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“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?

01/18/2022 - BY rachel

Whatever you call it, forced feminization, sissification, submissive maid play, whatever; this kink is one of the most common fetishes in the world.  It doesn’t matter what country or culture you live in, be sure that there are going to be lots of men who either do or fantasize about this.  I’ve known a few professional dominatrixes, and all have reported that sissification was their most common request.  In the gaming community, there will often be male players who choose to use a female avatar. Crossdressing is usually a large part of this kink, sometimes just at the moment during the play, or sometimes integrated more into a long-term fantasy.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


There are lots of different ways that individuals are introduced to forced feminization.  If you feel turned on by the idea of being controlled or submissive, perhaps by taking on roles that aren’t remotely part of your day-to-day life, this sort of play might be for you.  Exploring this kink or fetish may feel strange, but there is certainly no shame in it.  So, long as you have an accepting, understanding, caring, and willing partner, go with what feels right.



1. What do you mean by forced feminization?


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


Forced Feminization is a part of bondage, dominance, and submissive culture.  Despite the word ‘forced’ this practice is not meant to be coerced, compelled, or involuntary in any way.  It’s always important to keep in mind that while living out this fantasy, it is just a fantasyParticipation should always be voluntary and boundaries established before the outset of play.  This is why it’s imperative to have an understanding partner that you trust to respect those boundaries.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


This kink will often involve some aspect of submission and gender role reversalThe male participant, likely you, assumes a more submissive role, possibly to the point of relinquishing all control over the situation.  When role playing, the submissive could be told, or “forced”, to undertake tasks typically seen as feminine, or be dressed in feminine clothing.  The style of clothing or make up could be seen as hyper feminine; tasks could be perceived as emasculating.  For example, being asked to clean in a maid’s uniform with a frilly petticoat and high heels.


2. Why do we enjoy sissification/forced femme?


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


There are a lot of theories about why you might be interested in sissification or being forced femme.  I think a lot of the reason for enjoying this fantasy is the pressure society puts on men to take control, be in charge, and to be dominant.  Not wanting to conform to these expectations or finding the pressure of taking them on to be too stressful can lead to being aroused by throwing them to the wind.  Being able to relieve ourselves of these responsibilities in the bedroom can be enticing and enthralling.  Having a partner with whom we feel comfortable enough to reveal our vulnerabilities and expose them nakedly is part of the turn on.  The forced part of this fantasy alleviates any feelings of guilt from being turned on by taking on a feminine role.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


There also might be more overtly sexual roots behind this fantasy; everyone is different, of course.  Some of us might just like to feel pretty in a way that typical male looks don’t allow us to be. Crossdressing and being made over to look so beautiful that man would be attracted to you can be part of the thrill.  On a different or deeper level, some people like the idea of being a cartoonish version of a woman, one so extremely feminine that you’d never see them in real life.


3. What does sissy training entail?


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


This is perhaps the most difficult question to answer because not everyone who has an interest in forced feminization isn’t the same. What your sissy training or feminization could entail is entirely up to you and your partner.  It’s really important to discuss these feelings and fantasies with your partner in detail before engaging in them.  I personally sissy training to be a more extreme subset of feminization.  Being forced to dress up as a girl by your partner and taking on a feminine role for a period of time is one thing.  Acting as a sissy is another.


Typically, sissy training involves a few different considerations, tasks, time, and venue. When I say tasks, I am referring to different actions that your domme partner could ask you to do. Perhaps you are turned on by the idea of only being allowed sexual climax when your partner allows you to. In that case, a task could be wearing a chastity cage. Your partner could ask you to wear ultra-feminine clothing or walk in super high heels. In the bedroom, perhaps taking on the role of a woman means being the receiver and not the giver, if you catch my drift.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


Time is related to how often and how long your partner is asking you to be a sissy.  Is it something that’s just confined to defined moments and then is over when play time is? Perhaps you’re comfortable with more subtle, but longer term tasks.  For instance, shaving off all your body hair and wear lingerie under your clothes.  Basically, this is the difference between confining your play to isolated moments and integrating different tasks into your daily life.  In rare cases, long term sissy training can involve permanent changes in diet, taking hormones, or even surgical changes.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


Finally, the venue.  Sissy training might involve some sort of public exposure or reveal to friends.  You might be asked to go to the supermarket dressed as a womanGoing shopping en femme with your dominant partner is also pretty common.  A dominatrix friend of mine used to just drive her feminized clients around town in her car to give them a whiff of being out in public as a woman. The danger of being clocked or noticed turned them on.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


I would like to reiterate that the coercion behind any part of these fantasies isn’t right.  If you feel as if you are being forced into sexual acts that you are not comfortable with, you must take action to stop it.  Having a safe word or gesture to indicate your discomfort to a partner is a common way of putting an end to anything you don’t want to do.


4. Products to supplement forced feminization


Once you’ve established trust and comfort with your partner and you’ve begun to explore forced feminization or sissification fantasies, you might want to look into items or toys to enhance the experience.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


There are a few basics, like lingerie, dresses, high heels, a wig, etc.  You can’t be forced feminized without ending up looking like a real girl.  A good selection of make up is also going to be very important.  This sort of play is also going to involve sex toys and other BDSM items. 


Roanyer has a number of items that are suitable for you, so please browse around our website to see what’s available.  I’ll make some of my reccomendations below:


Curly Long Wig – I like this wig, it’s long and blonde.  Nothing better to feel ultra feminine.  Anytime I’ve worn a long flowing blonde wig I feel so very pretty.  Playing with the end of my hair and seeing my fingers intertwined with blonde is exhilarating.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


Breast PlatesBreasts are essential to feeling like a real woman.  Any one of our breast plates can instantly give you a busty female chest.  If I were you, I would certainly go for a genuine silicone filler for feminization play.  A cheaper foam option will work well for a photo session, but a silicone fill will bounce and be more realistic to the touch.  Your partner will be more satisfied squeezing a realistic breast than the alternative.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


Girdle / Temporary Vagina – For those of you willing to engage in some more intense play, try one of these.  Pulling one on has multiple applications.  First of all, it will flatten your groin area to make it appear flat like a woman’s.  Putting on a pair of yoga pants won’t give you away and might even result in a slight camel toe.  Furthermore, the opening in the rear makes anal penetration possible when you’re wearing it.  And finally, the vagina itself can be penetrated, making your feminization complete.  What could be more feminine than having sex as a woman, using female parts?


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


Wearable Penis – This is the other side of the temporary vagina.  There’s a good chance your partner will want to peg you when engaging in sissy play.  These will allow that.  In the alternative, if orgasm denial is what you like, perhaps your partner will force you to wear this to engage in sex.  Then you’re forced to provide pleasure while feeling submissive and vulnerable because of the denial of immediate physical pleasure.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


Whatever type of feminization you’re into is entirely up to you.  Being comfortable with yourself in the bedroom and with your partner is essential to enjoying this sort of sexual pleasure.


“Forced” Feminization: What Is It, and Is It Really Forced?


If you’re one of the lucky individuals who has found a willing partner and the confidence to explore this part of your sexuality, congratulations.  Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to get in touch with themselves, especially since these fetishes could be seen as taboo.


I’d like to wish you luck and all the pleasure in the world.  Please share your feminization experiences in the comments.  How did you get started and what’s the best experience you’ve had?  I’m sure all of our readers would appreciate hearing about it.

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  1. Sometimes it might turn out for people that it’s not really a fetish at all – they are, in fact, women (or some other gender that’s closer to that than to men). Plenty of trans women/transfems have often thought they were men with force fem kinks and then eventually realised, through that or otherwise, that it’s actually something a lot deeper for them

  2. Thank you for addressing sex as part of sissification process. I think nothing is more important in being sissified than the physical “pay-off”. That’s why I’m contemplating following the steps.

  3. I think trapped and forced to be feminine is the ultimate end game. To completely submit to both a lifetime of ultra femininity and forced chastity with relief needed to be earned through total servitude is where I want to go. I think I would if given the chance agree to give complete control over as long as I knew that I would her girl and sub. No limits and eager to submit to hypnosis and training to be the pretty sub for my mistress.

  4. It’s not “forced” feminization… it’s “enforced” feminization. Lazy speaking, mishearing, or just not knowing has popularized the wrong terminology.

  5. Almost all of my sexual fantasies have always centered around the idea of experiencing sex as a woman. Knowing what it feels like to be penetrated. To please a man sexually. By the time I admitted that fact to myself, I was happily married. As a submissive male I’ve always been turned on by femdom, tease and denial, chastity, etc. Forced feminization just seemed like a convenient crossroads. Best of both worlds, if you will.

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