How to Fit In Self-Care During a Busy Day
It’s important to take care of yourself throughout the day and not just at the end. Taking time to care for yourself can be difficult on a busy day. In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to forget to take a few minutes here and there to focus on yourself. Whether going out for a walk or doing something you enjoy, it’s important to find self-care methods that work for you.
We’ve all settled into a busy routine between work, and arts and crafts. In life, everyone is running in the same direction — and that’s to the finish line. We’re all working hard and leading busy lives. But it can be hard to take care of yourself when you don’t have a second to spare. I admit this can be difficult to do. Whether you’re a parent, an entrepreneur, or just an MtF crossdresser with a busy schedule, it seems possible to fit in self-care when you need it the most.
So, I want to share some easy tips to help you relieve stress and take care of yourself right now. Read more below to know the five tips to help fit this extra important step into your busy day.
Breathe in, breathe out – take deep breaths all day long.
We’re all busy. We all have a million things to do, and there’s never enough time in the day to get it all done. But that doesn’t mean you can’t fit in self-care. In fact, it’s probably even more important than ever to take care of yourself. Because your body will be working hard no matter how many things you have on your plate. So, how can you fit in self-care during a busy day? One way is to breathe in, breathe out—take deep breaths all day long. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel just by taking time for yourself every once in a while! Taking deep breaths throughout the day will help you stay calm and collected while you tackle whatever is thrown at you.
Here are a few tips for doing this. When you wake up in the morning, take some deep breaths before you leave the bed. This will help you feel more awake when you’re ready to start your day. When you’re in class or at work, breathe deeply for a few moments every hour. It will help lower your stress levels and reduce fatigue so that you can keep up with what’s happening around you. Also, when something makes you feel stressed or upset, take a few minutes to breathe deeply and calm down before talking about it with anyone else.
We all do breathe, but do you remember to breathe deeply? It’s easy to overlook the importance of breathing when you’re on a busy day. But if you take a moment to pay attention, you’ll notice that taking deep breaths can help you feel calmer and more focused. This week, try taking deep breaths throughout your day. You can do this while walking from place to place or waiting for the bus or elevator. You can even take them to your desk! Just take a few moments to pause and take deep breaths—your body will thank you.
Try to spend some time outside.
One way is to try to spend some time outside, even for just 5 minutes. You might think you don’t have time to go outside and relax, but you’ll be surprised at how much more relaxed you feel after taking a few minutes away from your desk. You don’t have to go on a run, just take a few deep breaths and listen to the birds. You’ll feel better about yourself (and your day) afterward!
When looking for ways to make self-care a priority in your life, it can be easy to think that you need to find an hour or two each day to devote to the activity. But if you’re like most people, your schedule is already packed with work and life responsibilities. The key is finding ways to squeeze in small moments of self-care throughout the day. One way I’ve found effective is by doing something as simple as spending 5 minutes outside daily. Even if you can only do this on your lunch break, taking a few minutes to go out and breathe fresh air can help you feel more energized and focused when you return to work.
Self-care is an important part of life for anyone, but it can be especially challenging when your days are jam-packed, and you don’t have time to stop and take care of yourself. One of the best ways to make sure that you’re getting enough self-care is by reducing the amount of news and social media you consume. By reducing your intake of these kinds of media, you’ll be able to spend less time being bombarded with stressful information and more time doing things that make you feel good.
I know: it seems counterintuitive, but trust me—when you start cutting back on your news consumption, you’ll feel more connected to the world around you. And if I’m being honest, you don’t need any more reasons to be disconnected from our communities. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life and forget to take care of yourself. But it’s important to remember that you’re not just a person who goes to work, sits at home and watches TV, or spends all day on social media—you’re also a human being who deserves a break. So, instead of scrolling through headlines or refreshing your feed every five minutes, try setting aside some time during the day to read something uplifting and positive or listen to music that makes you happy.
Download a mindfulness app.
How to fit in self-care during a busy day? One way is to Download a mindfulness app. Mindfulness apps are great because they help you focus on the present moment, where true happiness lies. You can use them anywhere—on your phone or tablet, while sitting in traffic, or even while working at your desk. The apps offer guided meditations and other practices that allow you to be present with yourself, instead of allowing your mind to wander into thoughts about the past or future. These apps help you relax by focusing on your breath and letting go of distractions. You can even set reminders to use them throughout your day—or simply use them when you need a break from everything else that’s going on around you.
Here are some of my favorite mindfulness apps: 1) Headspace—This app offers guided meditations from 10 minutes to 30 minutes long, all free! You can even create your own custom sessions based on how much time you have, or what kind of meditation style works best for you. There are also “mini” meditations if you just need something quick and easy. 2) Calm—This app offers five different kinds of meditations: Sleep Stories (readings designed to help you fall asleep), Breathing Exercises (guided breathing exercises), Daily Meditations (short guided meditations), Body Scan (a guided relaxation exercise), and Walking Meditations (guided walking meditations). You can do these mini meditations while waiting for an elevator or sitting in traffic—it just takes up some space in your day so that you don’t feel like there isn’t room for self-care.
Schedule self-care like you would schedule any meeting.
You’ve heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Right? And you know what? It’s true. You need to take care of yourself to continue taking care of others. But sometimes it’s hard to fit self-care into your day. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by everything on your plate and just don’t have time for something like a bubble bath or meditation session—or maybe you feel guilty because there are so many other people who need help and attention. You just don’t feel like you have the time for yourself. But the good news is, there are ways to fit in self-care that don’t take up a huge chunk of time.
One way is to schedule self-care like you would schedule any meeting or appointment. Pick a time when you have some free time in your day (maybe after lunch or before dinner), and block it off. Then treat it like a meeting—set an alarm, set expectations with others who might be affected by it (if applicable), and make sure you have everything ready for that time slot.
This way, you get to relax during your self-care session, and no one will be distracted by wondering what’s going on because they’ll know exactly what they can expect from that particular time slot! Set aside time each week for something relaxing and soothing—put it on your calendar as if it were an appointment with someone else, even if just for 10 minutes or so. And then stick to that appointment! Here’s how:
Set up a calendar (ex. Google Calendar) with an event named “Self Care.”
Add all your self-care activities to this event (exercise, meditating, reading—anything that makes you feel good).
Schedule this event right after your “meeting” ends (usually at 5 PM).
Then stick to it!
We’ve all been there—you have a ton of things you need to get done, and you’re tired, so it’s hard to find the time and energy to take care of yourself. But self-care is important! It can help you stay energized and focused to be the best version of yourself at work and home.
Tagged With:Care Tips , crossdresser self-care
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