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How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You

01/07/2022 - BY rachel

As a crossdresser, you may know how helpful a corset can be.


It helps us to reduce our waistline and achieve a much-desired hourglass figure.


Even though they help us look more feminine, many of our crossdressing sisters have concerns about it.


They fear the risks a corset could bring to their health.


It’s common to be afraid of that since a corset has both benefits and limitations.


But to see if a corset is or is not compatible with your situation, you need to understand said limitations.


After that, compare them to the benefits to see if it’s worth it.


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


Due to this kind of controversy, crossdressers have many doubts regarding corsets.


They are right to be concerned about it because, in certain situations, a corset can be harmful.


However, these cases are limited to people with certain diseases or conditions.


As long as you are healthy and avoid using it excessively, a corset won’t harm you.




If you are in doubt about which conditions make you unsuitable for crossdressing with a corset, this article may help you.


I’ll talk about the most common diseases and occasions that prevent people from wearing it.


But I’ll also tell you how a corset can be helpful in different circumstances.


The objective is to make it clear if corsets are or are not suitable for your situation.



1. A few controversial points about corset


Before we talk about each situation, I’d like to point out a few side effects corsets were reported to have.


Of course, it varies according to many factors.


The quality, size, and type of a corset make it unique, and each person is affected by it differently.


But here are a few myths and truths about what you can expect when using a corset:


● Can a corset cause appetite reduction?


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


In recent years, some people have said that a corset can reduce one’s appetite by compressing the stomach.


Well, that’s quite far from what actually happens.


The corset does compress your stomach while you wear it, but it doesn’t reduce your appetite.


You’ll still need (and want) to eat, and wearing a corset only makes it harder.


You may feel stomach pain and hurt your digestive system by forcing a compression in the area.


Keep in mind that a corset is not a substitute for a good diet.


If you plan to reduce your appetite, you should try a bariatric or gastric bypass surgery with proper medical aid.


● Can a corset heal flared ribs?


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


Well, it depends on the gravity of the situation.


Most cases of flared ribs can be reverted through physiotherapy, and a corset can be helpful in this kind of situation.


But you need to do so with the help of a medic, following his suggestions.


If the case is too serious, surgery may be needed to revert your ribs to normal.


● How about other problems, such as pelvic tilt?


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


It does help a bit, mainly with a posterior pelvic tilt.


The corset helps to straighten up your pelvis while you use it and can heal it with time.


But to achieve better results, help from a physiotherapist is recommended.


● Does wearing a corset give you a waistline?


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


The first thing you’ll notice when you wear a corset is that your silhouette will change.


Your waistline will be more defined, creating a curvier look.


But that’s because the corset is dislocating your belly fat, and the change will last until you take it off.


A corset can give you more durable results if you start practicing your waist training.


That is, if you wear your corset regularly, practice a few exercises, and watch out for your diet.


So we can say it does give you a waistline, but its durability depends on other variables.


2. Unsuitable situations for corset


● Prolonged wear


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


If you plan on crossdressing for a long period, wearing a corset may not be recommended.


It will make you tired faster than usual and ruin your experience in some cases.


It depends on your stamina and how much you can take.


But wearing a corset for more than a few hours should be avoided, especially in hot weather.


● Using a corset during exercises


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


Well, a corset will restrict your movements and make exercising way harder than it should.


Don’t get me wrong. You can find sports corsets out there and practice with them for waist training.


But if you’re doing heavy exercises, a corset would do more harm than good.


● People with cardiovascular diseases


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


If that’s your case, it’s better to stay away from corsets.


The compression and the stress you’ll get from a corset may cause serious complications in your blood circulation.


That’s because the corset can block your veins, causing changes in your blood pressure.


That’s too big of a risk.


● For those with gastric and respiratory diseases


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


The compression can cause complications in these cases as well.


By compressing your belly, both your stomach and lungs will work with a certain difficulty.


In the case of gastric diseases such as gastritis, the compression may cause vomits and reflux.


It can be even worse if you have asthma or other diseases in your respiratory system.


A corset will limit the movement of your belly and make it even harder for you to breathe, possibly causing a faint.


● Excessive visceral fat


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


People with chronic obesity and excessive visceral fat should also avoid corsets.


The compression may be too much for them to bear, causing internal trauma if something goes wrong.


I’m talking about extreme cases in which a corset can hurt a person internally by compressing and dislocating too much fat.


3. Who’s encouraged to try out a corset?


● Compulsive overeaters:


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


People who always overeat and cannot control the amount of food they eat can try out a corset.


As I mentioned before, a corset alone doesn’t reduce your appetite.


But in this kind of situation, it can prevent you from eating more than you should.


It makes it harder to fit more food in your stomach and works as a reminder of your objectives.


However, if it happens too often, you should treat your anxiety with a psychologist.

● People who work sitting


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


Office workers, call center operators, and people who sit for hours a day should use corsets to improve their posture.


If they sit for too long, they can end up with a hunchback or other problems in their backbone.


A corset can help you to straighten up your posture, and fix this kind of problem.


But keep in mind your comfort, and wear the corset only for a couple of hours, with intervals of two to three hours.


● Those who want to achieve a quick waistline


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


If you want to dress up for a special occasion, such as an important party event, a corset can save your day.


It will make your waist look smaller and curvier but for a limited amount of time.


In gala events such as proms and fine parties, you’re unlikely to get too tired or to exercise too much.


In this case, a corset won’t cause you any harm, and the discomfort shall be minimal.


Crossdressing sessions and photoshoots, in general, are also an option since they hardly last more than a couple of hours.


If you plan to do so, make sure you practice for a few days to improve your stamina.


● People who want to change their silhouette permanently


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


If you want a curvier body and do not have the aforementioned diseases, you can try it.


Start practicing with your corset daily, gradually increasing the amount of time you use it.


It’s called waist training, and when done correctly, it can cause a permanent reduction in your waistline.


To get better results, you should combine it with some waist reduction exercises and a balanced diet.


Trans women can also make use of corsets in addition to hormonal therapy.


By doing so, they reallocate their body fat with more efficiency.


Permanent changes take time, sometimes years.


But for those who want to feel comfortable in their bodies, it’s worth a try.


How to Tell if a Corset Is Suitable for You


As we can see, a corset brings a lot of benefits for crossdressers and trans women.


It reduces the differences between male and female bodies by compressing the waist and creating curves.


However, this centuries-old tool has always been surrounded by controversies and fear.


People fear it because they don’t know if it’s safe or if it does any kind of harm to its wearers.


But in the end, it’s all a matter of equilibrating things.


If you use it without exaggerating, you can get most of its benefits without risking your health.


As a tool, you need to know when to use it and how.


You need to remember that corsets aren’t going to do any miracle to turn you into a woman, but it does help you in your transformation.


As long as you can take it, I encourage you to try out a corset as a support tool that improves your experience as a crossdresser.


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