how receptive they tend to be.


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


Crossdressing in groups with friends has many benefits and advantages. For example, your friends can help you with your wig and shapewear. They may give you constructive criticism, and give you real-time feedback about your makeup. Or even give you many other tips and teach you techniques they might have learned.


How to Overcome Loneliness While Crossdressing


Crossdressing like that boosts the way you learn, and improves your skills much faster than crossdressing alone. And of course, it’s guaranteed to help you overcome your loneliness, since you won’t be alone anymore. Another possibility is to go to a crossdressing club, where a professional can do your makeup. This kind of service is quite helpful in a number of ways to beginners, and can help the veterans to feel less lonely.


As you can see, it’s normal for a crossdresser to feel lonely, even more in pandemic times where social distancing is a rule. But as crossdressers, we are part of something bigger, of a true community of people that face similar issues. And as such, as long as we can look after each other, we aren’t alone by any means. The pandemic was harsh, it’s true, but we can always find a way. If you feel lonely, visit crossdressing forums and interact with other members of our thriving community. Make use of new technologies in order to stay in touch with other people. Go ahead and share your history, be yourself a beacon of inspiration. As long as you keep being yourself, you’ll inspire other people to be themselves, and so on. Once you acknowledge that other crossdressers are there to help you, your loneliness will vanish.

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1 comment

  1. That all sounds good on paper Truth is don’t think it’s reality
    Don’t get me wrong I’m glad I came out and enjoy my feminine self but Have tried chatting blogs and forums but if you’re not part of their clique won’t even get a Hello. Seems the LGBT community is the same as everyone other organization just closed minded snobs Will survive and flourish on my own Thank You

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