How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend



 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend


Dating a crossdresser girlfriend is tricky to navigate in this world.

If you think it’s hard to date a crossdresser since you don’t know what to expect,

wait until you hear about crossdressers experiences and insights.

Trust me, boys, it’s much harder for crossdressers, and I’ll tell you why.

Our society has definitely progressed in terms of gender and sexual diversity,

but there’s still a lot of work to be done.

I mean, as a crossdresser, I still get unnecessary stares and ridicule when I tell people that I am one.

People call me all sorts of things, and for some reason, society still finds crossdressers and crossdressing taboo.

But hey, everyone wants a good love story, right? And I want it too.

That’s why I’m here to teach all the boys who love crossdressers and want to date one. Pay attention to the rest of the blog.



What Dating Is Like For A Crossdresser




As a crossdresser, I approach dating very differently from your regular cis women.

The latter doesn’t have to deal with homophobia, transphobia, and other societal stigmas.

Dating a crossdresser should be like dating anyone you love,

but there’s so much wrong info out there where crossdresser dating is always shown as some secret hookup.

As a result of this misinformation and societal stigma,

I often meet the same type of guys: curious dudes with either fear or just pure lust in their eyes.


 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend 


Pretty upsetting, right? Crossdressers deal with this when dating.

Instead of being all cool and open about it, most of these men don’t even want to admit they’re dating a crossdresser.

And I personally understand this because they are scared, too.

Being a crossdresser, all I want is for men not to be shamed for dating crossdressers;

it should be as open as everyone else’s relationships!


Are You Looking For A Crossdresser Girlfriend?


 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend 


Finding a crossdressing girl is not an easy task in today’s day and age.

Dating apps, especially those that cater specifically to crossdressers,

are one of the most reliable options since they get rid of the awkwardness that comes with face-to-face dates and meet-cutes.

Also, I personally consider these apps much safer than meeting some boy directly.


If you want to try online crossdresser dating, read this blog.


Don’t want to give online dating a go? That’s fine. Don’t feel too pressured by people to jump into that.

Old-school meetups are still fine, by the way.

Crossdressers are everywhere, so you shouldn’t have too much of a hard time.

Just remember to be nice to us!


How to Date A Crossdresser


See Us as a Person


 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend 


All we want is one thing from boys: see us as a person, not your secret fetish.

If you still don’t get it, crossdressers are people, too—we have the same heart.

The social stigma around dating crossdressers hurts me a lot.

Imagine being slapped in the face and given the middle finger right after. It just sucks.


Being a crossdresser, I am treated like a perpetual post-midnight booty call,

reduced to a mere fetish or kink that they only like to explore under a hidden veil of shame.

Honestly, it makes me feel totally awful like I’m just a dirty little secret.

It’s very disrespectful and degrading to be unwanted and unacknowledged—to be treated like a rejection.


If any of you are going through this, never settle for that, babe!

So what if we are crossdressers?

We deserve better, definitely better than being someone’s one-night stand.


Don’t Assume Stuff


 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend 


Crossdressers aren’t a monolith. Believe me, dude, it’s very rude and annoying when you stereotype us.

The best thing you can do when dating a crossdresser is to avoid labels and see us beyond

our gender orientation to develop a deeper connection.

You’ll be surprised that inside, we are just like any other girl.


Every crossdresser has a different personality, and each one of us has something different to offer.

So please, throw those judgy vibes out of your head and just enjoy the date!

All we want is to have a good time with you.


We Are Not Search Engines


 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend 


This is the most annoying part about these boys—they come on dates like curious teens.

I mean, come on, give me a break. I am not your Google search engine,

so don’t just ask me too many questions and ruin my happy, girly mood.


Look, boys, I respect your curiosities, but hold on a bit and be generous even if you want to ask something.

The best thing is to do your research before the date.

Crossdressing girls want you to treat us like any other woman, so just behave and make us feel special and feminine.


Understand Gender and Sexuality


 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend 


Most of these boys don’t even know the difference between gender and sexuality.

Boys, it’s not the same thing. Just because you’re seeing a crossdresser doesn’t make you gay.

Hooking up with a crossdresser has nothing to do with your gender identity.


We Are Not Your Dirty Little Secret


 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend 


Okay, I am putting this out straight: I am not your dirty little secret, and neither is any crossdresser in this world.


Some of these men want to keep the relationship with us a secret forever.

Keeping your dates with crossdressers secret is very disrespectful.

If you’re not willing to be out and open with us, just let us know in the beginning so no crossdressing girl has false expectations.

And I get it: boys are also victims of social stigma, and hey, we are the ones who can normalize crossdresser dating.

If we continue to be feared and oppressed by these societal norms, the crossdresser dating culture will never change.


Keep the Backhanded Compliments to Yourself


 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend 


Please don’t be rude to us and pass trashy comments about our sexuality,

gender, or how we look, especially on the first date.


Crossdressers aren’t con artists, so please don’t misinterpret our gender expression as trickery—I am not Loki!

If I come on a date dressed like a woman and introduce myself with my feminine name,

it means I want to be perceived as a woman.

I’m not passing as anything—I’m being myself.


Rejection Sucks


 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend 


Getting dumped by dates hurts, especially if the reason for the breakup is my choices!

As much as we all like to say that we don’t need the men who broke our hearts, the truth is rejection hurts.

Crossdressing women aren’t the exception—who doesn’t want to love and be loved?


If you’re a crossdresser reading this, know that it’s okay if you have a breakup!

Healing is necessary, darling, and crying helps.

I listen to sad music, dress up, and hang out with my crossdresser friends to rejuvenate my feminine soul.


I Am More Than My Gender


roanyer now!


We crossdressers embrace femininity, and it’s our strength.

I am proud of being a feminine man, but as much as I am vocal and proud about it,

I am also more than my gender identity. Crossdressing is not my personality trait.

So please don’t think about crossdressers through narrow eyes.


We Have Standards Too


trans now 


Don’t mistake crossdressers as desperate.

We don’t just jump into the bed of the first man we see for the sake of it.

Never assume we’ll take the bare minimum.

Friendly reminder: you’re not the only guy in the universe who likes crossdressers.

If you are going to be rude to me after a few dates, get ready to be dumped, big boy.

I don’t like men with small-dick energy.


Love Is the Same for All


crossdressing with roanyer 


I don’t think this is very hard to understand, is it?

We deserve a man who is confident and won’t be hesitant about coming out and openly dating a crossdresser.

Dating a crossdresser is considered some alien thing, but it shouldn’t be like that at all.

It should be as normal and magical as dating any other woman in the world.


We don’t want to explain our identities every time since we are just feminine men living our lives.

After all, love is the same for all.


Wrap Up


 How to Find A Crossdresser Girlfriend 


Dating a crossdresser is nothing different than dating any other woman.

All we want is to be loved and treated with respect.

If you love dating crossdressers, the best thing you can do is live up to it and own it.

We are more than your dirty little secret.

As men, if you are dating us, make sure you know everything about us and don’t

make us feel uncomfortable on the date by asking dumb and unnecessary questions.

We are just like any other girl who wants to have some fun.

Also, get ready to be dumped if you don’t care about all the things mentioned above.

We are not desperate to fuck just any man. So, better keep that small dick energy in your pants, Daddy.

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