A Crossdressing Story: My Complete Makeover

08/20/2022 - BY rachel

How are you doing today, lovelies? For this article, I decided to write about a very special day for me.


Today I will tell you about one of the most thrilling crossdressing adventures of my life.


This is the story of the best experience at a beauty salon of my life!


My Complete Makeover


I think this little story is a great example that there is always a bright side to things; we just need to learn to see it!


And because all of us here love feminine experiences, I thought I’d share this with you!


Hope you like this tale and encourage you all to find the pink side of things!


1. There’s Always a Silver Lining


My Complete Makeover


I like to think of myself as an optimistic person. And as such, I always try to do my best with whatever hand I’m dealt.


I know it can be hard sometimes and it is not foolproof, but it is a nice attitude to have that helps make the most of any situation.


That’s why I think this story is a great example of it. As you all know, most countries in the world declared an emergency lockdown due to the COVID pandemic two years ago.


Many non-fundamental services closed, and in some cases, they remained that way for a long time, even months.


My Complete Makeover


Because of how close the contact is in this business, beauty salons were one of the most affected.


Nonetheless, many little businesses could not afford to keep their doors closed, so they offered their usual services “illegally.”


So, when my work closed during the lockdown, I had to at least try.


2. You’ll Never Know If You Never Ask


My Complete Makeover


There are a few sentences that feel as true as this one. Life is full of adventures and opportunities that are thrown at our faces every day.


But if you only stay still, you will watch them go by only as a spectator.


I believe life is meant to be spent and enjoyed in the ways it makes you the happiest.


Opening up and exposing yourself to new experiences has a ton of benefits, even though it may sound like a dread before starting.


My Complete Makeover


So when I got the call that my work was closing for two weeks I was extremely happy that I could dress up all day!


After the first week has passed, the epidemiological situation didn’t seem to get better and so my time off was likely to be extended.


Without overthinking it too much, I decided to book an appointment at a nearby salon.


3. In For a Penny…


My Complete Makeover


I was terrified and excited when the phone on the other end of the line answered.


Without getting into much detail, I asked if their business was open.


The woman on the phone answered that because of the pandemic situation, they were taking appointments but with a reduced schedule.


Nonetheless, they were able to make room in it for me very quickly!


My Complete Makeover


I was leaving a dream while wide awake! I thought of the irony of the situation and it still makes me chuckle.


While most of my crossdressing was hidden and private, I was about to take a further step meanwhile the world was in the same situation I was in my whole life.


I was praying the lockdown would be extended so I could indulge myself a little longer!


4. A Heartwarming Surprise


My Complete Makeover


At the salon, I was met by a rather surprised staff, but helpful and kind nonetheless.


I knew that when I got there it wouldn’t be easy to keep my mouth shut down since I booked a full makeover.


Yes, I decided not only to take my chances against an uncertain return to my job, but I went all in.


The girls that were in charge of my transformation were lovely all the way and very curious about my feminine side.


All the time spent there was a delight!


My Complete Makeover


Getting my body hair removed and my toes, nails, hair, and makeup done was a total dream come true!


There were a total of three stylists that took care of me that day and clicked on so well!


Actually, we started hanging out after that time and we get together every other weekend still today!


5. No Half-Measures


My Complete Makeover


I forgot all of my anxiety soon after I arrived at the salon thanks to these lovely ladies! I went to the salon wearing a rather androgynous outfit to draw even less attention.


Even so, I chose a secondary feminine outfit which I put on my bag on my way to the salon.


I planned ahead to come out of my makeover looking femininely gorgeous!


My Complete Makeover


If you are interested in the outfit, it was composed of some low-heeled pink shoes, black hosiery, a pink sweater dress, and a beige fur jacket.


On top of it, I relied heavily on sunglasses, the sanitary mask, and a scarf to have an uneventful trip back home.


Well, that is if I didn’t count all the passing glances that I got on the street! It made me feel so beautiful!


6. A Happy Ending


My Complete Makeover


Once back home, I turned on the TV, anxious to see the announcement of the extinction of the lockdown.


It didn’t happen that very same day, but I couldn’t care less at that time.


I was thrilled with how my transformation had turned out and spent the rest of the day trying on different outfits and dancing in my living room all day.


The lockdown was extended a couple of days later for two more weeks and I couldn’t be happier.


My Complete Makeover


I had the chance to enjoy my femininity fully for a month or so, and since then nothing has been the same.


Because the nature of my makeover wasn’t something that would disappear just as is, I decided to adventure myself more and even went grocery shopping en-femme!


7. And You Can Have Yours Too!


My Complete Makeover


I know that crossdressing at work or doing it from your home is not within reach of everybody.


At least not at the start but it’s never too late to learn to use a computer and investigate alternative ways of making an income.


Nonetheless, crossdressing has a lot of benefits that can bring to your life, especially if you love feminine clothes.


But there are ways in which you could adapt crossdressing into your lifestyle.


For instance, you can start using feminine lounging clothes while you are relaxing at home.


Or even getting a nice camisole to sleep in! There are many fruitful ways to incorporate feminine energy into your everyday life.


Decorate your home with some flowers or add touches of pink. The possibilities are endless!


It’s also very important to cultivate that flow of energy that generates naturally in us!


My Complete Makeover


This is just a little story that happens to prove the riskier the bet, the higher the payout.


As I told you, since then my life has taken a turn for the better.


After a while, I quit my former job and started looking for one that could be done from home, so I could dress however I wanted! And guess what? I did!


Now I’m in charge of my own “dress code” at my home office! I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it.


Take care of yourselves!


Written by Tina Munova.

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