Cross-Dressing Tips for Beach and Pool Parties

07/15/2022 - BY rachel

We think of pool parties and beach trips when we speak of summer.


These are common ways to deal with the hot weather, after all.


Cross-dressers are also affected by that change in temperature and may also want to relax in the water.


The problem is that doing so while en femme can be complicated.


The water itself makes it difficult for us to maintain a feminine appearance.


Cross-Dressing Tips for Beach and Pool Parties


But it is possible to do that. Suppose you manage to follow these tips.


You should avoid overloading yourself and make sure you’re using water-resistant stuff.


It’s also wise to think of a way to use more revealing clothes without giving away your shapewear.


In this article, I hope to teach you how to do that. So make sure you read it through!



1. Regarding shapewear


Cross-Dressing Tips for Beach and Pool Parties


If there’s one thing cross-dressers don’t want to lose during summer, it is their curves.


It is an essential part of their femininity and something they want to show off during this season.


But shapewear can be impractical for swimming purposes, even if it grants our curves.


Because of that, if you are going to a pool party or the beach, keep in mind that you should choose the proper shapewear.


In this section, I’ll tell you which ones you should choose.




About the type, avoid heavy corsets and larger structures in general.


Even though they give you intense curves, they will make swimming almost impossible.


So, unless you want to sit near the water all day, aim at something smaller that allows more movement.


It’s also essential that it’s small enough to conceal it.


I usually go with waist cinchers that are a number smaller than I should use for extra compression.


Sometimes, I even manage to combine two of them.


But if you still think that they aren’t enough, try butt-enhancing panties underneath your swimming outfit.


Cross-Dressing Tips for Beach and Pool Parties


As for concealing the shapewear, there’s no secret at all. You have three main options, for short.


If you’re happy with your body, you can use no shapewear at all, with no concerns about whether it’s visible or not.


The second one is to wear a professional full-body swimsuit, just like surfers do.


It conceals your shapewear well and allows you to swim without showing off too much of your body.


But if you’re looking forward to causing an impression, hide your shapewear with silicone bodysuits that imitate skin.


These deserve a whole section dedicated to them, so stay tuned.


2. About wigs


Cross-Dressing Tips for Beach and Pool Parties


Another sign of femininity is our hair. It’s essential for our self-esteem as cross-dressers and happens to be one of the most challenging things to maintain in order.


Swimming can ruin low and high-quality wigs alike if they’re sensitive to water.


It is more common with human hair wigs, as synthetic fiber ones are less likely to be damaged.


But even so, it may be a challenge to keep them fixed in your head while you swim.


The water itself exerts friction and drag on our hair while we swim.


That’s why professional swimmers cover their heads with swimming caps.


Sometimes, this drag force may be strong enough to pull the wig out of your head, ruining both your looks and the wig itself.


Cross-Dressing Tips for Beach and Pool Parties


Because of that, I recommend you choose something in the market specifically for this purpose.


There are some particular wigs designed for swimmers, and we cross-dressers may find them to be useful.


They are made of fiber resistant to water, with a medical-grade silicone cap.


It is vacuum-sealed and won’t come off your head easily once secured.


The hair strands are implanted in the same direction as the natural hair grows, so it looks natural, even while wet.


Keep in mind that these are quite expensive when compared with the standard stuff.


So maybe you could also consider using your natural hair or a swimming cap.


It’s up to your budget and whether or not you’re willing to risk damaging a cheaper wig.


3. Makeup tips


Cross-Dressing Tips for Beach and Pool Parties


You’re going to be in direct contact with water in these events, so water-based makeup is a big NO.


It will either get blurred or come off as soon as you enter the water.


So, oil-based stuff is a better choice. Better yet, there are many ranges of waterproof makeup you can find on the market.


It ensures you won’t have to keep retouching your makeup after every dive.


If you’re doing that during summer, it’s also possible that you’ll be sweating a lot, another reason to wear waterproof makeup.


Cross-Dressing Tips for Beach and Pool Parties


Besides all of that, there are a few other things to keep in mind.


Sunscreen is important as well since it prevents sunburns and even skin cancer in the long term.


But it isn’t easy to conciliate it with makeup. There are two ways to do that.


First, you can apply sunscreen to your face before the makeup, but make sure it’s well-spread and dry.


You want an even surface to work with. The other method consists of choosing makeup with sunscreen added to its composition.


These will generally be foundations with added sunscreen and moisturizing properties.


They also tend to be waterproof. A final tip on makeup is to apply a primer as well so the makeup will have an extra grip on your skin.


4. Silicone suits


Cross-Dressing Tips for Beach and Pool Parties


Silicone breast forms and bodysuits are a cross-dresser’s best friend during summer pool parties!


They are quite resilient and realistic. Summer is the time for us to show off our bodies a bit, and pools allow us to do precisely that.


However, shapewear prevents us from doing that, and we struggle to show curves and cleavage.


That’s where silicone bodysuits can help you. They will cover your shapewear, concealing it while enhancing your boobs and butt.


These look awesome in a bikini and are safe to use in a swimming pool.


The high-quality medical-grade silicone is comfortable to wear and looks just like the real thing.




If you want to participate in the most awaited events of the summer as a girl, you must take precautions.


It’s more about the type of materials we use to cross-dress, but it also involves intelligent decision-making.


You must dress up appropriately for swimming and be prepared for the kind of setbacks it may bring.


Do you plan on swimming this summer? If you do, please tell us how you’ll be dressing up to hit the pool!



Learn More:

As a crossdresser, what is my best option for beachwear?






What is more important to change in our cross-dressing routine in order to swim at a pool party or the beach?


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