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Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet

01/30/2022 - BY rachel

Crossdressing is an activity that involves a lot of different techniques. The goal is to make as many aspects of ourselves as possible more feminine. The extent of this dedication varies between crossdressers, and it’s important to know such differences. In many cases, crossdressers want their feet to look more feminine as well. However, it may be a bit difficult to feminize them if you don’t know the proper tricks and techniques. It requires patience and time, but I assure you the results can be rewarding. So, how do you have more feminine and delicate feet?


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


It would be best if you made your feet look more delicate since male ones tend to be rough on average.


To achieve this effect, you must pay attention to certain aspects of skin care that can be applied to your feet.


Post-treatments such as shaving and applying certain creams can feminize them even more.


And to finish the process, a few garments can add an extra layer of care and realism.




If you want to improve your crossdressing experience and achieve a more complete feminized look, this article may be helpful.


Here, I plan to introduce you to new techniques and explain how they work.


As a result, I hope you understand how to make you have more feminine and delicate feet.



1. Pedicure


A pedicure is a form of treatment that aims to remove impurities from your feet.


When made by a professional, it’s enough to smoothen the surface of your feet and toes, as well as to clean your toenails.


It often includes a clean-up of your cuticles and removal of dead skin particles.


It may take a couple of hours to be done, but the results are immediate, and you’ll feel your feet clean and light as soon as it’s over.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


If you ever hire a pedicure professional, make sure you ask them to polish your nails.


Applying nail polish to your toenails is an extra step that makes a lot of difference and grants more enjoyable results.


Even if you don’t plan on showing them, the simple thought of having your nails painted helps to feel more feminine.




However, if you want to do your pedicure, keep in mind that you’ll need a considerable amount of materials. Here are a few of them:


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


◆ Cuticle nipper


Used to remove excess from your cuticles and smoothen the area around your nails.


This is crucial in order to reduce the roughness of your feet, and more noticeable than in your hands.


◆ Nail files


After you cut your nails, but before you polish them, filing is essential.


It helps to round and smooth them up, giving them a more delicate appearance. It’s a nice touch with big feminization potential.


◆ Wooden pickers


For your feet to look delicate and feminine, they must be clean first.


It includes the nails as well, as dirty nails will ruin the results.


Wooden pickers are a good option to clean up under your toenails.


◆ Acetone


It’s useful to clean your nails before painting them again.


Apply it with a small piece of cotton in order to remove any remnants of old nail polish and other hard-to-remove products.


2. Shaving


We know that shaven legs are important for crossdressers, but make sure you shave your feet as well.


I mean, at least the upper part and up your toes as well.


Male feet often have a lot of hair over them, and it’s a notable masculine feature.


So, to make your feet look more feminine, you must shave them until it’s smooth and clean.


Shaving cream can be used if you don’t have anything else.


But better results are achieved with appropriate feminine beauty products.


Most of them have moisturizing properties, which we’ll discuss in the next topic.


But the most important is that they serve as a way to extend your skincare routine to your feet.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


A pro tip regarding shaving is to wash the area well right after you finish.


This is to remove any dirt or hair particles that may have been there once the cream is gone.


It also helps to refresh and moisturize the region. But make sure you dry it by softly stroking a towel against it.


Since shaving makes your skin more sensitive, it’s easy to harm it by stroking it with too much strength.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


3. Moisturizing creams


The idealized female skin is mostly soft, hydrated, and healthy.


We can expect these standards to be applied to the whole extent of our bodies, feet included.


As crossdressers, it’s even harder for us to achieve it since male skin is usually oily and rough.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


This way, moisturizing creams are very important for us since they compensate for what we naturally lack.


The cream is absorbed by our skin, helping it to retain water and stay hydrated.


But also acts as an extra layer of protection against external harms, even providing certain vitamins in some cases.


As a result, the use of creams grants us a smooth and soft-looking pair of feet.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


For this technique, my advice is to spread it well.


You need to apply the cream to the biggest region possible in a way that most of the surface is affected.


Your goal is to create a soft and even surface without rough spots.


With that in mind, put a considerable amount of cream on the spot and scrub the area until you can’t see any trace of it.


4. Exfoliating


As time passes, our skin dies but also regenerates.


The new cells grow underneath the dead ones, which occasionally fall apart.


But sometimes, it offers a certain resistance.


As a result, the dead cells create a hard and rough “wall” that can even prevent the regenerated ones from breathing properly.


What you need to do is to remove the dead skin by exfoliating the area.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


But you need to use the right materials and methods, as otherwise you can harm your feet.


The idea is to rinse your feet in warm water for a few minutes and then gently exfoliate them with pumice stone.


If you do that, your feet will become naturally smoother.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


5. Stockings


As crossdressers, we’re used to stockings and hosiery.


We use them all the time to make our legs look smoother and soft.


The same trick is valid for feminizing our feet. However, you must still pay attention to a few other things.


When considering stockings, give preference for unpainted toenails, as the hose can harm and be harmed by the nail polish.


But if you feel like your nail polish is dry and protected enough, you can show it.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


In that case, use sheer stockings so the polished nails show through them.


But the overall guidance is still pretty much the same.


In other words, aim to create an outline of your feet so they look slender and to hide imperfections so they look smooth.


6. Choose the right footwear


Of course, other things still require your attention, such as what you’re going to wear on your feet.


Stilettos are very versatile, as they show some skin on top of the feet while still outlining and making them look slender.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


Sandals and flats are also good options since they allow you to show off your painted nails, but they do little to feminize the silhouette of your feet.


It also depends on the size of footwear you use.


For example, if you wear a larger number, you should avoid heels since they will make your feet look even bigger, and women tend to have smaller ones.


But if you do have smaller feet, then heels can feminize your walk and posture.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


7. Practice your walking


If you fail to walk as a lady, it doesn’t matter how much effort you put into making your feet look feminine.


If you walk in a masculine way, you’ll still be perceived as a man.


But if you learn how to walk in a more feminine way, chances are that your feet will also look more delicate.


The trick is to practice in front of a mirror or in front of other crossdressing or female friends.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


They will be able to tell how much progress you’re making and give you real-time feedback.


I also have a few guidelines regarding feminine walking.


The idea is to take smaller steps while wishing your hips and keeping your column straight.


A corset can help you with the posture, but the rest comes with practice.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


The average female feet diverge from the average male ones.


But we can compensate for the differences with enough practice, patience, and resources.


The main goal is to create a smooth and clean effect, which can be achieved through regular shaving and skin care.


A professional pedicure can help you even further, and accessories also play a significant role.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Feminine and Delicate Feet


But the feet are a minor detail when compared to the big picture and need support from other aspects of crossdressing.


Have you learned the way to have more feminine and delicate feet?


Are you used to feet feminization? Which of these techniques do you use?


Let us know by leaving a comment below!




Learn More:


5 Ways to Get Flawless Feminine Feet as an MTF Crossdresser


How to Get Feminine Feet: 6 Tips for Trans Women and Crossdressers

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