Crossdressing During Adulthood

04/29/2022 - BY jiasuo

As an adult crossdresser, I’ve had my fair share of experiences, both good and bad.


I’ve been fortunate enough to have a wife who’s accepting of my desire to crossdress, but I’ve also faced discrimination and misunderstanding from others.




One of the biggest challenges adult crossdressers face is finding acceptance.


Crossdressing is still seen as taboo in many parts of society, and so crossdressers often have to keep their identities hidden.


This can be not easy, especially if you want to live your life as openly as possible.


It’s important to find a supportive group of people who will accept you for who you are.


There are many online communities and support groups for crossdressers, so you should definitely look into them if you’re feeling alone or isolated.


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If you’re an adult crossdresser who’s finding some difficulties and challenges adapting to this way of life, worry not.


Read on to find tips to start enjoying crossdressing.



1. How common is crossdressing among adults, and what are the reasons for it?


Adult crossdressing is more common than most people realize.


In fact, studies have estimated that a considerable number of the population engages in crossdressing at some point in their lives.


This means that millions of adults dress as the opposite gender for various reasons.




13 Reasons why crossdressing is common among adults :


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  1. To express themselves: For many people, crossdressing is a way to express themselves and their unique identity. It can be liberating to dress as the opposite gender and explore a different side of oneself.


  1. For fun and pleasure: Some people enjoy the aesthetic of dressing as the opposite gender and find it pleasurable to do so. They may take pleasure in wearing the clothes, makeup, and accessories associated with the other gender.


  1. To feel more comfortable in their skin: For some people, crossdressing is a way to feel more contented in their skin. They may feel that they are more comfortable and confident when they are dressed as the opposite gender.


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  1. To challenge societal norms and gender roles: Some people use crossdressing as a way to challenge societal norms and gender roles. They may feel that these norms are restrictive and limiting, and they want to break free from them.


  1. To feel more sexy and attractive: For some people, crossdressing can make them feel more sexy and attractive. They may find that they like the way they look when they are dressed as the opposite gender.


  1. To escape from their everyday life: For some people, crossdressing is a way to escape from their everyday life. They may use it as a way to explore different aspects of themselves that they cannot express in their everyday life.


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  1. To experiment with their sexuality: For some people, crossdressing is a way to experiment with their sexuality. They may use it to explore different sexual interests and desires that they have.


  1. To feel closer to their desired gender: For some people, crossdressing allows them to feel closer to their desired gender. They may feel that by dressing as the opposite gender, they are more in line with how they truly feel on the inside.


  1. To alleviate gender dysphoria: For some people who experience gender dysphoria, crossdressing can be a way to alleviate their distress. By dressing as the opposite gender, they can feel more comfortable in their skin and reduce the negative feelings associated with their dysphoria.


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  1. To boost self-esteem and confidence: For some people, crossdressing can be a way to boost their self-esteem and confidence. They may find that they feel better about themselves when they are dressed as the opposite gender.


  1. To connect with others who crossdress: For some people, crossdressing is a way to connect with others who crossdress.


  1. To express their creative side: For some people, crossdressing is a way to express their creative side. They may enjoy creating different looks and styles for themselves and exploring the different possibilities of self-expression that crossdressing offers.


  1. Because they simply enjoy it: For some people, they crossdress simply because they enjoy it. It is something that they like to do, and it brings them happiness. There is no specific reason why they do it. They just enjoy the experience of crossdressing.


2. 15 ways of exploring your interest in crossdressing in a safe, healthy way


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Crossdressing can be a fun and exciting way to explore your femininity or masculinity, regardless of your assigned sex at birth.


If you’re interested in crossdressing, there are many ways to do so safely and healthily.




  1. Talk about it with a trusted friend or family member. This can help you feel more comfortable discussing and exploring your interest in crossdressing.


  1. Do some research online or in books about crossdressing. This can help you better understand what it means to dress as the opposite sex and figure out if it’s something you’re interested in pursuing.


  1. Start slowly by wearing clothes of the opposite sex occasionally. You don’t have to go all-out right away if you’re not ready. Wearing gender-neutral clothes or clothes typically associated with the opposite sex can help you ease into crossdressing.


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  1. Find a safe place to dress up. If you don’t feel comfortable doing it in your own home, consider renting a hotel room for a day or going to a friend’s house.


  1. Be mindful of your personal hygiene and grooming habits. You’ll want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself just as you would if you were dressing as your everyday self.


  1. Select a fashion that makes you feel good about yourself. Whether it’s a pretty dress or a sharp suit, pick out items that make you feel confident and stylish.


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  1. Accessorize to complete your look. Adding jewelry, makeup, and other accessories can help you create the perfect outfit.


  1. Practice walking, talking, and moving in a way that feels natural to you. This requires practice and time, but it’s important to feel comfortable in your skin while crossdressing.


  1. Be aware of your surroundings and who you’re with. Not everyone is going to be accepting of crossdressing, so it’s important to be mindful of your safety.


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  1. Don’t allow people to pressure you into doing anything you’re not comfortable with. Crossdressing should be something you do for yourself and no one else.


  1. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to crossdress. You can dress however you want, whenever you want. No limits to exploring your own identity.


  1. Seek out other crossdressers for support and friendship. There are many online communities and groups dedicated to crossdressing where you can meet like-minded people.


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  1. Be honest with yourself about why you’re interested in crossdressing. This can help you better understand your motivations and ensure that you’re doing it for the right reasons.


  1. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Trying new clothes and jewelry is part of the fun of crossdressing. You never know what you’ll discover about yourself along the way.


  1. Most importantly, have fun! Crossdressing should be something that brings you joy and self-expression. Embrace your chosen identity and enjoy exploring your femininity or masculinity.


3. Things to consider before starting to crossdress regularly or permanently?


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  1. Why do you want to crossdress? What are your motivations and goals?


  1. How will crossdressing affect your current relationship(s)? Are you comfortable discussing your desire to crossdress with your partner(s)?


  1. Do you have any children? If so, how do you think they would react if they found out that you crossdress?


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  1. Will you be open about your crossdressing with friends and family? If not, how will you keep it a secret?


  1. What kind of clothing and accessories do you want to buy? Will you need to make any special purchases or alterations to accommodate your new wardrobe?


  1. How will you deal with public restrooms? Will you use the restroom that corresponds with your gender presentation, or will you find a unisex or single-stall restroom to use instead?


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  1. What kind of makeup look do you want to achieve? Are you comfortable wearing makeup in public?


  1. How will you style your hair? Will you need to buy any new hair products or styling tools?


  1. What kind of shoes and footwear will you wear? Will you need to buy any new shoes or make any other changes to your footwear collection?


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  1. How will you deal with your body hair? Will you shave, wax, or otherwise remove any body hair?


  1. What kind of undergarments will you wear? Will you need to buy any new bras, panties, or other items?


  1. What kind of voice do you want to have? Are you comfortable speaking in a higher-pitched voice?


  1. What name and pronouns do you want to use? Will you legally change your name and pronouns?


  1. What kind of photo ID do you have? If you intend to alter your legal name and gender marker, will you need to get a new photo ID?


  1. Are you living with health conditions that could be affected by crossdressing (e.g., hormone sensitivities)? How will you manage these conditions while crossdressing?


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If you’re an adult crossdresser, always remember that you’re not alone.


You’re part of a community of individuals who dress as the opposite sex for various reasons.


Some do it for sexual pleasure, while others do it for aesthetic reasons or to express their gender identity.


Whatever your reason may be, accept yourself, and don’t be afraid to show the world who you really are.

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