Body Feminization Tip: 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


We must maintain our femme look at all costs during this holiday season. In order to achieve  body feminization, we must avoid holiday weight gain.


1-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


To avoid holiday weight gain, we must do a few things. For instance, we should avoid high-calorie holiday drinks like eggnog and mulled wine. Choose lower calorie alternatives like sparkling water with fruit juice instead. You also need to say no to seconds…and thirds! Portion control is key in avoiding weight gain during the holidays. Limit yourself to one serving of each dish and resist the temptation to eat more.


In this blog, I’ll offer seven tips to avoid holiday weight gain. So you can stay slim, trim, and sexy all season long!



1. Allow yourself to indulge… a little


2-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


It’s OK to allow yourself to indulge… but just a little. As an MTF crossdresser, you can’t chill at home without indulging during the festive season. However, you don’t want to put on weight and feel self-conscious in your fabulous new holiday clothes.


Don’t go overboard with the food. Yes, it’s tempting to stuff yourself with all the delicious holiday foods, but remember that moderation is key. Eat smaller portions, and include some healthy options like fruits and vegetables.


3-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Also, Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you have to be a couch potato. Go for walks, play festive games, or even dance to your favorite tunes.


2. Never arrive hungry


4-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Arriving hungry puts any closet queen in a tricky situation, especially during the festive season. You’ll be more likely to indulge in high-calorie holiday foods and drinks if you’re famished, which can quickly lead to weight gain. So do yourself a favor and have a light snack before heading out to that holiday party. This will help you resist temptation and avoid packing on the pounds.


5-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Another tip for avoiding holiday weight gain is to stay active. While it’s tempting to lounge around in your comfy festive clothes, try to get up and move whenever possible. Taking a brisk walk after meals or going for a light jog are great ways to keep your metabolism ticking over and prevent weight gain. And of course, don’t forget to enjoy the festivities in moderation! Indulging in your favorite holiday foods and drinks occasionally is fine, but remember to keep portion sizes in check to avoid packing on the pounds.


3. Don’t drink too much


6-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Drinking too much can also lead to holiday weight gain, especially for us MTF crossdressers. You should always be careful about how much you drink and stay hydrated. Try to stick to one alcoholic beverage per day.


If you enjoy crossdressing, you know that feeling good in your skin is incredibly important. MTF crossdressers have an extra challenge regarding feeling confident, but there are ways to achieve this. One crucial way is by maintaining a healthy weight.


7-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Of course, indulging a little bit more during the holidays can be tempting. After all, there are so many delicious holidays treats around! But if you’re not careful, all of that indulging can quickly lead to weight gain. And for us MTF crossdressers, dealing with unwanted weight gain can be even more difficult.


That’s why it’s important to be mindful of how much you eat and drink during the holidays. Yes, enjoy yourself, but try not to overdo it. Stick to one alcoholic beverage daily, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. By following these simple tips, you can help avoid holiday weight gain and stay feeling confident in your crossdressing.


4. Limit “tastes” while cooking


8-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


As MTF crossdressers, this is another habit that gives us holiday weight gain. Eating while cooking. It’s a tough one to break because we want to make sure the food tastes good. But, like with portion control, tasting as you cook can quickly add up. If you must taste, take a small bite and then stop.


When it comes to holiday cooking, MTF crossdressers like myself might want to indulge into that. Some of us love to eat and cook, so it’s no surprise that we often end up eating more than we should while preparing a holiday meal. The problem is, of course, that this can lead to weight gain and all of the associated health problems that come with it. So how can we avoid overeating while cooking?


9-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


One simple solution is to limit the number of “tastes” we take while preparing a dish. It’s easy to think that we need to take a bite of everything to make sure it tastes good, but the truth is, a few small bites can add up quickly. So instead of sampling everything, take a small taste of one or two things and then move on. This will help you avoid overeating without sacrificing the quality of your food.


Another way to avoid overeating while cooking is to be mindful of your eating portions. Just because you’re cooking for a holiday doesn’t mean you have to eat like it’s a holiday! Be aware of how much food you’re putting on your plate, and stick to a reasonable portion size. This will help you enjoy the holiday food without overindulging.


So, remember, when it comes to holiday cooking, MTF crossdressers can be our own worst enemy. But by following these simple tips, we can avoid overeating and enjoy a healthy holiday season.


5. Keep up your exercise routine


10-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


There’s always this temptation to abandon our exercise routine during the holiday season. As MTF crossdressers, we can’t afford to put on extra weight. During the holiday season, you must be more mindful of what you eat and get some exercise in. Here are some tips on how to keep up your exercise routine during the holidays:


  1. Set a realistic goal. If you’re aiming to lose weight, don’t set an unrealistic goal, such as losing 10 pounds in a month. Slow and steady wins the race. Aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week so that it can be sustainable.


  1. Find an activity that you enjoy. If you hate running, then don’t force yourself to go for a run every day. Find an activity you enjoy, such as swimming, biking, or even walking. When you find an activity you enjoy, it’ll be easier to stick to your routine.


11-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


  1. Set a regular schedule. One of the best ways to ensure you stay on track with your exercise routine is to set a regular schedule. Whether it’s working out three times a week or every day, find a schedule that works for you and stick to it.


  1. Get a workout buddy. Having someone to work out with can help motivate you to stick to your routine. Find a friend or family member who’s also looking to get in shape and work out together.


  1. Mix things up. Mix things up if you’re getting bored with your current workout routine. Try different exercises or activities to keep yourself challenged and engaged. Regularly mixing things up will also help prevent injuries.


These tips will help you keep up your exercise routine and stay on track with your goals during the holiday season. Don’t give up on yourself; remember that slow and steady wins the race.


6. Eat protein first


12-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


How does eating protein first help in regulating our holiday weight gain? First, protein stabilizes blood sugar levels, which helps to minimize cravings and overeating throughout the day. Second, protein takes longer to digest than other nutrients, so it helps us feel fuller for longer periods. Finally, protein helps build and maintain lean muscle mass–essential for burning calories efficiently.


13-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


So, if you’re looking to avoid packing on holiday, start your day with a protein-rich breakfast! Some great options include eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, seeds, and protein shakes.


7. Use smaller plates


14-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


As a closet queen who watches her weight closely, I always have to fight this urge to use larger plates during the holiday season. I know I’m not alone on this. The temptation to use larger plates will result in holiday weight gain. Therefore, I recommend using smaller plates to help control portion sizes and avoid weight gain during the holiday season.


15-Body Feminization Tip- 7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


When it comes to holiday eating, one of the biggest traps we can fall into is using larger plates. It’s a simple thing, but it can make a big difference in how much we eat – and how our clothes fit at the end of the season.


If you’re trying to watch your weight this holiday season, resist the urge to use bigger plates. Instead, use smaller plates to help control portion sizes and avoid weight gain. Trust me. Your waistline will thank you!


Now that you have all these tips on how to avoid gaining holiday weight, it’s time for you to celebrate. As a crossdressers, there’re countless healthy foods that you can eat. So, go ahead and indulge in all your favorites. Just remember to enjoy everything in moderation. Add a bit of workout too.

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