Why You Should Try A Casual Approach To Cross-dressing
When we start to cross-dress, our goals and level of dedication vary. But on average, our sisters tend to take it too seriously. They invest too much in passability, and some focus on going out as girls. As such, most cross-dressers have limited experiences since they can’t relax while en femme. It’s rare for us to spot a casual cross-dresser nowadays, but it shouldn’t be.
A casual approach to cross-dressing allows you to experience many new sensations. It also frees you from many worries that come with a systematic experience. Here, I aim to explain most of the advantages of casual cross-dressing and why you should try it. I bet you’ll be convinced if you read this article all the way through.
1. You can have more fun this way
Casual cross-dressing is essentially more fun. You can use it to relax or even as some sort of therapy. What you do is you leave all of the cross-dressing concerns behind. Forget about passability or going out amidst strangers. Dress up at home, for yourself, in comfortable clothes rather than sexy outfits. It is a satisfying experience that allows you to have fun with little to no other concerns. That’s what casual means, something you occasionally do without too much commitment. You have no reason to be hard on yourself during anything casual, let alone casual cross-dressing. There’s nothing to fear and no one else to satisfy but yourself. If you do it more frequently, you’ll also improve your skills and build more confidence.
2. It expands your horizons
Casual cross-dressing is an excellent way to discover more aspects of this life. Many of our sisters feel like their experience is limited since they all dress up in the same style of outfits. Don’t get me wrong; it’s normal to dress up in elegant, feminine outfits well suited for going out. But there’s much more to cross-dressing than just that. You can have an authentic feminine experience in the comfort of your home or doing everyday tasks.
If you start to wear casual stuff while en femme, such as pajamas or comfortable outfits, you’re more likely to feel like a true woman. Of course, your interest in that experience will vary according to your objectives as a cross-dresser. But going through it will inevitably change your point of view to some degree and expand your horizons. Besides that, I have never known of any cross-dresser that regretted doing so.
3. It’s possible to dress up more often
Another advantage of casual cross-dressing is that it tends to be faster. You don’t need a lot of previous preparation, and shapewear is optional. You can also use more straightforward makeup techniques and focus on the feminization part. Anything else is irrelevant and optional, as there’s no one for you to impress. However, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t apply makeup. It’s casual but still cross-dressing, so I want to encourage you to wear makeup. However, you should focus on simple techniques, such as contouring, instead of something more elaborate.
Basic feminization skills work great for casual cross-dressing, so try not to judge yours too much. And because of that, we can dress up more frequently, since it takes less time. If we feel like our skills are not good enough, cross-dressing turns into a competition. Instead of comparing yourself to others, look at your progress until now. See how complicated things used to be and how easy they feel now. When I started to dress as a girl, I could only be Elise once per month. But then I gave up on doing flawless work every time, allowing me to dress up more often. If I feel dysphoric, I do casual makeup, and it helps me get better. If I were to do something more formal, I wouldn’t even have enough time to dress up.
4. It helps you get in touch with your inner woman
I say that because you’re allowing yourself to be feminine in a moment of vulnerability. That is, you let yourself enjoy everyday, mundane things. You get to know more aspects of your feminine side this way and unlock new personality traits. During regular cross-dressing sessions, our sisters experience limited aspects of their personalities. This idea is based on gender stereotypes and beauty standards. We try to replicate what we see women do not only around us but on the TV and the internet.
But if you allow yourself to be vulnerable around your feminine side, you’ll soon learn that being a woman is much more complex than that. You can use it as an opportunity to reformulate your goals and rethink your cross-dressing motivations. Because as soon as you understand how women feel in their daily lives, everything changes. It’s not like taming your feminine side, far from it. You learn how to communicate with and understand your inner woman by spending more time as her.
Cross-dressing is a complex activity with many different aspects. It’s okay to dress up to impress, wear a sexy outfit, and go out on a date. But a sexy silhouette in high heels is nothing more than a single aspect of cross-dressing. You can do all of that in a casual approach, spending more time as a woman and learning a lot in the process. It improves your skills and forever changes the way you see the world. It’s an exercise of self-knowledge, discovery, and a way to relax and forget your problems. And if you have something to tell us about your personal experience with casual cross-dressing, leave a comment to let us know!
Tagged With:Approach To Cross-dressing , Cross-dressing
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I love this article so much!! I have done this for a long time, you truly get into the essence of being a woman!!
I’m 80 Years Old And Still Crossdress It Just Feel,s Great