I Think I’m a Crossdresser, What’s Next?

01/07/2022 - BY jiasuo

Navigating your way as a crossdresser can be difficult, especially if you don’t know where to start or are just uncertain of your gender identity.


Trying to understand who you are and where you fit into the world can be difficult, but it is a process that is worth taking the time to figure out.


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


If you think you might be a crossdresser, you can do a few things to help you figure that out.


First, start by reading about the topic.


Several publications and articles are available on the subject, and they can be helpful.


You might as well want to talk to somebody familiar with the topic, either a friend, family member, or counselor.


They can help you sort out what you’re feeling and guide you on what to do next.


It is important to start slowly and not do too much all at once.


This can be frustrating when you feel like you don’t know where to start, but you must take some time to think about what might happen before you plan your first outing or a shopping trip.




This article will serve as an outline, which you can follow when starting your journey.


It’s also to help raise awareness that not everyone begins “full-force” into transition right away.


Some people need time to figure out who they are and what they want in life before jumping in headfirst. That’s perfectly okay!



1. Who is a crossdresser, and what does it mean?


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


A crossdresser is typically defined as someone who occasionally dresses in clothes of the opposite gender.


This can be either for fun or because they feel more comfortable, but it does not necessarily mean they want to become a woman.


For some people, crossdressing is considered an alternative sexual lifestyle, while others see it as a kink or merely play-acting.


The common thread is that crossdressing is enjoyable for most people who engage in it, and they see it as an escape from their everyday male lives (MTF).


2. How do I know I’m a crossdresser?


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


There is no particular answer to this question, as the definition of crossdressing can vary from person to person.


However, a few things might indicate that you are a male-to-female crossdresser.


If you enjoy dressing in women’s clothing, enjoy the attention you get from being seen as a woman, or feel more feminine when crossdressing, then you might be a male-to-female crossdresser.


Additionally, if you are interested in makeup, hair, and other aspects of femininity, that can also be a sign that you are a crossdresser.


Not all men dressed in female clothing are interested in transitioning into a woman, but it can be a strong indicator that you want to explore this side of yourself.


The most important thing is to listen to your intuition and trust what you feel inside.


3. Crossdresser Journey-Is Crossdressing normal, am I normal?


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


If you have ever wondered if crossdressing is normal, the answer is yes!


Crossdressing is an entirely natural activity for some people.


It’s as normal as wearing clothes that fit your gender.


It’s a way of expressing yourself and feeling comfortable in your skin.


So, if you’re wondering if you’re normal, the answer is yes!


There is no harm in wanting to express oneself differently.


Everyone is different, and that’s what makes life interesting.


You shouldn’t be embarrassed about who you are.


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


Some people crossdress to express their true selves.


They may feel like they were born in the wrong body or that they don’t quite fit into the gender roles of their culture.


This can be quite confusing and frustrating to anyone, especially if you’re young.


However, crossdressing is a beautiful way to express themselves acceptably.


4. Crossdressing as a young person – what is it like to be young and crossdress?


If you’re young and crossdressed, you may feel like you’re the only person in the world who does this.


You may feel confused and alone. It’s important to know that you’re not alone!


Many people out there are going through the same thing as you.


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


Young people often crossdress because they want to express themselves in a way that is different from their everyday lives.


They may feel like they can’t freely be themselves at school or home.


Crossdressing allows them to be someone else for a little while and to explore their gender identity.


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


The challenges of crossdressing as a young person can be difficult and confusing.


However, other people out there can relate to your experience and share their advice with you.


Getting connected to the right people at the right time can help ease this transition into adulthood.


There is nothing shameful or wrong about feeling different!


5. Crossdresser Journey- Can I tell anyone?


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


One of the biggest concerns for people who crossdress is whether or not they can tell anyone about it.


This is a valid concern, as many people may not understand or accept crossdressing.


Crossdressing is a personal experience, and you should do what feels comfortable for you.


Again, there’s no precise answer when it comes to this question.


You should only tell someone if you feel safe and comfortable doing so.




It’s important to have someone you can trust to talk to about your crossdressing experiences.


This person will be able to offer support and advice when you need it.


If you’re not sure whether or not you should tell someone, take some time to think about it.


Consider your relationship with this person and how they might react.


If you feel like they will be supportive, then go ahead and tell them!


6. What does it say about my sexuality?


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


Some people may wonder if there is a connection between crossdressing and sexuality.


This is a valid question, as crossdressing can be seen as a sexual activity.


However, this doesn’t mean that everyone who crossdresses is sexually attracted to the same gender.


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


People who crossdress may have different sexual orientations.


Some people may be heterosexual, while others may be homosexual or bisexual.


Crossdressing is about self-expression and creativity.


However, if you find yourself sexually attracted to your clothing, that’s okay too!


Just because crossdressing is a natural part of who you are doesn’t mean it has to be sexual or explicit.


7. Learning to love and accept myself


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


Learning to love and accept yourself can be challenging.


It is easy to get hung up on what others think of you, but you need to remember that they are not living your life.


There will always be people in the world who don’t understand or accept crossdressing, so why should you let them have control over how you feel about yourself?




Remember that you are the only one who can decide who you are and how you want to express yourself.


No one else has the right to tell you what is or is not acceptable.


If you’re having a hard time accepting yourself, seek out support from friends or family members.


Use the abundant online resources to help you learn to love and accept yourself.


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


8. Resources and support groups for crossdressers/transgender people


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


There are many resources available online to help young people who crossdress.


There are also many support groups and safe forums where you can find advice from other crossdressers.


These community-based sites can be a great place to learn about yourself and how you want to express your gender identity.


If you want to connect with other crossdressers or people who identify as transgender, check out the following websites and platforms:


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


– Michelle Boyde from Chrysalis Youth Services wrote an article on her experience of being a young person who dresses in female clothing.

– The Mermaids support group is dedicated to supporting children, teens, and adults who feel that they were born in the wrong body.

– Cross Dressers International is an online community where you can meet people who support your unique situation.

– Roanyer Club has excellent resources for men who want to learn more about crossdressing.

– New Youth Connections is an organization that helps young people learn about their sexuality and gender identity.


I Think I_m a Crossdresser, What_s Next


In conclusion, crossdressing can be a fun and empowering experience for young people.


It is a way to express yourself and your gender identity uniquely.


There are more than a sufficient amount of online resources to help you learn more about crossdressing and how to accept yourself.


Stay true to yourself. Wear what you want because it’s your life; don’t let others dictate how you choose to live it.


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Learn More:

I am cross-dressing. What is it going to be like after I have been dressing for a while?

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