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How to Overcome the Guilt That Comes With Crossdressing

02/24/2022 - BY rachel

In many countries, it may be difficult to talk about themes such as being trans or crossdressing. It leads to the spread of misinformation and ignorance, and, as a consequence, fear. So, when you start to crossdress without understanding everything about it, you may feel it is a guilt.


You may think that you’re doing something wrong and that you should stop doing that.


But this is not true, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of being yourself.


How to Overcome the Guilt That Comes With Crossdressing


To overcome this, you must understand how harmless crossdressing is.


But to do so, you may also have to rethink your social norms and stop suppressing who you are.


Dressing up regularly and figuring out your gender identity may help you in the process as well.




So, to help you with that, I’ll talk about these methods so that you can get rid of that guilt.


After that, you can be yourself and be comfortable with it.



1. Understand that it’s harmless


How to Overcome the Guilt That Comes With Crossdressing


You aren’t hurting anyone by crossdressing. It’s a completely harmless activity, and it doesn’t influence other people to crossdress, either.


This is especially true if you crossdress at home when no one else will see you doing that.


So, if you’re not harming anyone else, why should you feel guilty?


I know that shame and other factors play a part in it.


But I want to emphasize the innocent nature of being a crossdresser and how it isn’t something you should be forbidden from doing.


2. Rethink your social norms


How to Overcome the Guilt That Comes With Crossdressing


Much of this guilt may come from external pressure.


Each society is different, and some may even have cultural variations inside of it.


What I want to point out is that each culture has its own “normativeness” or “social norms.”


And in most cases, struggle to deal with anything that doesn’t fit in their norms.


They tend to repress discussions about themes that deviate from the normativeness, and as a result, they become taboos.


It doesn’t mean that they will prosecute you for deviating.


But refusing to talk about it may polarize society and create misinformation about the meaning of this stuff.


How to Overcome the Guilt That Comes With Crossdressing


That’s what happens to crossdressers as Western society neglects people who don’t fit into the cis-hetero stereotypes of gender roles and expressions.


So, to overcome it, you must rethink your norms and educate as many people as possible.


Explain how inoffensive it is to dress up and that it’s only weird because it deviates from the social norms.


3. Dress up more often


How to Overcome the Guilt That Comes With Crossdressing


If you crossdress regularly, you’re more likely to get used to it.


But if you do so on rare occasions, you’ll feel more like it’s a hidden pleasure of some sort.


This idea only collaborates with the idea that it’s wrong to dress up, increasing your guilt.


Dressing up more often will help you to normalize crossdressing, and once you feel like it’s a normal thing to do, you’ll feel less guilt for doing so.


This may be because you start to understand what crossdressing is.


It destroys any trace of ignorance left and makes you more comfortable with this idea.


4. Figure out your gender identity


People fear what they don’t understand.


Those who don’t understand crossdressing despise it and feel guilty if they ever want to crossdress.


We’ve discussed that understanding and comprehension are the keys to abolishing this guilt.


So, I want to point out one more way to understand who you are.


Figuring out your gender identity may help you solve any identity crisis and put you one step further in your way to stop feeling guilty.


How to Overcome the Guilt That Comes With Crossdressing


The gender spectrum is broad, and figuring it out may require some degree of introspection.


But to help you a bit and give you some direction, I’ll talk about some terms you may have to get used to.


Your genitals and chromosomes define your biological sex. It usually matches your assigned gender at birth.


This way, biological males are assigned males at birth, and biological females are assigned females at birth.


Your gender identity, on the other hand, is how you feel about your gender role and expression.


How to Overcome the Guilt That Comes With Crossdressing


A gender role is what society expects a person of a certain gender to be like.


It includes their gender expression, which is nothing more than the way they look and behave.


With that in mind, if you’re assigned male at birth but identify with a female gender role and expression, you may be a transgender woman and vice versa.


A non-binary person may identify as being neither male nor female.


How to Overcome the Guilt That Comes With Crossdressing


You can, however, be a crossdresser and still not be trans.


All it means is that you’re a cisgender person who likes to wear clothes from the opposite gender sometimes.


And cisgender, of course, means that you identify as the same gender you were assigned at birth.




Crossdressing is inoffensive, and being a crossdresser won’t harm anyone.


However, due to social norms, ignorance, and prejudices, some people may feel guilty after dressing up.


To overcome that, they must understand who they are and seek enlightenment.


The key to destroying bigotry and discrimination is comprehension and respect.


So, once you understand what you’re doing and who you are, your guilt may disappear.


How did you manage to overcome it?


If you did, or even if you still struggle with it, share your experience with us and leave a comment down below!




Learn More:


The Emotional Journey of Crossdressingd: Overcoming Shame and Building Confidence


How do I get over my shame and guilt for crossdressing?


The Suppression ofCrossdressingg Guilt

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  1. I find it sexually arouseing when I cross dress and I’ve been doing it since u was 5 or as early as I can remember I only cross dress when I’m alone in my room and when I know nobody will bug me so I won’t be seen but sometimes I wish u could go to school while in female clothes or go to work wearing something cute or sexy but I know people in my life will act negatively towards me in female clothes I also feel like less of a man afterwards and I feel a huge sense of shame and guilt come over me. I wish I could be open about it to my family and my girlfriend but I know I’ll be miss understood and judged in a negative way I really hope I can truly be myself in public one day

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