Dodging Anal Douching by Using Roanyer Products in Crossdressing





Traditional anal douching is a method that most of us practice in crossdressing. The process involves cleaning or preparing the anus with steamed or hot water and other equipment.  We perform this method mostly when we are preparing to engage in anal sex to stimulate pleasure. Based on various studies, the method has more harm than good on us. This article will explain the various challenges associated with conventional anal douching methods. It will also provide ways of dodging anal douching using Roanyer products and all the Roanyer products available. The article will also provide step-by-step guidelines on how to use the products, how to wash them, and how to purchase them.



Challenges Often Associated With Traditional Anal Douching




We often find ourselves practicing traditional anal douching methods to spice up things in our bedroom.


However, these methods have various challenges associated with them, such as:


Getting a Waterborne Infection


Some parts of our bodies, such as the anal, are delicate parts which require proper care and maintenance.


Hence, using water for anal douching may result in harmful bacteria introduced to the rectum causing waterborne infection.


This is possible since tap water or the water we use for bathing is sometimes unsafe or unsterilized for drinking;


hence when we use it to douche our anal, it transfers the bacteria to our rectums.


Disruption of our natural bacteria


Like the vagina, the anal also contains natural bacteria that we refer to as the rectal microbiome.


The microbiome plays an essential role in protecting the anal area against harmful pathogens while also enhancing the digestive process.


Therefore, using traditional anal douching methods may interfere with the work of the rectal microbiomes resulting in gastrointestinal issues.


Causes Messiness


While practicing traditional anal douching, we may find ourselves messing all over the place, especially if we are using the living space to perform the process.


For instance, while douching, we may find ourselves spilling water all over and leakages that may require us to clean after the whole process.


This may also result in inconveniences as we have to think of how we will clean the space after douching.


Risk of anal injury


Apart from getting an infection, anal douching may result in the tearing of the skin around the anus.


The anus has a sensitive skin that needs to be handled with care.


High temperature and pressure from the steam can make the area more sensitive, resulting in injury and discomfort.


Also, while having anal sex, we may increase the chances of getting fissures because the cells around the area have been dried out.


When we get an anal injury or tear from traditional anal douching, we may also increase our chances of getting an infection.


It may increase our chances of getting sexually transmitted diseases.


Causes Dehydration


We may not take it seriously, but douching frequently may result in dehydration of our bodies.


When we douche our anus, especially with water that has high temperatures, we draw excess moisture out of our rectal tissues.


For the rectum to function correctly, it needs to be dehydrated like any other part of the body.


Therefore, frequent anal douching can result in dehydration which may lead to discomfort and other complications.


Having pleasure is undeniable, but we should put our health first.


If we choose to douche, we should ensure that we avoid doing it frequently.


Also, we should maintain proper hydration and hygiene helps with our overall health, which includes sensitive areas like the anus.


Inconsistent Results


It may take longer for us to see the results when practicing traditional anal douching.


This is mainly when we use water with moderate temperatures.


At the same time, using water at high-pressure temperatures may result in pain, discomfort, and other health-related issues.


Therefore, the process may leave us frustrated and dissatisfied.


To ensure we do not have inconsistent results, especially if we prefer traditional anal douching, we can try doing it at least twice or thrice a week.


However, we should be cautious of the temperature and pressure of water we use while douching.


Not Recommended by Medical Professionals


While some of us enjoy the traditional anal douching, medical professionals and experts do not approve of it.


Medical professionals state that traditional anal douching causes more harm than good.


Among the harm that conventional anal douching causes include the ones listed above, such as contracting waterborne diseases, disrupting the natural bacteria, and risk of injuries and dehydration.


Hence, we can use other alternative methods that are less harmful and have proper hygiene and diet.


We should also consider practicing safe sex to ensure our anus stays safe and healthy.


How Roanyer Products Simplify the Douching Process


Challenges Often Associated With Traditional Anal Douching


Some of the Roanyer Products include those with anal openings that we can use to keep the area clean.


The Roanyer products contain the following:



Built-in Anal Holes


Some of Roanyer’s products consist of anal-hole slots that we find to be convenient and efficient, especially during sexual activities.


They are planned and are of specific types to enable self-cleaning and enhance cleanliness.


This does away with the necessity of such procedures as douching.


It also erases the need for preparation when planning intimate moments, thus saving time.


Ease of Use


Contrary to normal douching, using Roanyer products is easy, and we do not need to prepare in any particular way.


We just put it on as used, and it performs all the design work independently.


Challenges Often Associated With Traditional Anal Douching


Comfortable Fit


From the presently used design and observed characteristics, all Roanyer products are produced from high-quality fabrics, which are supposed to fit the body snugly and comfortably.


Remember, these products also have different sizes that enable us to fit perfectly, boosting our confidence.


They cut on the discomfort, making our whole experience as crossdressers enjoyable.


Discreet and Convenient


It is suitable for us to know that no extra actions are needed for this purpose as the products are used as parts of our cross-dressing clothes.


This makes them ideal as a suitable method of observing personal hygiene without feeling weird.


Moreover, we do not have to worry about our bathroom being messy, which helps us focus on the massage.


Challenges Often Associated With Traditional Anal Douching


Hygienic Solutions


Roanyer products are durable and smooth, are not prone to collecting germs and bacteria, and are thus easy to clean.


Since Roanyer products do not require frequent douching, they support the balance in the rectum’s flora.


This helps avoid infections and present neat looks, knowing we spent quality time on our hygiene.


Enhanced Confidence


I don’t know if it’s just me, but while using Roanyer products, I feel more confident compared to when I use the traditional anal douching methods.


Also, I do not feel like I am being forced to have intercourse.


I can enjoy sex with my partner without having the fear of getting an infection afterward.


Challenges Often Associated With Traditional Anal Douching


Consistent Results


This is because products from the Roanyer brand guarantee us a perfect and clean anal area.


Remember, with traditional anal douching, we may not achieve consistent results due to the risks associated with constant use of the method.


Therefore, we should use Roanyer products to gain consistent results.


All Roanyer Products with Anal Holes


Roanyer provides crossdressing products with different types of anal holes to create diversity for users’ demands or personal tastes.


All of these products are made with a lot of care, and the feeling of quality is very realistic and comfortable.


Some of Roanyer’s Products include:


Challenges Often Associated With Traditional Anal Douching


D Cup Bodysuit with Anal Hole


D Cup bodysuit with anal hole intends to solve our problems in one package.


For instance, it provides an actual woman’s appearance with features such as colored skin and appropriate body shape.


A hole in the anal area has made the product to be more helpful, contributing to the aesthetic value, and at the same time, can be used as a pass-through by any person.


Whether the purpose is to have a bustier figure or desire for a bodysuit that would enable us to have access to anal hole, then this undergarment is perfect.


Super Strong Hip Pants


Super Strong Hip Pants will enable us to achieve the desired shape of our hips, hence the name hip pants.


At the same time, it comes with a hole for easy access and convenience.


Hip pants that are fashionable today help us to uplift the hips and ass region, providing a curvy appearance.


Also, this assures us that we can have the beauty of the appendage while the ability to have easy and direct access to the anus.


Fake Vagina Pants with Anal Hole


Fake vagina pants with anal holes are quite suitable for those of us who want to be less noticeable.


This panty helps in enhancing the curves of a lady discreetly and comes with an anal hole for easy access.


Concealability is another significant design consideration seen in the clothes’ design, as the clothes are designed for daily wear and should be worn under other clothes.


The realistic texture of the fabric and the actual fit of the clothes make the wearer look good and feel comfortable in the garment.


This has the added advantage of allowing easy access should that be required from time to time.


Challenges Often Associated With Traditional Anal Douching


Hip Enhancing Pant with Anal Hole


Hip enhancing pants with anal holes are used to create curves on our thighs and hip area while at the same time serving the intended function.


For instance, this hip stretch provided fullness, helped shift my weight from my upper to my lower body, and gave me a more feminine figure.


Thankfully, an anal hole is also made sure to be included so that we do not have to go through the process of anal douching for us to enjoy sexual activities.


Shorts pants with Anal Hole


Such products as the Roanyer silicone shorts pants with an anal hole are designed to mimic the actual product hence providing realism and comfort.


These shorts are made to look and feel like shrink wrap with many details that even imitate the skin texture.


An anal hole that is incorporated in them increases their functionality; they can be worn regularly or on an as-needed basis.


S Cup Bodysuit with Anal Hole


S Cup bodysuit with anal hole is a platinum version to suit people’s needs that do not fit the above options.


This bodysuit comes with features of a rather realistic vagina and an anal hole to give the feminine form in its completeness.


Also, the body suit has arm extensions, making it unique from other products.


The detailed design aims to make the models as near natural as possible in terms of surface texture and shape.


General Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use Roanyer Products


The easiest way to enjoy using Roanyer products is to follow the guidelines provided.


Here is a step-by-step guide:


Challenges Often Associated With Traditional Anal Douching




Before using my Roanyer product, I ensure I have adequately prepared for comfort and hygiene.


During preparations, I ensure that my product is clean and well sterilized.


I wash it with mild soap and warm water because rigorous washing will negatively affect its quality.


Proper cleaning guarantees that any remnants of the prior process or earlier usage are no longer on the surface, which is in direct contact with my skin.


The second step after cleaning is to lubricate my product.


I do so by creating an air-tight seal and putting some water-based lubricant into the anal hole of the product.


This step is essential for comfort anytime I plan to use the product for an extended period.


Lubrication ensures that I do not get friction that may result in rashes on my skin.


I also avoid using mineral oil-based products as it causes the deterioration of the material.


Putting on the Product


The second step is also the most crucial since it will determine my comfort.


I will put on the product carefully to ensure it’s properly positioned.


For the proper demonstration and to ensure it gets into place, I should put it on while standing instead of sitting.


I can also adjust the product once I am in it to be very comfortable with it.


Also, I should ensure that the anal hole is positioned correctly to match my body features.


Challenges Often Associated With Traditional Anal Douching


Layering on the Product


All Roanyer products are made specifically to allow discretion and extended wear.


Therefore, I can wear my clothes once the product has been adjusted to give me a comfortable feel.


Remember, these products can remain unnoticed under our clothes.


We should be comfortable walking in public while wearing them underneath our clothes.


However, while wearing the product, we should occasionally take a break and ensure the product is still correctly positioned and does not cause discomfort.


For instance, I can make slight adjustments where necessary to have a good and tight fit all day.


Using the Anal Hole


The best thing about Roanyer products is that we get access to a functional anal hole.


For instance, when I want to engage the anal hole, then I have to ensure I am naked or do not have any piece of clothing that may cover the area.


This might involve pulling down my pants, zipper, or underwear.


I can also access the layout of the product quickly and clean it without much hassle.


The product is very convenient as it enables us to engage in sexual activities with much ease, making it enjoyable.


Post-Use Care


The final step to ensuring that our Roanyer products last longer is healthy post-use care.


We should clean the anal hole after use as it may contain various dirt and bacteria around it that may cause infection.


Mild rubbing can be done using a safe wipe for the skin or washing the area gently with soap and warm water.


This step assists in avoiding dirt accumulation and any possible soreness or bacterial or viral infection that may be present on the body part to be trimmed.


Remember to pat the area dry after washing and scrubbing.


Water remaining on the area of the product may cause discomfort or skin problems after some time.


How to Clean These Products Before and After Intercourse


When wearing products for sexual intercourse, it is essential to consider the safest method of cleaning them before and after use to enable them to last longer and to enjoy the pleasure of using them.


Here are ways of cleaning them before and after sex:


Before Intercourse


Before using the product, wash it with warm water to eliminate any dirt or dust present on the product.


We can also do so by using a soap that is not abrasive to clean the surface and the anal hole.


However, we should not leave the soap on the surface of the Roanyer products.


Therefore, we should ensure that we rinse thoroughly with clean water.


After rinsing, we can pat our product with a clean cloth and place it outside to dry.


We should avoid placing it under direct sunlight as it may interfere with the composition of the material.


Challenges Often Associated With Traditional Anal Douching


After Intercourse


Once we have finished using the product, we can rinse it with warm water.


While rinsing, we can slightly wash the surface around the anal hole with a soft soap to wash out any secretion or oiliness in the anus.


Remember to rinse gently to avoid destroying the material while removing foam and other dirt around the area.


Also, disinfect the product with a toy cleaner or a solution of water and vinegar.


Rinse thoroughly, then leave the product to dry by itself without any wiping or rubbing; it should be dried to a dry state.


After drying, we can keep our Roanyer products in good condition and away from bacteria till the next time we may need to use them.


How to Purchase These Roanyer Products


Roanyer products are available on Roanyer’s online websites, where we can make our purchases and seek advice on the best products depending on our needs.


We can purchase the products by:


Roanyer sissy femboy


Visit the Roanyer Website


The first step is to visit the official Roanyer website.


There, we can find information about the products they offer, their costs, and how to use them.


Browse the Catalog


Before we purchase any product, it is also advisable to search for the various products in different categories.


We may be lucky enough to get offers on several items.


For instance, the last time I made a purchase, I was lucky.


I got the Independence Day crossdressing sale. I bought two products and got a 10% discount.


Roanyer crossdress sissy


Read Product Descriptions and Reviews


While purchasing, we should also take time to read the product description and reviews.


By reading the customer reviews, we can get more information about the product and its suitability and understand its advantages and disadvantages.


Select the Products


After reviewing the products and finding the ones that fit us well, we can select the products.


We should remember to add the necessary size and shades or variations according to our preference to the checked item list or the shopping cart.


Roanyer crossdress


Proceed to Checkout


The next step is to check out.


This means that when we are ready to buy, we click on the cart and follow check out on the page that will appear.


On the next page, we will be asked to enter our delivery details and choose the payment type we prefer to complete our purchase.


Complete the Purchase


This process involves checking our order summary and making the payment.


We will receive a confirmation of our order, which contains detailed information about the order and the tracking number.


crossdressing with Roanyer


Wait for Delivery


While completing the purchase, we should state the exact place or address where we would like our products to be delivered.


Remember, Roanyer delivers to most parts of the world.


Also, we need to track the package information to get the estimated arrival time.




Dodging anal douching by using Roanyer products provides us with comfort and also health benefits making us enjoy cross-dressing.


We should remember that traditional anal douching has various harmful effects, as it may result in infection and other severe health issues such as anal fissures.


The best part of using Roanyer products is that they are convenient, easy to use, and do not affect our health when crossdressing.


I would recommend that we all use Roanyer products if we want to enjoy our crossdressing experience.

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