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Navigating the world as a Femboy: Advice for staying safe and true to yourself

08/26/2023 - BY jiasuo

Being a femboy may seem like a simple concept, but navigating the world when you are one can be challenging.


There’s nothing wrong with being a femboy. In fact, it’s one of the most beautiful things in the world!


But it’s also not always easy being yourself, especially when you’re just starting to figure out who you are.




There are many things that the general population does not know about femboys, and this means that sometimes you may feel a bit out of place in society.


For example, some people believe that if you are a femboy then you must have had surgery or hormone therapy; this is not true!


Some people also think that if you’re a femboy then you must be gay.


These two are not true! There are many different types of femboys out there, and each one has its own unique identity and story behind them.


This is why I have created this guide for you to understand what you need to know about your identity, tips on how to do femboy self-care, as well as provide some resources you can use to seek help if needed.



Coping with discrimination and criticism




Navigating the world as a femboy is often a challenge.


When you are different from the perceived notions of society, you will face discrimination and criticism.


People have preconceptions about what they think is right or wrong, and they’ll use that to justify their actions.


People can be mean and unkind, and it’s easy to get discouraged by the criticism you receive.




Even if you’re not aware of them, there are probably things in your life that are holding you back from being the person you want to be.


Femboys face discrimination on a daily basis—this can be subtle or overt, but either way, it has an impact on our lives.


If you’re struggling with how to deal with it, here are some suggestions for coping with discrimination and criticism.




It’s hard to be different. And people may try to make you feel bad about it.


Don’t let them! Instead, try to find someone who can relate to your difference and see the beauty in it.


You might find that person within yourself—you just need to take a moment and listen.


You might have to struggle a little bit to find your place in the world.


But it’s important to remember that being different is a privilege—not everyone has the ability to be themselves and not care about what other people think about them.


Remember that what matters most is how YOU feel about yourself.


Building a support network and finding allies




Navigating the world as a femboy is not without problems.


The world can be a tough place for femboys—especially if you’re trying to navigate it alone.


Are you hesitant about reaching out to people because you’re afraid of getting rejected?


Maybe you don’t know where to begin looking for allies. Or maybe the thought of having to explain yourself makes your heart sink.


First, build a support network and start finding allies. Next, stay connected.


Find other people who share similar experiences as yours and build relationships with them.


They’ll help keep you motivated and encouraged when things get tough!




Whatever your struggles may be, it’s important that you get started on finding friends and allies who understand what it means to be a femboy—or at least someone who will try their best to understand.


More support networks can be built from many different places: your friends, your family, online communities and forums, and even your local LGBTQ+ community center.


But finding allies is just the first step—you’ll also need to learn how to deal with the negative reactions of others that come with being yourself.


You might be surprised by how easy it is to find other like-minded Femboys on social media.


There are tons of groups out there where Femboys gather to share stories, offer advice, make new friends, and even find potential dates from apps like SURGE, Taimi,, Bumble, etc.


Self-care and self-acceptance




There’s a lot to love about being a femboy, but sometimes it can be difficult to accept and love yourself for the unique person you are.


This is where self-care comes in.


Self-care is important because it can help you cope with the stigma that comes from being a femboy.


Self-care can include activities like going to the gym, listening to music, or taking time for yourself.


Be proactive! The best way to deal with discrimination is to prevent it before it happens.


You can do this by building your self-esteem and practicing positive affirmations every day.




As a femboy, it’s important to keep your mental health in check.


You have to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and your body.


This means taking time to do things that make you feel good, like going out with friends or reading a book.


It also means allowing yourself to feel whatever emotions come up for you—whether they’re negative or positive.




Self-acceptance is also equally important because it allows you to be yourself without worrying about what others think of you.


Self-acceptance means accepting who you are and treating yourself with respect, even if that means doing things that other people might not agree with (like wearing nail polish).


By practicing self-care and self-acceptance as femboys you can learn how to be happy with who you are.


Finding your voice as an activist or advocate




As a femboy, you are in a unique position to be an activist or advocate.


You have valuable experiences and perspectives that can help others understand the world through your eyes.


You may be hesitant to speak up about issues that are important to you because of fear of backlash or judgment from others.


This fear is understandable, but it shouldn’t stop you from speaking up for what’s right just because there might be some negative consequences.




Take action for something you believe in and be an advocate for someone else.


Find your own unique way of communicating your thoughts and feelings on issues that matter most to you.


It may be through a blog, through your fashion, or anything that may help others recognize the plight of Femboys.




In addition, find people with similar interests who also want to be activists or advocates.


This will help build a support network where everyone feels comfortable talking about their experiences and ideas together instead of feeling like they’re alone in this world full of people who don’t understand them at all!


Another thing that can help you navigate those negative reactions is knowing where they come from.


Oftentimes people react negatively because they don’t understand why someone would want to identify outside of their assigned gender roles.


Other times it’s because they simply don’t know how to deal with someone who isn’t fitting into their idea of what’s “normal.”


So, it’s important that you find ways to educate yourself about these issues—and then share your knowledge with others!


Having fun is possible as femboy




Having fun is possible as a femboy! You have a lot of different options for expressing your identity.


From the clothes you wear to the way you style your hair, to the way you speak and act, to your fashion, there are so many ways to be your own unique personality.


Being a femboy means being comfortable with yourself and being able to express yourself freely without having to worry about what other people think of your appearance or behavior.




First of all, give yourself permission to try new things!


Don’t worry about what other people think of you or how they’ll react to your new behaviors—they don’t matter anyway!


Let go of any fear you have and just do it! Second of all, remember that it’s okay if things don’t work out exactly as planned at first—it’s part of the process!


And when things do go wrong (and they will), don’t let it get you down!


Learn from your mistakes and try again until things start going better for you.


We all have the right body, and it’s up to us how we use it.


You can make your femboy body work for you—and even if it doesn’t look exactly like what you want it to look like, you can still feel confident and sexy in your own skin.






If you’re a femboy, you might have heard that being yourself is difficult or impossible—that you should try to act like a boy or hide your femininity so that others will accept you.


But that isn’t true! You can be yourself without having to worry about what other people think of you.


Stay true to yourself.


We know it sounds cliche, but sometimes cliches are true because they’re so easy to forget when we’re trying so hard not to get lost in the crowd!


So just remember, you matter!


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