To create the illusion of these key feminine features, you need a combination of makeup, feminine clothes, and body language. This is because the features of a…
Tagged With :Crossdressing Tips
If you’re like many MTF crossdressers, you probably agonize over the shape and color of your eyebrows. After all, they’re one of the most visible f…
Tagged With :Eyebrow Shape , Face Shape
MtF crossdressers use tucking to create the illusion of a flat crotch area which can help you pass as a woman in public. Tucking can help you hide any b…
Tagged With :Empowerment Tool , MtF Crossdressers
There are a few different ways to achieve this goal. One option is to use padded bras or inserts to create the illusion of smaller, narrower shoulders. Another…
Tagged With :Feminizing shoulders , Shoulder tips
Working out may seem like a no-brainer, but it's important to remember that you need to stick with your workout routine to see results. If you only work out on…
Tagged With :Body Feminization , MTF Body shape , MTF workouts
During our crossdressing sessions, I know that looking sexy and fabulous while perfecting that feminine beauty and charm is what we desire to achieve. We often…
Tagged With :How to Crossdress , Sexy Crossdresser
Feminizing your body requires more than just trying to look like a woman. It involves taking on a woman's role, from how you walk, talk, dress, and even act. Y…
Tagged With :Feminization tips for men , MtF body feminization
Everybody wants to look their best and flaunt their body in the summertime. When everyone’s having fun at the beach or near a pool, enjoying the days under the…
Tagged With :Crossdresser Body Shaping , Feminizing Workouts
Feminine mannerism is the set of behaviors, appearances, and actions commonly associated with women. As crossdressers, adopting feminine mannerisms makes us fe…
Tagged With :crossdressers mannerisms , crossdressers' feminine mannerisms , crossdressing manners , manners and postures
You wont find a one-size-fits-all method for feminizing your face, so importantly, you have to keep this in mind. Everybody has different skin and facial struc…
Tagged With :Crossdresser Feminization , Feminine Face , feminize your face
Because of this, male glutes are mostly muscles that can be shaped with the correct exercises. This may mean that your workout routine is getting a little long…
Tagged With :Butt Exercises , Crossdresser Workout
Actually, most crossdressers can, yet they don't know how. In theory, any crossdresser can achieve a decent cleavage, with proper tricks. A little bit of infor…
Tagged With :Crossdressing Cleavage , Silicone Breastform