Stages of Crossdressing (MTF Crossdressing Part. 1)
When I started off as an MTF crossdresser, I wasn’t always as bold as I am today. I slowly crawled up through the different crossdressing stages to become a pro.
There are several stages/phases of crossdressing, especially for MTF crossdressers. The first stage is the awareness stage. Then we move to the denial stage. After that, we enter the exploration stage. Next comes the acceptance stage and then the integration phase. Finally, we reach the mastery stage.
All these stages manifest differently in different closet queens. In this blog, I’ll walk you through each of these stages so that you find out which stage you are going through.
1. Awareness Stage
Thats when you start to become aware of your crossdressing tendencies and feel drawn to it.
This is the first crossdressing stage for all closet queens. It’s the time when we start to realize that we’re different from other boys. We might see ourselves as girls trapped in boys’ bodies, or we might just feel a strong desire to dress up and look pretty.
During the awareness stage, we start to experiment with crossdressing. We might try on our sisters’ or mothers’ clothes, or we might buy some clothes of our own. We might even start to wear makeup and style our hair in feminine ways. This varies slightly from one MtF crossdresser to another.
This is a very exciting time as we begin to explore our femininity and notice our crossdressing tendencies. However, it can also be a confusing and scary time as we try to figure out who we are and what this means for our future.
○ How to handle this stage
The best way to handle the awareness stage is to simply go with the flow. Explore your femininity and crossdressing tendencies as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. There’s no need to rush into anything or make any big decisions right away.
If you’re feeling scared or confused, that’s normal! This is a big change in your life, and it can take some time to adjust. Talk to someone who understands what you’re going through, whether that’s a friend, family member, therapist, or other support system. They can offer guidance and support during this difficult time.
2. The denial phase
It’s when you go convincing yourself that you’re not really interested in dressing up like a woman
At this stage, we start convincing ourselves that we’re not really interested in dressing up like a woman. Maybe we’ve been caught wearing women’s clothing, or we’ve been thinking about it more and more, and it’s making us feel uncomfortable.
So we start to tell ourselves that it’s not really what we want, that we’re just curious or exploring our femininity. But the truth is, deep down, we know that this isn’t just a phase – it’s something we really want to do. We’re just scared of admitting it to ourselves or to others.
If you find yourself in this phase of denial, don’t worry – you’re not alone. It’s perfectly normal to feel scared or unsure about your crossdressing. But ultimately, you need to listen to your heart and do what’s right for you. Only you can decide whether or not crossdressing is something that you want to pursue.
○ How to deal with this stage
If you’re in the denial stage, it’s important to give yourself time to explore your feelings and figure out what you really want. There’s no rush to come out or make any decisions about your gender identity.
Talk to someone who supports you, like a friend or family member or a therapist who specializes in gender identity issues. They can help you sort through your feelings and figure out what’s best for you.
Remember, there’s no shame in being an MTF crossdresser. You are who you are, and you should be proud of that.
3. The exploration phase
looking for information and advice online and in-person.
At this stage, as novice closet queens, we start to look for information and advice online. This is the phase where we become more aware of our femininity and start to understand what it means to be a woman.
We read articles, join forums, and chat with other crossdressers. We might even buy our first piece of women’s clothing or accessory. We’re still tentative at this stage, but we’re slowly becoming more comfortable with the idea of dressing up.
This is also the phase where we start to experiment with makeup and hairstyles. We might try out different looks to see what suits us best. And we start to learn how to do our own makeup and style our hair.
At this stage, we’re also starting to think about how we can pass as a woman in public. We might start to experiment with voice training and mannerisms.
○ How to handle this phase
This is an exciting phase, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. There’s a lot of information out there, and it can be hard to know where to start. Here are a few tips for navigating the exploration phase:
Start with basics: Before you start diving into all the different aspects of crossdressing, it’s helpful to start with the basics. Read articles and books about crossdressing, and learn as much as you can about the subject.
Find a community: It can be helpful to find a community of other crossdressers that you can connect with. There are many online forums and chat rooms devoted to crossdressing, and these can be a great place to ask questions and get advice.
Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with your look. Try out different hairstyles and makeup looks, and see what you like best. And don’t forget to have fun with it!
The exploration phase is an exciting time, and there’s so much to learn. But by taking things slowly and at your own pace, you’ll soon find yourself more comfortable with the idea of crossdressing. And before you know it, you’ll be ready to take the next step in your journey.
4. The acceptance phase
Realizing that crossdressing is something you want to do long-term.
At this stage, we already know being closet queens is our thing. We get a thrill from the secrecy, the “naughtiness” of it all. It feels freeing and exhilarating to let our feminine side out to play, even if it’s just for an hour or two at a time. But as we continue to explore our crossdressing desires, we eventually come to a point where we realize that this is something we want to do long-term.
This realization can be both exciting and scary. On one hand, we feel like we’ve finally found our true selves. On the other hand, we worry about what this means for the rest of our lives. Will we have to give up our careers? Our families? Our homes?
The answer varies for every crossdresser. Some of us will be able to live our lives relatively “out” as crossdressers, while the majority of us will need to keep it more hidden. But the important thing is that we’ve made the decision to accept ourselves for who we are and to pursue our crossdressing desires in a way that makes us happy.
Now it’s time to start planning our next steps. What kind of crossdresser do we want to be? How can we make sure that our crossdressing fits into the rest of our lives in a way that works for us? These are the challenges of the acceptance phase – and they’re ones that we’re excited to tackle!
5. The integration phase
Incorporating crossdressing into your everyday life.
This is where we take all that we’ve learned in the exploration and experimentation phases and start to integrate crossdressing into our lives on a more regular basis. For some crossdresser, this may mean dressing up once or twice a week; for others, it might mean wearing something feminine every day.
○ Few things to keep in mind during the integration phase
First, take your time. This isn’t a race, and there’s no need to rush into anything. Remember that you’re doing this for yourself and not for anyone else.
Second, be mindful of your surroundings. If you’re not comfortable coming out to everyone in your life as a crossdresser, that’s perfectly understandable. Just be careful about who you do reveal your secret to if you decide to.
Third, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. We all do, and it’s perfectly normal. Just learn from them and move on.
○ What does the integration phase look like?
Here are a few examples:
1) You might start wearing feminine clothing around the house on a regular basis. This could mean anything from wearing a skirt or dress while doing chores to putting on some makeup before going out to run errands.
2) You could begin experimenting with your hair and makeup, trying out new styles and looks.
3) You might start going out in public places dressed as your female self on few occasions. This could be anything from going to the grocery store to going out to eat with friends.
4) You could start living your life more fully as your female self. This might mean changing your name and pronouns.
Of course, there’s no one right way to do the integration phase. It’s different for one sister to the next, and you’ll figure out what works best for you as you go along. Just take your time, you’ll get there eventually!
6. The mastery phase
Becoming an expert at crossdressing and enjoying it more than ever.
Personally, I’m at this stage. This is where we become an expert at crossdressing. We know what looks good on us and what doesn’t. We can style our hair, do our makeup, pick the right clothes and accessories, and pass convincingly in public. We’ve also learned a lot about ourselves and our femininity along the way.
We enjoy crossdressing more than ever before, and it’s become a major part of our lives. For many of us, this is the happiest we’ve ever been. We’re finally living as our true selves, and we couldn’t be happier about it!
As an expert MTF crossdresser, I’ve gone through all the stages of crossdressing. As listed above, there are at least six stages of becoming an ideal closet queen. And how we handle each stage determines whether we become successful crossdressers or not. Always remember: there’s no shame in being a crossdresser. Embrace your femininity and be proud of who you are!
Tagged With:crossdressing levels , Crossdressing stages
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Thank you sweetheart.
I am currently noticing I am in stage 5 meaning I just got 8 skirts in total and pantyhose, blaze and women shoes and wearing at home mostly but trying to wear outside in public
Thanks for valuable advice
I live more as a woman on line, everyone on my pages think I am a woman, but in my day to day life I am a guy, I came out to a friend, my wife and my daughter a couple of years ago I have lots of clothes that suit me but I still only dress up at home in private and not as much as I use to since telling my wife & daughter I worry about what they think, I also like dressing as a woman but I like having a beard