6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing

01/12/2023 - BY L1nn

Crossdressing is just a series of small steps, when taken in stride, allows you to have fun, empower yourself, and look more beautiful than ever. There are so many ways to get started with crossdressing, and commit to it fully. I’m going to share six of them with you here.


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


First off, it’s important to remember that crossdressing isn’t something you have to do all at once. It takes a whole lot of confidence to commit to it. Crossdressing is all about embracing your true self, so don’t be afraid to try new things. Whether it’s a new color of lipstick or a whole new outfit, there’s no better way to learn about yourself and your style than by trying something new. Have a plan. You’re going to want to make sure that you have the right clothes and accessories to suit your needs.


Lastly, don’t forget to be kind to yourself! This journey is about you being authentic, so embrace that part of yourself that wants to dress up and have fun with it! I’ve put together this list of things that will help you commit to crossdressing that make it as easy as possible. Read more below!



Embrace your femininity


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of femininity. But as we all know we embody our own unique brand of femininity. And guess what? When it comes to crossdressing, your brand of femininity is just as valid as anyone else’s. Crossdressing is about having fun and letting loose—but it’s also about empowering yourself as a femme. You’re just trying to be yourself!  Embrace your femininity and let it guide you as you navigate the world of crossdressing. Your femininity is unique to you and should not be hidden away—it’s an important part of who you are as a crossdresser! This is the first step to committing yourself to crossdressing.


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


If you’re not comfortable with your femininity, you will never be able to fully embrace who you are and all the wonderful things that make up who you are. There are a lot of ways to embrace femininity as a crossdresser. First, you can start with the basics: dress in a skirt or dress, and wear makeup. You could also try wearing jewelry, which is both feminine and beautiful. Another way to embrace femininity is to practice walking like a woman. Crossdressers have different ways of moving their bodies, so when you’re trying to walk like a woman, you should focus on how your feet land on the floor, how your hips move side-to-side as you walk forward, and any other body language that makes sense for your movement style. You are a crossdresser. You are strong, powerful, and intelligent, and can do anything you set your mind to. But don’t forget that you’re also beautiful, feminine, and alluring. Embrace your femininity. It’s a beautiful thing.


Focus on Small Steps


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


When you’re first starting out, it can feel like a big deal to fully commit to crossdressing. You might think that you need to take some huge steps in order to be sure that this is something you really want. But actually, the best way to get started is by taking small steps. These small steps will help you get used to the idea of wearing women’s clothing, and give you time to figure out what works for you. Remember, don’t try to do everything at once. It can be tempting to try everything at once, but it’s important to take small steps when learning something new. Focus on one thing at a time and master that before moving on.


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


Don’t try to go from plain Jane Jane to crossdressing diva overnight. It’s impossible! Instead, just start with something small (like wearing makeup) and work your way up from there. Then, buy some clothes—not necessarily women’s clothes, but maybe just one or two pairs of women’s underwear. Try them on in private and get used to them. Then you can start expanding your wardrobe—dressing up in public, dressing up more often at home, wearing makeup, etc. It may take some time for you to get the hang of things, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different looks, styles, and ideas in order to find what works best for you! Ask for help if you need it! If there’s anything specific, you’re struggling with or just want some advice on what might work well, then go ahead and reach out!


Let Go of Excuses


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


Excuses, excuses. You will find excuses for not doing something other than just not doing it. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Excuses are like a bad pair of underwear, they just get in the way.” Of course, it’s not easy to let go of excuses and other factors that hinder you from fully committing to crossdressing. But if you want to be happy and successful, then it’s time to get rid of them! They’ve been holding you back from being the femme you want to be. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can let go of your excuses and commit fully to your new life as a full-time crossdresser! Here are some common excuses that people use when they’re trying to hold themselves back from crossdressing, “I don’t have time.”, “Nobody will support me.”, “I’m too shy.”, “My family would never understand.”, “It would cost too much money.”


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


I know this can be a painful process because we often cling to the things that hold us back out of fear or uncertainty. But once you let go of these things, you’re free to fully express yourself in a way that’s authentic and true to who you are—and that’s what crossdressing is all about! To help you break through this barrier, try taking these steps. First, ask yourself why you’re holding back from your true self by making excuses for not doing something or not being who you want to be. Next, think about what it would feel like if those excuses suddenly went away—how much lighter would your heart feel? How much happier would your face look? How many more people would love and admire you? And how much closer would that bring you to being able to live as the crossdresser who was meant for this world?


Take care of your body


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


Being comfortable in your own skin is essential when crossdressing, so take care of yourself by eating healthy food and exercising regularly! You’ll feel great about yourself on the inside AND out! You are not just a crossdresser. You are an artist, a human, and a person who needs to feel comfortable in your own skin. As you continue your journey toward becoming the best version of yourself, it’s important that you take care of your body. If you don’t take care of your body—if you don’t give it the nutrients it needs to stay healthy—you will be unable to fully commit yourself to crossdressing because your body will be too weak or sickly to support the lifestyle changes that come along with this path.


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


Your body is the temple of your mind, heart, and soul. It is the vehicle for your creativity and passion. It is how you connect with other people and make connections with yourself. Your body is what allows you to get out there and do what you love every day! When you feel good about how you look, it’s easier to commit to dressing up as a femme. You’ll feel more confident in your clothes, and that confidence will help you step out into the world as the crossdresser you know yourself to be.


Embrace Failure


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


Failure is a part of life.  It’s the only way to learn, and the only way to grow. You can’t learn to do something if you don’t fail at it first. But when you’re starting out with something new—especially when that something is as big of a change as crossdressing—you might feel like failure is too much to take on.


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


That’s why I encourage you to embrace failure when trying and committing to crossdressing. When you’re crossdressing, it can be difficult to feel like you’re doing it right, but that’s what makes it so much fun! You’ll never get better unless you try new things, and sometimes those things are going to fail. But that’s okay—you can learn from the mistake and come back stronger than ever!


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


Don’t be afraid to experiment. Crossdressing isn’t easy—it’s not something that can be done overnight. You have to make a commitment to yourself, and then stick with it even when things aren’t going your way. And when things go wrong, you have to learn from them so that next time you can do better. That’s how you get better at crossdressing, and ultimately become the crossdresser you want to be!


Don’t compare yourself! 


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


You have your own unique journey ahead, and that journey will look different from anyone else’s. So, take some time today to think about what you want out of crossdressing. Then commit yourself to do whatever it takes to make it happen. If you feel like crying, cry! If you feel like dancing around in a wig, then do it! And if all goes well (and I hope it does!), then remember that this is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter of your life! Remembering this will help us all love ourselves more openly than ever before. That’s why it’s so important to be kind and supportive of yourself as you get started in crossdressing!


6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


Your confidence is something you possess, not something that is bestowed upon you by a dress or a wig or whatever else you’re wearing. And the same goes for beauty. You aren’t wearing those things to become someone else—you’re wearing them for yourself. So don’t compare yourself to other people who are crossdressing! Just think about what feels good for YOU, and go from there! We’re all here for the same reason: to feel good about ourselves, and to express ourselves however we see fit.


 6 Ways to Commit to Crossdressing


You probably thought that once you got your first pair of pumps, or first wig, or first pair of stockings… you’d feel like a brand-new person! And that’s true—to an extent. We’ve all felt the rush of trying something new for the first time and finding out how good it looked. But sometimes, it’s not enough to just be able to try something new for the first time—sometimes, you need more than that. Sometimes you need to go deeper into yourself and find out who you are before you can truly embrace crossdressing as part of your identity.


So, do what makes YOU feel good!

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