How to Enter a Crossdressing Services Club: Preparation and Advice for Novice Crossdressers
Sometimes, novice crossdressers have difficulties learning the basics and getting used to it.
But it doesn’t stop them from wanting to crossdress.
This desire is something that they have had since they were very young.
To make this dream come true, they can try professional crossdressing services or clubs to learn the techniques.
However, some inexperienced crossdressers don’t know exactly what to do.
What do they need to know before starting their transformation with professionals?
One of these clubs is the Roanyer Club, which I’ll use here as an example.
Not much previous knowledge is needed, but some preparation is more than recommended.
Pay attention to the skin care before you go, and talk to the makeup artist about how you want to look.
Cooperation between the two of you is the key to a successful transformation.
If you’re one of these newcomers, I hope you can read this article and find useful tips.
They should answer common questions and increase your confidence so you’re prepared for your first session.
Once you get the grip and feel what it is like to crossdress, you’ll never want to stop!
1. How does a crossdressing service club work?
Well, there’s a wide variety of different clubs and services. But as I’ve mentioned, our example will be the Roanyer club. When you first enter, you’ll see the reception front desk, where you may introduce yourself if you make an appointment. Some item storage lockers are available for you to store your stuff. You’ll soon find the Makeup Room, where the makeup artist will feminize your face and turn you into a lady. To complete your transformation, head to a private dressing room. Take with you some outfits from the feminine clothes selection available at the club.
After that, you can enjoy your stay by talking with other crossdressers. Or you can try the multimedia options. Take professional photoshoots at the studio, take a few selfies in the free photo area, or make a live stream in the broadcasting room.
2. What does it have to offer?
What are the advantages of cross-dressing at a club, you ask?
One is privacy since you’ll have a private place to dress up. As mentioned before, there will be areas with different functions, making sure you have access to everything you need. In the case of the Roanyer Club, you’ll find experienced teachers to learn the basics of cross-dressing and a vast wardrobe at your disposal. It includes many basic items, such as feminine clothes, wigs, and women’s shoes, for you to try. However, you may find other useful, more advanced stuff, such as silicone breast forms and suits.
3. Preparation
Now we reach the main question this article seeks to answer. What does a beginner crossdresser need to do before arriving at a crossdressing service club? Preparation is very important, and I’ll give you some time with that in mind. To ensure you don’t arrive unprepared, I’ll show what is needed and how to enjoy a successful makeup session and enjoy it.
● Arrange your schedule
I will need you to consider your schedule when you visit the club. Crossdressing takes some time, and needs full attention to result in a convincing transformation. Leave a couple of hours available before your session, making sure you have extra time to prepare yourself before you go. Arrive about twenty minutes early to get to know the place and get familiar with everything. You can also use this time to ask for a small tour, which makes things a bit easier.
If you want to crossdress for a specific event or appointment, you should also account for that. I mean that unexpected situations occur, and already cross-dressing takes time. With that in mind, chances are that you’ll be late if you leave your session at the last minute before you go. Arriving at the club two to three hours before the next appointment in your schedule should be enough to keep you safe from being late. It shows the importance of organising your schedule if you’re a crossdresser. It takes longer for us to look feminine than for genetic women already born feminine. We need double the effort and double the time as well. However, a professional can do that faster than a novice, so a club can be quite useful if you’re in a hurry. After all, you still need to arrive on time because if you’re late, you’ll delay other people’s cross-dressing sessions.
● Charge your phone
One of the best parts of the crossdressing experience is to take some pictures of yourself to look at after it’s over. This way, you can keep feeling feminine even after taking off your makeup and returning to boy mode. You can even post them later to have some engagement with the crossdressing and trans community. You may also ask for advice or about your passability. A few selfies can be quite helpful in several situations, so taking some is recommended. But to do so, you’ll need your cellphone in your hand and with battery.
I went through a very frustrating experience once involving my phone. I spent about an hour and a half doing my makeup, and it took me over 10 minutes to properly fit my new wig in my head. I was ready to take some new selfies and publish them, as I felt very feminine that day. Unfortunately, I noticed it was out of battery once I picked up my phone. I had to wait for another half an hour to be able to turn it on and take pics without it turning off. I had to endure shapewear while I waited, and my sweat started taking off the makeup. So please, make sure you charge your phone before your session.
● Bring some references for the makeup artists
The phone is also important for another purpose. You can use it to send or show reference pictures to makeup artists. Reference is important so the artist knows what you want to look like. Talk to them about what you want to wear and what styles you like the most. Send pictures of your favorite outfits and the wig you want to use. In addition, let the artist see what your face looks like, and tell them as much information as possible in advance.
This information will be essential for them to plan on how to feminize your face. Makeup artists can start to think about and plan the makeup as soon as they see how you look. So, if you let them know how you look before your crossdressing session, the process will be easier and take less time.
● Shave before you go
Needless to say, you must shave before you go. A close shave makes the makeup look better and reduces your five o’clock shadow. It gives you a feminine look and makes the artists’ work easier. As facial hair growth varies from person to person, shaving on the same day you plan to go to the club is recommended. Make sure you use shaving cream and wash the razor between strokes. These may sound like minor details but they are important to help you eliminate as much hair as possible. Remember not to rub your face with too much force while drying it. Rub the shaved area gently to avoid any irritation on the skin. If you don’t know how to remove your hair, you can read this article
● Clean and moisturize your face
Arrive with no makeup and with a moisturized face. These are much more than simple skin care tips, I assure you. If you arrive at your appointment with makeup on your face, you’ll waste your time removing it. It will also delay other people, including the artist and other crossdressers. The moisturizer is important as well but for another purpose. If you choose an oil-free moisturizer, it will bring you lots of benefits. Not only will it keep your skin soft and young, but it will also make the makeup stay for a larger period of time. This durability allows you to enjoy your feminine face for longer and extends your crossdressing sessions. It’s quite rewarding to try out new outfits knowing your makeup won’t wear off so soon. It’s also helpful if you plan on showing up as a crossdresser somewhere after you leave the club.
As you can see, crossdressing service clubs can offer you many advantages. All you need to learn is how to show up for your crossdressing sessions at the club. Remember to charge your phone and take pics just to get the hook. Make sure you have a dialogue with the makeup artists so they know how to please you. Arrive with a shaven, clean and moisturized face so that you can enjoy the experience the most. But after all of that, remember to enjoy the process. Crossdressing is meant to be fun, and letting a professional turn you into a girl can be quite rewarding.
Tagged With:Crossdresser Club , Crossdresser Makeover , Crossdressing Services Club
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Established in 2009, We are a recognized manufacturer and seller of professional crossdressing products.
It is our aim to become not just the most creative manufacturer but also a very considerate seller, as we provide the best quality products for crossdressers all around the world.

Where is your crossdressing club located and how do I make a appointment with one of your make up artist. This club sounds fun when I come for the appointment can I show up wearing my pink matllick mini skirt. And yes I do wanna wear makeup the only thing stopping me is I suffer from tremors in my right hand
I would like to have help with make up and dressing up right
I’m real nervous about doing something like this.but I’m interested in doing it.ive always enjoyed dressing like a women. But can’t do the make up right.
I would ove to try ths , where is it please?
Hi, our Roanyer Club is based in China. If you are interested, you can contact us at, or you can find a local CD Club nearby.