Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This!

08/22/2022 - BY rachel

Welcome back once again, lovelies! As you may know by now, in this blog, we discuss topics of interest for crossdressers with a feminine side.


All in a very unbiased manner, free of prejudices.


As such, the infamous “purge” is a very common concern among our readers and crossdressers from around the world.


So today, we are going to explore the topic a little further.


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


Are you worried that someone might find your secret stash?


Have you worked hard and stealthily to acquire some clothing that you want to get rid of now?


It’s a stressful time that we’ve been all through.


That’s why today we are going to analyze the most likely scenarios to help you choose wisely!



1. Anxiety Is Your Worst Enemy


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


To begin with, I think it is important we address this very important point.


Anxiety is NOT your ally. It won’t help you make any wise decision.


So, if you are reading this, do it when you have some time to relax and breathe.


Suppose you sit down with a cup of tea, even better. Everyone who is on the edge of throwing away all their clothes is often terribly anxious about this decision.


And with due reason. Getting hold of some feminine clothes can be hard for many, and it requires serious planning sometimes.


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


Ending prematurely the enjoyment of something so difficult to get may sound ridiculous, thinking with a cold mind.


This sudden urge is often regretted by most crossdressers, who end up rebuilding their closets and spending more money than they should.


Let’s explore the most common reasons among those who face this dilemma.


2. Why Do Crossdressers Commonly Get Rid of Their Stashes?


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


Now that we have clear that by rushing things, we are not getting anywhere better.


That’s why I must insist that you read this post while you have a quiet time for yourself.


It is key to move forward that you are honest with yourself and ask these two questions first:


  • Why do you want to throw away your stash of feminine clothes?


  • Why did you start crossdressing in the first place?


There are two very frequent answers to the first question among crossdressers. Shame and obsession.


Two very dangerous feelings that can destroy anyone’s mind.


Combine this with an unhealthy dose of anxiety and social prejudices, and we have an immense snowball that keeps getting bigger.


If we compare to the standards that television throws at our faces every day, we are fighting a losing battle.


Even more if we take into account gender stereotypes.


Where masculinity and femininity are simplified, and there is no gray area.


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


This enforced take on gender roles in society represses the freedom of expression of many around the world.


There is no shame in being you and expressing however you want.


Don’t let them win. Each time this happens, we are losing a bit of the spark that makes humanity so amazing.


It’s understandable to keep your crossdressing a secret because of possible backfire coming out.


But you can’t let what others think dictate how you enjoy your private life!


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


Another common reason many crossdressers want to burn their stashes and move on with their lives is they are obsessing over it.


Because the body triggers a natural response when you are enjoying the feel of feminine clothes, it’s easy to get hooked on the feeling beyond the healthy barrier.


If you enjoy crossdressing that much, let me be the first to burst your bubble: getting rid of your girly clothes will probably end with you shopping for more later.


A great way to help you break that vicious circle is to start associating your crossdressing with productive things.


Like cleaning your house, creating some kind of art, exercising, or learning the dance steps of your favorite jam.


And there are many ways you can do this in the privacy of your home, too!


By doing this, you will be taking the focus off the sexual aspect of your femininity and will be able to explore it without obsessing over it.


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


Going back to the first reason that I mentioned, shame, there is a case where it can take another twist.


Many crossdressers think of throwing their stashes when they get a partner, especially a woman.


Out of shame and not knowing how to share this part of themselves with their significant other, they proceed to destroy all evidence of it.


And this is wrong on so many levels.


Usually, their love for feminine clothes won’t not only remain the same but perhaps amplified by the lack of occasional gratification.


On top of that, they often have access to their partners’ closets, and temptation can be devastating.


Without their stash, they “borrow” their other clothes without them knowing it.


This is very risky as they can not only get discovered in a very unpleasant way but also rip off some of the favorite outfits of their loved ones.


3. Back to the Roots


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


Let’s now explore the second question. Why do you love crossdressing in the first place?


Crossdressing is a way of expression that is more common than most think.


But many do it secretly and guard their privacy very relentlessly.


We have talked about the most common reasons why men crossdress in this other article.


But ultimately, the only one who can find this reason is you.


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


Most crossdressers experience the love of feminine clothes from very little, but few get to act on that.


So, it is very arguable if this behavior is natural and is repressed in individuals by the pressure of society’s standards.


Whatever the case is, it is your job to find out. I’m sure deep down you know the reasons why.


If you love crossdressing, find a way, a moment, or an escapade somewhere new and enjoy!


You are not hurting anyone, sweetie!


Always be true and honest with your partners; they love you and deserve to know!


4. Rethinking Your Crossdressing Routine


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


Whether you are ashamed of what others or your partner would say or are obsessing over feminine clothes but love crossdressing nonetheless, you have to rethink how you do so.


If you are afraid of being discovered, look for the best hiding place where no one else but you frequent.


Maybe putting your crossdressing on hold for a while can work, too, to reduce the anxiety you are going through.


But by no means discard your stash right away.


If after a while you grow tired of your crossdressing and want to do it, perfect. But rushing things won’t work.


It’s like buying a smaller pack of cigarettes to smoke less.


If you have a feminine side that needs to come out, clothing will not only help but also make you look your best!


And who doesn’t love looking good?


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


I’m a true advocate of expressing whatever feeling that comes naturally to you.


Your form of expression and your taste in clothes are no reasons to be ashamed.


And you can always find a way to make room in your life for a little crossdressing time.


I believe it has a lot of benefits when the energies are focused in a good direction.


Like I said before, you can harness the powerful energy of femininity if you put it into good work.


Also, I’m convinced that you can live while keeping your crossdressing a secret, just not from your partner.


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


If the romantic relationship keeps progressing naturally, it reaches a point where you need to share this.


If you both love each other, I’m sure you can understand each other’s points of view and deepen your bond even further.


If you are thinking about coming out as a crossdresser with your partner, read this other article in which I wrote about how to approach the situation.


5. Giving Your Stash a New Life!


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


There’s one more common reason many crossdressers get rid of their clothes: they are worn off or don’t fit anymore.


But in the same spirit of putting your feminine energy to good work, you can give them a new life.


Using pieces of fabric that are still usable, you can, with a little cutting and sewing, transform them into new pieces.


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


A very basic item to start learning is panties, and you need very little fabric for some styles.


There are an infinite number of different ways to boost your creativity by converting old clothing into new ones!


Besides having new options to wear, I think it is a great skill to start learning, and this way, you’ll need very little money for some projects.


Ultimately, you are doing Mother Nature a favor by reducing your trash. I know it’s little, but every bit counts!


Wait! Don’t Throw Your Crossdressing Stash Without Reading This


That’s all for today, gals! These are the most common thoughts that cross every crossdresser’s mind every once in a while.


Don’t worry because it is very natural given the world we live in.


But don’t rush yourself with hasty actions, and think about the reasons why you crossdress to have a deeper understanding of your situation.


I hope it has been of some help to you! I’m positive that whatever life throws at you, you can handle it.


Don’t let yourself get carried away with today’s biased and rushed society.


Be the best version of yourself, your true one!


Written by Tina Munova

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1 comment

  1. The dreaded purge.
    I have purged three times over the years and have regretted it every time. My purges stemmed from becoming frustrated with not being able to find time to devote to crossdressing or the last time was due to not being able to reach that next step with my make-up. The frustration of not achieving a better look.
    Now I am in the process of building my wardrobe and make-up back up. This is a time consuming and expensive process. I find myself repurchasing items that I found fit well and looked good if they are available.

    What I should have done was pack my items away and just waited.
    If you crossdress, it is a part of you for some reason and the need will come back stronger than before.
    It is more like holding your breath under water, when you come to the surface, you gasp and take in as much air as possible.


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