Positive Thinking of Your Crossdressing

04/11/2022 - BY rachel

Hello, lovelies! Feeling a bit down? On the verge of burning and throwing your stash of feminine clothes away?


Most crossdressers, including myself, go through a phase when they want to get rid of the crossdressing habit.


Only to come back later and spend more money rebuilding their wardrobe.


Positive Thinking of Your Crossdressing


The pressure to abide by the norm can and does generate anxiety on great levels.


This is an ongoing psychological battle for everyone who’s not included in the traditional and outdated gender normativity.


Nevertheless, discovering oneself gender and sexuality is something to be proud of.




We’ll see here the positive aspects that crossdressing brings into our lives to change our perspective a little and get some weight off our shoulders.


Let’s discuss the perks and benefits of this lifestyle.


Thinking positively about you and what you do will help you to have a healthier and happier life!



1. Connecting With Your Feelings


Positive Thinking of Your Crossdressing


It is not a coincidence that women and crossdressers are more in touch with their feelings and know what they want.


Sensitivity is a trait associated with femininity, which makes it obvious why we live things more intensely.


This is a good thing as long as you don’t get carried away.


The experience of crossdressing for most of us is not only a relaxing one.


It lets us tap into that feminine energy or persona within us and express it without apologies.


These wonderful moments of self-discovery beyond the barriers defined by gender help us develop a closer relationship with ourselves.


Positive Thinking of Your Crossdressing


It is only congruent to wear different clothes and change manners to let it surface.


Living this duality is not a bad thing; it lets us experience life on both ends and everything in between.


These life experiences add up to expand our comprehension of the world and others. This brings us to the next point.


2. An Empathetic Lifestyle

Positive Thinking of Your Crossdressing



Transsexual, crossdresser, and genderfluid are just some of the vast terminology that includes what I think is the same feeling.


The connection between both genders.


Many crossdressers, if not all, have great relationships with both sexes and every gender in between.


One of its causes is the point discussed in the previous paragraph.


This connection with our feelings makes us more understanding of those of others, with the possibility of living in different situations from diverse points of view.


It sets us free from old gender structures, letting us travel both ends.


Positive Thinking of Your Crossdressing


We become more empathetic with others and feel compassion and sincere worries for them.


In general, this inspires lots of good things.


Giving your best at work, with your family, friends, and pets can awaken the activist within you.


Even if it is from the place we are. We do not tend to take kindly racist, sexist, or any comment of the likes.


We adore the myriad of ways life can take place and the uniqueness of every human being.


3. Strength and Self-Improvement


Positive Thinking of Your Crossdressing


It is, for most, a tough struggle living in an unaccepting environment without depiction or unbiased representation in the media.


This search for one’s gender is often a difficult one.


Without a reliable global-scale support network for trans/genderqueers/crossdressers and the lack of visible role models, a great part of the community develops fears and anxieties.


This is particularly true with children, as they are the most vulnerable sector.


But finding one’s place(s) between the gender spectrum is a liberating epiphany.


Beyond this point, the sense of belonging (or not) permits us to develop a stronger love for ourselves and others.


It is when we also better understand others’ battles.


Many studies reveal that transgender individuals believe that their gender is defined also by their spiritual growth as individuals.


This personal growth everyone goes through becomes love for themselves and resilience to others’ opinions.


4. Perspective Beyond Gender


Positive Thinking of Your Crossdressing


The unique insight that experimenting with genders gives us brings to an obvious but often forgotten conclusion: we are all human beings.


For some, this realization comes with identification with the character of the other gender.


For others with the experiences, they went through hormone replacement therapy or sex reassignment surgery.


This unique perspective shatters the concepts of traditional gender roles, which, in time, brings us closer to a more accepting society.


I’m sure many in this wonderful community become “links” or “ambassadors” between sexes and genders.


It’s all interconnected, as this brings us to the second and first points.


This allows us to develop more meaningful relationships with others. Don’t be shy; go out, and you’ll rapidly discover that everyone carries their cross.


It is enlightening to engage with others, and we can always learn something from them.


5. Because it’s Fun!


Positive Thinking of Your Crossdressing


Besides all the previous psychological and personal perks discussed, crossdressing is F.U.N.


Completely discarding troubles and worries.


Allowing yourself a different and healthier approach to situations is also part of the experience.


And there’s no shame in having a little fun while at it!


Feminine clothes are a whole universe of new feelings and sensations against your skin.


No one should deprive themselves of it. Like I said before, crossdressing sets us free from the established norm and adds an extra flavor to our personality.


Experience everything you wish in this life with no shame.


Each of you is a special individual who will get to see brighter dawns.


Keep true to yourselves, lovelies!




As you can see, even though it may feel hard and lonely, the truth is you are not the only one who enjoys crossdressing.


There’s a big chance that someone has or is going through a similar situation as you.


Enjoy every unique part of yourself. You don’t have to ask permission to be yourself.


What do you think? Which are the most positive aspects or thoughts of crossdressing?


Love yourselves, and keep experiencing this amazing life!



Learn More:


Positive Impact Crossdressers Make in Society




Written by Tina Munova.

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