Crossdressing at a College Party
Even though I’ve always known that I was into cross-dressing, it was only during the last few years that I was able to explore this aspect of myself. I’ve learned a lot about gender identity and perfected my skills. But even though my girlfriend was highly supportive conservative relatives wouldn’t be. Because of that, I had to avoid showing up as a girl in public, at least until now.
I was able to go out as Elise last week and publicly presented as a woman. It wasn’t easy, but the experience was completely worth it. If you want to know more about how I did it, keep reading this article! This inspiring story may help you overcome any fear you come across.
1. Why didn’t I do that before?
It is as complicated as anything else in a cross-dresser’s life. Figuring out my gender identity was nothing more than the first step in a long journey. At first, I wasn’t confident about my skills, let alone my passability. I had little time to practice back then, which would only change when classes were suspended in 2020. I had spare time during the lockdown, so I came out to my girlfriend, and she helped me practice. But there was still one major problem: her conservative family. I also have a few relatives that wouldn’t understand it, but her parents would not support our relationship.
But since our classes in college went back to normal a couple of weeks ago, my GF and I moved back to the city where it’s located. Here we have more privacy and opportunities to hang out without our relatives discovering. We’ve been planning a girl’s night out for quite some time now with that in mind. And last week, we could finally be able to do it.
2. Where did I go exactly?
Being back at college meant that I would be invited to a lot of parties. It’s common for fraternities to promote fund-raising parties and such. And I was already expecting to go to some of them en-femme. But my first one here was actually a birthday party. Let me explain.
It was a Thursday, and it was the birthday of one of my girlfriend’s colleagues. Naturally, she invited us both. Her plan was for us to meet at a bar, eat something there, and then head to a nearby “pagode” show. She said that’s how she wanted to celebrate it and that I could go there as Elise if I wanted.
3. Getting ready
Taking a shower and shaving my face, legs, and arms were the first thing I did. Since I was a bit nervous, I ended up cutting myself in a few spots, but it wasn’t that visible. Accidents happen, so cross-dressers have to stay calm and have patience. I started to dress up as Elise immediately after that, starting with shapewear. Doing so may not have been my best choice, though, as I prioritized curves over comfort. I couldn’t bring my breast forms with me, so I used the classic stuffed bras.
As for my outfit, I went for a black dress that highlights my silhouette, a semi-sheer black pantyhose, and a pair of flats for shoes. I was ready in less than an hour, as my girlfriend helped out with the makeup. Placing the wig was the finishing touch to complete the makeover.
4. What did I enjoy?
Well, as with any crossdressing experience, it had some ups and downs. But it ended mainly on a positive note. Here I will talk about what made me like it as an experience so that other cross-dressing sisters may find inspiration. Sometimes, all we need is a little push to try it independently.
● The treatment people gave me
I can’t even express how happy I felt with so many people calling me by my feminine name and respecting my pronouns. I wasn’t expecting such excellent treatment. Discrimination has recently increased in my country. During all these years was wondering how people would react to me presenting as Elise. I was afraid of being mistreated and suffering from discrimination. But instead of that, people treated me as a proper woman, which was a good surprise.
I can think of two different explanations for that, with the first one being tied to the places we went. It took place in a district near our university, what some people call a college district. This is a rather intellectual area in the city, where people tend to be more open-minded. As such, trans people and crossdressers can expect comprehension and respect from the people there. My other theory is about my passability. Several of our colleagues said that I looked quite convincing as a woman. So there’s a slight chance that people didn’t even notice I was a crossdresser. It helped to lift my self-esteem, which led us to the next topic.
● Feeling feminine
The positive feedback from my friends made me feel super confident and feminine. I have never felt such gender euphoria before. To make things even better, a teacher from college also showed up and didn’t recognize me. He asked my name as if we were meeting for the first time. So I presented myself as Elise and told him he gave classes two years ago.
Besides that, I had to present my ID to enter the show. The security thought I took it from another person since it had my male name and photo. I had to explain to them that it was mine and that I’m a gender-fluid person who presents as a female sometimes. Most people would be bothered by this inconvenience. But since it made me feel more feminine, I was ok with it.
5. What I did not like
There are always a few details that prevent things from being perfect. I was expecting something like that to happen, so I wasn’t disappointed. Here’s what did bother me during this experience:
● I wasn’t too comfortable
I admit it; I did gain a few extra libs last year. I was too focused on work and remote college classes that I couldn’t go to the gym. And my excess weight reflected itself on my silhouette. To overcome that, I tried to use the tightest shapewear I had. It worked wonderfully, aesthetically speaking, but was far from being comfortable. The compression gave me convincing curves for sure, but I came with pain and discomfort.
Another thing that bothered me was my footwear. I chose a pair of flats and didn’t put on any socks, because I was already wearing pantyhose. It wasn’t comfortable either, and I had to walk for a while. It caused me to stumble and almost fall to the ground a couple of times.
● Remembering mannerisms
I was way more concerned about it than I should be. My friends gave me true hope of passing as a woman, and I was starting to believe it. But I had a feeling that any mistaken movement would give me away. As a result, I focused too much on my mannerisms, which distracted me from having fun. I was worried about how I was walking, sitting, and talking, to the point where I wasn’t saying anything. I have always had a bunch of insecurities about my voice. And now, I feel like it has made it difficult for me to communicate.
● Going through the same things as women do
Being a woman in our society is something difficult, even for cisgender girls. Everything is made to favor men, leaving us behind. And because of that, men feel free to treat women as objects, which is disgusting. With that in mind, whenever you plan on going out en femme, be prepared. You’re very likely to suffer the same abuses as women do every single day.
I was able to avoid most of it because we walked in groups. But once my girlfriend and I were alone waiting for our Uber, a few guys approached us. They started to hit on us with generic pickup lines and compliments. After that, they insisted on asking some uncomfortable questions about our personal lives. They were clearly trying to flirt, despite us making it clear that we were engaged to one another. In the end, I was glad that they also assumed I was a cisgender girl. But their unwanted advances made me uncomfortable.
Going out en femme for the very first time is an unforgettable experience. It will be unique for each one of us, of course, as there’s no such thing as identical cross-dressing journeys. You will encounter some obstacles for sure. But don’t let them distract you from the experience that really matters. Do you have any memorable remembrances from your first time outside as a cross-dresser? We would love to learn more from your experience, so make sure to leave a comment!
What should you keep in mind about this kind of experience?
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