Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands

08/26/2021 - BY rachel

As crossdressers, we generally make changes to the appearance of different parts of our bodies. Our goal is to feminize all of these parts, reducing their roughness and making them look smooth. However, some of us tend to ignore or neglect the hands, which can prove to be a major mistake. If you want to pass, feminizing your hands is a very important step, since a pair of rough masculine hands can give you away and break your femininity.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


Well, hands can’t be reshaped with surgery, as do most of the other body parts we have. They are very sensitive and complex, in a way that we can’t physically change them with ease. However, we can make use of a few good tricks and change their appearance through comprehensive care techniques. Such techniques include shaving, moisturizing, and even covering your hands, to make them look more feminine!


I’ll explain each one of them in-depth, with quick tutorials that aim to teach you exactly how to achieve a pair of feminine hands. After that, you’ll be able to decide which method is the best one for your case, and hopefully incorporate that into your crossdressing sessions.



1. Cleaning your hands


Before we start, we need a clean surface to work with, so we can avoid complications. It also already starts the “feminization” process in your hands and helps a lot with the other steps. With that in mind, here are three main things you need to do to clean them before we start.


●Step 1: Wash your hands properly.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


You may start by pouring and spreading soap in both hands. Rub them together until you can barely see any foam so that you make sure it’s evenly well-spread (maximizing its effects). After that, wash away the soap from your hands with warm water. It has to be warm since cold water will close your pores. Also, very hot water will irritate your skin, and you don’t want either of those if your goal is to achieve smooth hands.


●Step 2: Consider hand exfoliation.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


By removing the dead layer of your epidermis, exfoliation helps your skin to look younger. It also makes it better absorb moisturizing products, making its surface smoother. You have a couple of options here on how to do that. The first one is to use a homemade or industrial exfoliation cream or powder, and the other involves using a pumice stone to achieve the same effect. They are pretty much the same in terms of effectiveness, yet the first method is slightly cheaper. Just remember to do gentle and soft movements while you exfoliate, to avoid irritating your skin.


●Step 3: Trim your nails.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


I know, women’s nails tend to be bigger than men’s, but they also have a different shape. Masculine nails are generally straight and square, while feminine ones are often pointy and slender. The easiest way to recreate that is to trim your nails and use fake ones instead of letting your natural ones grow. It also saves you some time if they are already pre-painted, and trimming will help you to keep your fingers clean as well.


2. Moisturize your hands


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


This is a crucial step in the feminization process since that will essentially grant your hands a smooth and soft surface with time. Achieving that is a huge step towards completely feminising your appearance, so I consider that quite important. Let’s see how to do that, shall we?


The trick is to keep your hand moist throughout the day to maximize the effects over time. With the sanitizing habits we had to get used to and all the exposure to chemicals our hands are currently facing, they get dry quite quickly. I would recommend the use of hand sanitizers with a moisturizing base. Or, at least applying a moisturizing cream right after you sanitize or wash your hands.


When you apply the cream, rub your hands together as gently as possible, until no trace of the cream is left (to ensure everything is absorbed). If you are unsure about allergies, avoid moisturizers with fragrances. They contain a lot more chemicals and are likely going to irritate sensitive skin. Go for the neutral ones, as they are more effective and have no side effects.


Another tip is to sleep with cotton gloves and cream on your hands. First, apply your moisturizing hand cream to your hand, then cover it with the cotton glove. The glove will work like a facial mask and other skincare products.


3. Remove hair on arms and hands


Too much body hair will create an effect opposite to what you want. They make your hands and arms look rough and masculine, and thus, less feminine! To help you avoid this situation, I’ll suggest a few things.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


The very first is to shave regularly. This way, you’ll be able to keep your arms soft and smooth, and if you maintain them like that, people will get used to it. Once they are used to it, they won’t suspect you are a crossdresser, and probably won’t make any invasive questions. For arms and hands, I consider twice a month to be a good ratio of shaving, but it depends on how much hair you’ve got and how fast it grows back.


Shave during a shower because it’s more effective and raises fewer suspicions. Before you shave, wash your arms and hands with warm water, and then apply some hair conditioner to the areas you intend to shave. Shave gently but with steady strokes of the blade. After every stroke, wash the blade to get rid of any hair stuck there, and keep it wet.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


Once you’ve shaved, wash everything again. Dry it gently with a towel or soft cloth, but avoid rubbing, because it could irritate your skin. Once everything is dry, apply your moisturizing cream and you are good to go.


4. Apply nail polish


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


If you manage to keep your natural nails, or if fake nails aren’t enough for your crossdressing experience, I suggest you use some nail polish. Women’s nails are colorful and vivid, vibrating with style and complementing their look. Coloring and polishing them with nail polish is certified to enhance and feminize your hands, so take note!


Choose a color that matches your outfits, or one that suits your personality. Red is a generally good choice, but blue and black are also viable everyday options. If you want something more elegant or unique, try adding details and drawings to the paint job, creating something called “nail art”.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


There are a lot of painting techniques and tricks on the internet that may teach you how to do that. But you might as well consider a skilled professional or the help from some female friends that are used to it. You also call watch the following video for nail art beginners.



5. Wear jewelry


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


Jewels and other accessories are commonly associated with women. You can use that to your advantage, incorporating some accessories into your outfit. Wristbands, rings and bracelets are good options but don’t exaggerate.


Avoid filling up your arm with useless props, because it will end up exposing you. Here, less is more, so choose only a few accessories that match your current outfit. They will do the subtle work of drawing away from the attention of masculine features in your hands and increase your femininity. Colorful and vibrant options are ok but try to avoid anything with more than 3 very different colors.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


Stay in tune with the current fashion so you know exactly what to wear. My recommendations are silver rings and discrete bracelets. Yet, it depends on your personal preferences and your style.


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


6. Silicone female gloves


Crossdressing Tips to Achieve Soft Feminine Hands


There is another alternative you can try: silicone female gloves. When you wear them, they resemble real feminine hands, concealing your real hands within them. They are quite realistic since they are made of high-quality silicone that looks and feels real. You can wear them like normal gloves, with an instant feminization effect for a fast transformation! Some versions come with already painted nails and are available in different skin tones, so make sure you choose one that matches your own.


As we can see, we shouldn’t neglect our hands, because they play a major role in feminization. If we want to pass as females, we must take as much care of our arms, hands and nails as the other parts of our bodies.


This is the only way to ensure a complete transformation, but thankfully we have a lot of methods at our disposal. All of them are useful in a process with steps that complement each other. But, in the end, it’s up to you to decide which ones you want to adopt and incorporate. Just make sure you have fun cross-dressing, and express your true self no matter what.

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