Finding a Bra that Fits Crossdressers

08/27/2021 - BY rachel

We crossdressers have a secret advantage over cis women: our breasts aren’t real, so there are a variety of techniques that can help us overcome the problem of ill-fitting bra which aren’t available to the genetic female.


Assuming your goal is to look and feel, like a natural woman, I can help you with some tips and tricks I’ve picked up over a lifetime of trial and error.




Deciding what to put inside your bra is as important as selecting the right bra to wear.


Figuring out the right size for you is easy.


There is also a feminine alternative to wearing a bra which just might be the right choice for you.


Finding a Bra that Fits Crossdressers


First, we must distinguish between those among us who are fortunate enough to have just enough breast tissue to fill out a bra and the vast majority of crossdressers who must rely on breasts.


Let’s talk about the second category first, and then we’ll come back to the delights you’ll experience by going “natural“.





1. Inside Your Bra


A brief discussion about selecting the right breast forms is essential.


Many crossdressers make the tragic mistake of buying enormous breast forms that create a freakishly large bosom that will draw the attention of everyone they meet.


Perhaps this is your goal, but most of us aren’t exhibitionists, and a more modest rack will save you a lot of grief.


For one thing, breast forms can be expensive, and you don’t want to waste money on an ill-fitting pair that could better be spent on skirts, dresses, makeup, and jewelry!


So, my advice is to go with a sensible “B” or “C” cup when you’re ordering them unless you truly want to draw attention to yourself.


Finding a Bra that Fits Crossdressers


Of course, there’s nothing to prevent you from making a bra fit by simply foregoing breast forms and relying instead on tissues or cotton balls, and this can be an effective technique for the beginner.


2. What Bra Sizes Mean


Every bra has two size elements: the numeric size, which is the size of your chest, and the cup size, which is determined by the size of your breasts.


For example, I wear a size 38B, which means that if I wrap a tape measure around my “breasts” it measures 38 inches, and when I put my B size breast forms into the cups, they fill them out nicely.




Here are steps to measure your size


Finding a Bra that Fits Crossdressers


However, good-quality silicone breast forms are quite heavy, and unless your bra has strong underwiring, your breast forms can slip out of the bottoms of the cups.


Talk about an embarrassing moment…this problem goes away when you’re relying on tissues or cotton, and for that reason alone I recommend that the beginning crossdressers start with a bra that’s sized to fit their male chests and experiment with filling in the cups until you create the desired feminine profile. It’s fun!


3. Shopping for Your Bra


Finding a Bra that Fits Crossdressers


Most of us don’t have the moxie to march into a department store and ask a salesperson to help us select the right bra.


Fortunately, the Internet takes the embarrassment out of lingerie shopping, or you can go to a discount store or even any department store, and sift through the racks of brassieres, which come in many sizes, shapes, and colors.


Just remember your chest size and the cup size you’re going for, pick out one that looks pretty and feminine (this is supposed to be fun!) and bring it home to try on.


Chances are you’ll have a few “misses” before you hit on the right size for your silicone “girls” so my advice is to limit yourself to less expensive bras until you’ve found the right size for you.


Finding a Bra that Fits Crossdressers


Incidentally, if you happen to discover that the bra you’ve brought home, or ordered off the Internet, is a bit too tight, there is a ready-made solution: bra extenders, which can be found in most stores where women’s clothing is sold, come in a variety of colors and contain hooks and clasps which match up to almost any bra, so you can make your bra a few inches larger. Pretty ingenious!


4. Feminine Alternatives to Wearing a Bra


● Body briefer


Finding a Bra that Fits Crossdressers


Unless you’re skinny as a rail, you might want to consider going with an “all in one” body briefer instead of a bra and panties.


These wonderful undergarments will help to give you that “hourglass figure” you long for, and they’re both feminine and very practical – I swear by them when I’m going to be pouring myself into a slinky dress.


The size is the same as your bra size, so I go with a 38B, and your breast forms (and hip pads if you have them) will help to round you out and give you a girlish figure, while the panels around your tummy will nip your waist.


You won’t recognize yourself!


Just remember that the same principles that apply to brassieres apply to body briefers, in particular, if you’re going to be going with heavy silicone breast forms, make sure that there’s some underwiring under the cups so your hourglass doesn’t turn into a pear…


● Replacing the size of our breast forms


Finding a Bra that Fits Crossdressers


The truth is that we crossdressers have an advantage over most women: we can “shrink” our breasts if necessary to achieve the right look with a dress or top.


Most of us already know that a dress might look terrific on a hanger, but when we try it on in the fitting room, it just doesn’t drape right.


One of the reasons might be that our breasts are too large.


The same holds for a tight sweater, for example, which would be cute with perky breasts but looks top-heavy with too-large breast forms.


Some women who were blessed with huge breasts have gone to the extreme measure of having breast reduction surgery (Robin Quivers for example) so they can fit more comfortably in the clothes they like to wear.


Well, guess what: we crossdressers, by simply replacing the size of our breast forms with a smaller pair, can easily solve this problem.


Think of it as “instant breast reduction surgery”.


● Strapless bra


Finding a Bra that Fits Crossdressers


Similarly, some dresses require a strapless bra. (I’m not referring to the recent fashion trend favored by some younger women of showing off their bra straps above pretty tops).


This can be a big problem for a woman with big breasts, but it’s a snap for a crossdresser to put on a strapless bra and select a pair of breast forms (or tissues or cotton) to fill it out.




I have three pairs of breast forms that I wear depending on the occasion: my lovely silicon breast forms which I wear most of the time, a smaller pair of silicone inserts which I wear with my strapless bra and clingy tops, and a foam pair which I wear under my sports bra when I’m going for a run.


I also have an “athletic” underthings which is sort of like a long-line bra, to wear with my foam pads under my tennis dress and golf outfit.


I even have some sponge balls that I wear under my woman’s swimsuit when I’m going for a swim.



Finding a Bra that Fits Crossdressers


We’ve saved the best for last: haven’t you always wondered what it feels like to be a woman?


One thing most women don’t have to contend with is breast forms, and neither should you when you’re just enjoying a casual “girl day” as opposed to getting yourself all dolled up for a night on the town.


Several years ago, manufacturers came up with the “wonderbra” which is a “push-up” bra designed to maximize what nature gave a girl by pressing her breasts upwards.


Wonder of wonders, I’ve found that the same technique can work for me when I put on a bra like that (there are many brand names now) and sort of squeeze what little flab I have around my nipples up into the cups.


I usually downsize to go a size 36A with bra extenders, since that size is easier to find and I’m not well endowed.


The bra itself has some shape to it, and once I’ve got it on, I make a pretty convincing girl!


And the best thing is the absolute freedom I feel on a hot summer day when I go outside with nothing but a bra and panties under my sundress, heaven!




So, get on out there, and don’t let a bad bra stop you.


If you dial down the size of your breast forms, you’ll make it much easier to find a bra that’s both comfortable and flattering.


Remember that what you need to “pass” as a woman is to create a look that accentuates your feminine features, and a modest bosom will make it much easier for you to blend into the crowd.


A good bra or body briefer is essential, but you can take the mystery out of finding one that fits by following my advice with a little trial and error.


Take your time with it and make it fun!

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