Crossdressing Maid Cafes to Visit in Japan

05/22/2022 - BY rachel

Hello, lovelies! It’s me again with another article on this beautiful and immense crossdressing community! Also, one that can inspire a new destination if you are thinking of taking some well-deserved vacations. Today’s post is all about the crossdressing maid cafes that are a hit in Tokyo and are expanding worldwide!


Crossdressing Maid Cafes


Here you will learn all about what’s a maid cafe, what’s the philosophy behind them, where to find one, and much more! Discover the best places a crossdresser can go grab a bite in Tokyo! If you love crossdressing and traveling then you have to read this post!



What Is a Maid Cafe?


Crossdressing Maid Cafes


If you ever paid attention to any anime, you have probably seen a maid making an appearance. For those who haven’t, in the Japanese media maids are depicted wearing the cutest and frilliest of uniforms. With the most obliging attitude, maids always seek the happiness of their masters and mistresses. In 2001, in Akihabara district, Tokyo, opened up the first maid cafe ever. Since then they have been increasing in popularity and many other countries have begun to open their own. Here you will enjoy the food and drinks of the place while being serviced by beautiful maids in their “kawaii” outfits.


What About Crossdressing Maid Cafe?


Crossdressing Maid Cafes


As I told you before, the popularity of these kinds of cafes has been on the rise in recent years. That’s where competition does its thing and every store takes a shot with their version at maid cafes. School maid cafes where waitresses are dressed as schoolgirls, Victorian maid cafes, and many more! There’s even one where all the food, drinks, and maid uniforms are inspired by Sailor Moon! But the ones I’m sure all of you will love just like me, are “otokonoko” maid cafes. Here, despite what it looks like, all waitresses are in fact crossdressing men! Otokonoko, which actually means “male daughter”, is a Japanese term to describe biological males who present themselves in a feminine manner. Very much like crossdressers, most otokonokos don’t live as women and they use masculine clothes most of the time. Many even work at the cafe as a second job!


Where to Go Looking for Otokonoko Maid Cafes?


Crossdressing Maid Cafes


The geeky district of Akihabara, along with many shops filled with electronic goodies, is the place to go if you want to enjoy the experience. Here, the otaku and geek culture is tangible with all the luminous billboards over the streets. It is a common scene to see maids handing out invitations to their cafes on the sidewalk. But don’t worry! I know it can be confusing finding a spot like this in a foreign land, that’s why below you will find the names of the most iconic crossdressing maid cafes!


Otoko no Musume Cafe & Bar New Type


Crossdressing Maid Cafes


Otoko no Musume Cafe & Bar New Type is located in the heart of the Akihabara district. If you are looking for the full experience of a crossdressing maid cafe, then you can’t miss this joint. In New Type, you will find everything that you are looking for and more! Lovable maids with their pinafores and aprons will treat you like royalty! The food and drinks are not only delicious but also the dish presentation is the cutest ever! It is almost a shame ruining the decoration if it wasn’t so yummy. The food in this place is mostly Japanese, but there are some alternatives in case you are in the mood for something else. It is one of the first cafes of the kind, so that makes it an auto inclusion in your itinerary.


Hibari Kei Cafe


Crossdressing Maid Cafes


This is also one of the first places that only hire biological males to work as waitresses. Even though you can find maids working in their well-recognizable uniforms, it is also common to see them drift away towards a more traditional style. What I mean by that is that don’t be surprised if the maids welcome you dressed like they were in feudal Japan. Or as j-pop idols while taking the karaoke by storm. It is a very fun cafe where you will find a warm ambiance and tasty food. Regular customers are very friendly and don’t be surprised if a local strikes up a conversation with you. There is an ever-changing world to discover in Hibari Kei Cafe!


Ayumu Maid Bar


Crossdressing Maid Cafes


Ayumu is one of the comfiest and most beautiful “danso” (crossdressing) maid cafes ever. This gem is located in the city of Hiroshima, a place that you must visit while on vacation if you are in Japan. Their owners started in this business twelve years ago and relocated since then a couple of times. For now, you can get there easily by any means of public transport, since it is near the Kyobashi river, in the Naka Ward district. This is the best option for those that aren’t going through Tokyo or live far away. In Ayumu you can find regular events where you can join and take part as one of the maids! Karaoke, beautiful maids, great food and drinks, what else can you expect?


Crossdressing Maid Cafes


As you can see, maid cafes are on the rise and it is making their way into many countries outside Japan. It is only a matter of time before “danso” bars become a thing everywhere else! I don’t know about you but I’m hoping one opens near me so I can apply for a job! What do you think! Would you like to know some of these places? Do you know some of them already? Can you think of another one that should be on the list? Please, let me know in the comments below! See you soon!


Written by Tina Munova.

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  1. I cannot find information about Ayumu Maid Bar. Can you show the Japanese writing for its name?

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