Makeup mistakes are very common among crossdressers. We're often tempted to use more or less than required. While more makeup is often unattractive, wearing to…
Tagged With :CD makeup tips , makeup mistakes , MTF Makeup
Hair is everything, and it always will be. Our hair makes such a massive difference to how we look, plus it’s up the top of our head, so it acts like a c…
Tagged With :Crossdresser , Crossdresser wig , Wigs and Identity
Hello again, my lovely readers! For today’s article, we are going to get a bit more serious than usual. I’m sure that you all know that next month is the Inter…
Tagged With :History of Pride Month , Pride Background , When Did Pride Month Start in America
There are a few basic tips to help drag queens (crossdresser) blend makeup properly, no matter what products they are using. In general, always start with a cl…
Tagged With :Closet queens makeup , Makeup tips
Hello, lovelies! How are you today? Anxious about the upcoming Pride Month? Are you planning to take part in a parade near you? If so, I’ve done a little resea…
Tagged With :Celebrate Pride , Pride Month 2022
Hip enhancing pants are specially designed garments that can help to give the appearance of wider, more feminine hips. They do this by adding extra fabric arou…
Tagged With :Crossdresser Pants , Hips enhancements , Hips pants
Holidays are important dates with cultural or social meanings. We are used to religious or national holidays that highlight the importance of some events. But …
Tagged With :LGBTQ Holidays , Pride Holidays
Hello, lovelies! How are you doing today? Anxious about the upcoming Pride Month? I know I am! Today I came up with a very fun list. It’s a selection of the be…
Tagged With :LGBTQ Gifts , Pride Collection
Have you ever felt like a fraud? A study found that 82% of people never feel like they have genuinely earned everything they achieve, and their success doesn…
Tagged With :crossdresser mental health , Imposter syndrome
Comparison is the thief of joy. The saying is true! The natural tendency is that we usually compare ourselves to others. We want what others have, and we want …
Tagged With :cisgender comparison , Crossdresser pressure
What cross-dressers know the best is that makeup supplies are versatile. Makeup’s goal is to make women more beautiful, conceal minor imperfections in their fa…
Tagged With :Crossdresser Makeup , MTF Makeup
Panties and gaffs are an essential part of any crossdresser’s wardrobe. Not only do they help to create the illusion of a feminine figure, but also help …
Tagged With :Crossdresser underwear , Panties and Gaffs