Cosplay Sex 101: Everything You Need to Know





My most recent sexual escapade involves being a fake mermaid. Yep, I absolutely enjoyed being railed as Ariel from Little Mermaid. How? I got cosplay sex to thank for that! Cosplay sex is a part of the broader class that blends cosplay and alternative sexual communities. Sounds very formal, right? But it isn’t really!



What is Cosplay Sex?




Cosplay sex is where costume play meets erotic roleplay. Imagine dressing up as your favorite character and bringing that fantasy straight into the bedroom.


It’s all ’bout gettin’ into character—literally! Whether you’re a superhero, an anime character,


or someone from a video game, cosplay sex stirs things up by adding a whole new dimension to your intimacy.


‘But why should I add cosplay sex in our sex life?’


To break monotony. Sex is nice, but it can be a bit ritualistic. If you let it be that way, the ‘intimacy’ would dwindle til it burns out.


Throw gas to the flame through cosplay sex! Is there any character your lover goes nuts over?


Then transform into that character! Step into that bedroom as someone entirely different. Shock your lover— in the best way possible.


Cosplay Sex and You




You’re not only doing this for your lover, though. Do cosplay sex for yourself— the confidence you’ll gain from it will be nothing short of shocking.


You’re not playin’ dress-up— you’re owning that character. The next time your lover gush ’bout his favorite character, he’ll be talking about you!


How to Start with Cosplay Sex




There you are, very excited about the cosplay sex you’re about to have— but wait— does your lover know you two are about to do it?


Not to burst your bubble, but this isn’t the type of thing you just jump into without a conversation.


‘But it’s supposed to be a surprise!’ Sure— but did your lover ever tell you she or he is into it? Even just as a passing discussion? If not, then, sit your bum down first.


You and your lover should be on the same page first. Cliché, but sex partner communication is actually the key!


You need it to break down the whole dang door to let in more sexual opportunities to spice up your relationships.


But you can never assume your lover is automatically receptive and comfortable with your sexual experiments. Always ask and confirm!


When you’re both onboard, then go dive and talk about the deets!


Selecting the Best Character


roanyer crossdresser 


List all the characters that make you feel some type of way. Is there a character you and your lover are both infatuated with?


If not, is there a character your lover likes that you’re willing to study and personify in the bedroom?


You don’t have to do a 5,000-word essay of course! Just gleaning the character’s overall personality and the way they move is enough!


Sometimes, there are also easily recognizable characters to jumpstart your cosplay.


Say your bae is totally smitten with Lara Croft or Tifa Lockhart, then go for it! It’s a live-action fanfiction between You in Cosplay x Reader.


Finding Your Cosplay Costume


roanyer crossdresser 


You’re not about to do cosplay sex without the right outfit, do you? If you’re lookin’ to go all out, you gotta get your hands on some quality gear.


If you have the cash, invest in some well-made costumes. Tons of online shops specialize in cosplay.


Etsy’s gotchu with custom pieces. Places like Amazon have a lotta cheaper options, too.


And hey, if you’re an MtF cosplayer, Roanyer’s got all the silicone products you need— bum paddings, realistic female masks— you name it!


I’m not saying you should empty every piggy bank you have— you can DIY your cosplay costume.


Go raid your closet or hit up the Goodwills in your area.


There have been fewer treasures in secondhand stores lately. But from time to time, there will be some gems hiding in there!


Need props? Get creative! Use stuff around the house— cardboard and duct tape are cosplayers’ best chums.


Work on your costume alone or let your lover help you— imagine all the teasing and anticipation that’ll build up.


Creating an Immersive Environment


roanyer crossdrressing


So you talked, made your costume, what else is missing?


The stage! Imagine if you appear as Lara Croft but you’re still in your same old bedroom. How can you focus?


How can you channel Lara without the ancient ruins?


At least hang some ropes around your bed and change the bed sheets to match the earthy color schemes!


You’ve already put in effort into this— don’t let the last phase distract you!


Don’t have the space? Don’t wanna be an extra? Or you two simply just can’t wait to roll in the hay?


Then just have your lover blindfolded or dim the lights! If you’re Lara Croft,


then pretend you’re inside a tunnel or a dark tomb, and your lover is your trusted sidekick or kidnapper!


I’ll give you two important notes:


  1. Safety first, safety second, and safety third!


  • Declutter the place. Unless you want to trip and do a couple of faceplants? Worst case, you might end up in the ER after banging your head on the floor after slipping.


  • No real sharp objects lying around— especially if you plan to roll around!


  • No real fire! LED lamps are good enough! You’re not there to watch the flames anyway.


roanyer crossdressing


If you’re going full-on fantasy, set up a backdrop or a themed room corner.


Remember that space you used to play forts in as a kid? I’m talking ’bout the same energy— but for X-rated stuff.


  1. Double-check your privacy!


  • Not being interrupted should be on your agenda. Imagine if your parents suddenly dropped by— would you strip off your Lara costume first and waste all your efforts in this cosplay sex?


  • Check your windows. Unless you plan to give a free show to your neighbors, of course.


  • How thick are the walls? Can you moan out loud without expecting any complaints the next day? Or is your neighbor looking forward to hearing your mewls?


There will be other privacy considerations depending on your cosplay sex objectives.


Do you plan to record it? Livestream it? Just be sure you’re secured and safe!


Cosplay Sex Essentials




Cosplay sex is all about adventure— it’s shedding the every day ‘you’ and transforming into someone else.


Someone with a different aura, mannerisms, and antics. The fun part is you get to be a new ‘somebody’ every night if you choose to!


Go be the Power Puff Girls from Monday to Wednesday. Then, be Professor Utonium by Thursday to switch things up.


Fridays are reserved for Ms. Bellum. (Let’s leave the weekends for rest!)


Cosplay Sex isn’t Just For Nerds!




Said no one ever! Cosplay sex isn’t exclusive to the Comic-Con crowd! Anyone can get into it.


Yes, even if you didn’t watch the 451359 episodes of that anime series!


You can simply be attracted to a character and use their visuals in your intimate moments!


I remember my last lover was obsessed with Jesica Rabbit, but he didn’t know she was Roger Rabbit’s wife!


Just a side note: when I colored my hair orange, he went bananas!


Other folks might be into more niche fantasies.


You might want to reenact a specific scene from a favorite video game or animation.


It’s all kosher— as long as both lovers are down to follow a full script!


Storylines and Plotlines




Start with the background— who are you? Who’s your lover?


Are you two star-crossed lovers, mortal enemies, or perhaps master and apprentice in some magical world?


Decide on a storyline that tickles both your fancies.


For example, if you’re both into Harry Potter, why not set up a naughty detention scene with a strict professor and a naughty student?


You can even make a fem version of the male characters if you’re into that. Or maybe you’re a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean.


Then your bed becomes a pirate ship with a captain and a captive!


It shouldn’t be awkward at all! Let it flow naturally. You don’t have to stick strictly to any script or cosplay plan. Improvise!


Say lines that can throw your lover out of the loop but will keep him invested.


Roll with the tide! The plot twists you have at the tips of your fingers can be endless!


Props and Tools




Props and tools are the sprinkles on the cosplay sex cake! Do you already have the basic outfits?


Good! Focus more on the little extras that tie everything together.


Playing a doctor? Get yourself a stethoscope and a syringe (the non-sharp kind, ‘okay?).


Going for that wizardess librarian look? A wand is a must! The wicked joy of wielding props that mess with reality is unbeatable.


Since this is still about sex, let’s chatter about sexy toys and sensory goodies.


You’ll want to go for that other-universe-ly experience. This is where vibrators, restraints, and other special tools come into play.


A leather whip for a dominatrix vibe, or perhaps some silky scarves for a more sensual, teasing scenario?


It’s your playground (or dungeon)! Just make sure to introduce props gradually if your lover is new to this.


Handling Challenges


Alright, we still need to babble ‘bout the not-so-sexy side of cosplay sex: the challenges.


Yeah, they exist, but fear not! I gotchu covered.


Shyness and Inhibition




Aww, you’re (or your lover) shy. Hey, I get it. My advice? Kick off with baby steps.


Start small and easy with your lover. Try wearing a braided brown wig to get that Tomb Rider hair first.


Then, a thin tank top over a pair of huge jiggling breasts.


Over time, you’ll be in full Lara Croft get up, and you won’t even notice!


If the shyness gets too much— Just. Keep. Swimming! Tell your lover how you’re feeling.


More often than not, he’ll find it endearing and super sexy that you’re trying.


For MtF crossdressers, it can be even more intense, no doubt.


But think ‘bout this: You’re not alone, and your lover’s probably got your back. Talk, laugh it off, and dive in together.


And hey, practice makes perfect. Try putting on the costume when you’re alone.


Just feel yourself. Then, when you’re with your lover, it’s game on!


Costume Malfunctions




Wardrobe malfunctions are uninvited guests. But like uninvited guests, they come at the most unexpected of times.


The worst thing you can do is to be so concerned about it that you kill the sexy vibes yourself.


Don’t sweat it. It happens to everyone. Just roll with the punches!


If you’re mid-play and something goes awry, save it by seductively including it in the play.


Or laugh it off! Seriously, a lotta times, it’ll add to the fun. Your lover will likely find it hilarious, too.


Plus, it breaks the ice when you’re trying something new!


Reality and Fantasy




Ah, the art of balancing fantasy and reality. Tricky? Could be. Fun? Definitely!


As long as you and your lover know there’s a wall between who you two are outside of the cosplay sex, you’re good.


Just remember to snap back to reality every now and then. Check in with your lover. Are they enjoying it as much as you?


If yes, then keep sailing that pirate ship.


If no, then switch gears. Balancing the two makes the experience richer and hella satisfying for both you and your lover.

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