Fears and Doubts of a Crossdresser’s Partner

11/29/2022 - BY Linna

It is a fundamental moment in the relationship of every crossdresser, sissy, and femboy when they come out to their significant other. This is why many of us are afraid to share this secret with most of our partners. Why does this happen? Because either we have experienced or fear rejection and being let down by our loved ones. But how much of it is real?


Fears and Doubts of a Crossdresser’s Partner


Many of the frequent readers of this blog hide their feminine side from their partners out of fear of their response. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the common places where the doubts and fears of your SO become relevant when coming out. Let’s get into it!



Coming Out As a Crossdresser/Sissy


Fears and Doubts of a Crossdresser’s Partner


Confessing to your partner your fantasies about being all feminine, girly, and sexy is a big step for all of us. There are a couple of things that make the situation worse, many of which are out of your control. One is the masculine standard that society demands from every male assigned at birth. Masculinity that many times need to be developed to survive. As such, when sharing your femininity with someone else you’re battling a lot of prejudices.


Fears and Doubts of a Crossdresser’s Partner


In an LGBT relationship, this is probably not a problem. But in a “normal” heterosexual couple your partner might be expecting you to fulfill your masculine role in more ways than one. Showing her your femininity can most probably confuse her, even frighten her, and a plethora of other non-desired sensations. Let’s explore what those feelings and emotions can be and how to deal with them.


Understanding Your Partner’s Feelings


Fears and Doubts of a Crossdresser’s Partner


Let’s be honest with ourselves: don’t we, at least most of us, feel like two completely different persons are living inside of us? If we ourselves sometimes feel like that, it is understandable that your partner is at least surprised when we come out as crossdressers. Especially when we dedicate a lot of effort to hiding our femininity. But there is a line between what our partner can understand and what we can tolerate.


Fears and Doubts of a Crossdresser’s Partner


When coming out, it is inevitable that we first evaluate the situation before doing so. I believe that the best thing to do when starting dating someone is not hiding your feminine side completely. This will make the whole process flow with ease when it comes to it. I think that one of the most relevant things to evaluate is the upbringing and mindset of our partner. Especially in a heterosexual couple.


Crossdressing In A Heterosexual Couple


Fears and Doubts of a Crossdresser’s Partner


When we talk about hiding your crossdressing from your partner, there is a big part of the community that happens to be in a heterosexual relationship. The singularity in this case is that your partner has placed you, in her mind, fulfilling a masculine role. When confronted with your love of crossdressing it can raise a sea of unfounded doubts and questions. Many of those fears find roots in religion and the “traditional” idea of the family mostly. These doubts will occur no matter what you do to prevent them. Pro tip: try having chats talking openly about it. Like most things, people are afraid of things they don’t know. If you ease her softly into your fantasy fighting all the prejudices you know she may have and some you may be unaware of. Perhaps she will feel like you are not attracted to her anymore or never were…


Fears and Doubts of a Crossdresser’s Partner


Every person is different. Has different fantasies and deals differently with them. If you are in love with your partner and would like to open the door to fulfilling your deepest desires, it is best to go slow. Don’t try to rush her into liking it and be patient and understanding of her desires. It is ultimately up to you to find a way to share this with your significant other, but I think that one thing is certain: you should never stop trying. What I mean by this is that we only have one life to enjoy however we want. The powerful feeling of feminine clothes is one all of us here know pretty well. And when there is a will, there is a way to fulfill your dreams. I hope that if you haven’t found it yet, you soon do!


Fears and Doubts of a Crossdresser’s Partner


Life is full of battles that are presented to us in different ways. I think that finding a way to stay true to ourselves and our loved ones is one that can sometimes take its toll. But in the end, being happy and sharing this happiness with others is what we are all here for. Love will find a way if you keep doors open for it to happen. Wish you all the best, for now, lovelies! See you soon and stay safe!

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