A Guide to Crossdressers’ Defined and Sexy Waist

05/08/2022 - BY rachel

The perfect hourglass shape – it’s what we want, yes? Because of our straighter and more rectangular body frames than women’s, it can certainly be challenging to have that defined and small waist to look more attractive during crossdressing.




I have tried several ways to tighten my waist, and waist training is certainly one of the best! Let me share how it works, how to wear one, and what else you should do to make it more effective! Read this blog and discover how waist training can create the hourglass body you desire!



1. Understanding how Waist Trainers Work


If you are new to crossdressing and are looking for effective ways to tone your waist, using waist trainers is key. It may sound like a brand new product you’ve just heard, but it’s a tight-laced corset you wrap around your waist. However, don’t expect overnight results! I learned that using waist trainers takes time and patience to see the results we desire. Additionally, it isn’t easy either!




Waist trainers are not magical tools you use one day and expect to see your waist shrink and your bodies less boxy the next. However, I loved wearing them, because the results are fabulous! Using them certainly tightened my waist, making it look more defined, with my body frame looking less boxy.


2. Adjuncts to Waist Training


You will not see instant results when using waist trainers, as I mentioned earlier. You have to be determined and motivated with your dream waist goal to achieve your desired waistline! And to help you with that, here are helpful adjuncts you can combine with waist trainers.


# Waist Cinching with a Corset


Aside from using the main waist trainer, wearing a traditional steel-boned corset will certainly help. It works similar to your waist trainers, except it’s steel-boned, which helps make your waist feel more cinched, especially during crossdressing.


Yes, it may feel uncomfortable at first, especially since our bodies are not used to wearing them. However, choose a corset that would fit like a glove without making your tummy feel painful from being too tightened, and you’ll learn to get used to it.




If you are looking for one, I recommend corsets from Roanyer. They are very affordable, and they work perfectly! Additionally, you can find stylish corsets from this brand you can use during crossdressing. I was not used to wearing corsets until my stylist convinced me to try using them for a week straight. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but trust me, you’ll get used to it.


Additionally, I love wearing corsets because they make my hips look wider and rounder, making my body look more feminine!


# Switching to The Right Diet


Aside from wearing a steel-boned corset, getting used to the right diet also helps! Believe me, I know that you’re used to eating lots of food rich in protein for muscle bulking. However, it’s an entirely different case if you want to make your waist smaller, especially now that you’re crossdressing.


Cutting Calories


One of the first steps to switching to the right diet is cutting calories. Doing this will help you lose unwanted fat, especially in the belly area. You have to eat less than the amount you’re used to consuming, which means that your food should be healthier.




Personally, I hired a diet coach to help me with my meal plans and calorie deficit. It was honestly tempting to break the plans at first, but because I had the main goal (to look more feminine when I crossdress), I was able to succeed. Right now, my figure is not perfect but I am loving it!


Knowing What to Eat


Now that you’re counting calories, it’s important that you know what you’re eating. Everything should be plant-based.” That’s what my diet coach told me the first time I approached her. With this, on your next grocery run, be sure to get the following food kinds:




  • Fruits such as pears, apples, bananas, and oranges
  • Leafy vegetables and other kinds such as broccoli, carrots, and sweet potatoes
  • Lean protein such as legumes, poultry, lean red meat, and fish
  • Whole grains such as oats, quinoa, whole-wheat bread, and brown rice
  • Low-fat dairy yogurt and milk
  • Food rich in healthy fats such as seeds, avocado, olive oil, and nuts


However, having the right diet also means getting one cheat day when you can enjoy your favorite food in moderation. I have girlfriends and they would always tell me that they also have cheat days when they cut down on what they eat!


As for me, Sunday is my cheat day, and I absolutely devour my favorite meals from my favorite restaurants! While it’s important to stay disciplined and motivated to get that defined waist, don’t forget to have fun and enjoy your usual kind of food, especially when you’re out with your crossdresser friends!


# Doing Cardiovascular and Core Exercises


Having the right diet is just 80% of getting the job done; you also have to move your body to burn unwanted fats! It also helps when you wear your waist trainers when you work out for that extra burn. Trust me, it totally works!


The exercise routines made for men are different from women’s. To achieve the feminine bodies we desire, we need to do more cardiovascular and core exercises. I recommend allotting at least thirty minutes to an hour a day to exercise and sweat it out.




If you hate running, walking works too! Try walking around your village or neighborhood for at least an hour daily while wearing your waist trainer. I also learned that cardiovascular exercises are good for the heart, so it’s certainly a win-win situation!


After a short cardio workout, finish your sweat session with core exercises. These exercises work out your waist, engaging it better to make it slimmer  and more tightened. If you are unfamiliar with these workouts, Youtube has many beginner core exercises that are pretty simple yet effective.


3. Choosing An Ideal Waist Trainer


Let me tell you one thing: waist trainers won’t work if they don’t fit perfectly. You have to ensure that it perfectly cinches your waist to get that burn and results you’re longing for.


# The Right Kind of Waist Trainer


If you are a beginner to waist training, I recommend choosing one that starts under the bust rather than a full-on corset covering your bust. The tight-lacing of corsets and waist trainers can make your waist area feel very constricted, especially when you have a very boxy body frame.




Yes, it can feel uncomfortable at first, so you must choose an under-bust corset so that your first experience feels good and comfortable. The material should also not be too thick to get too hot around your waist, especially when you’re wearing a bodysuit to make your bodies appear curvier, similar to women’s.


# The Right Size


To know the right waist trainer size, measure your waistline. Get a measuring tape and measure the most constricted part of your stomach area. While we’re used to measuring the area below our navel, it’s different for women. You have to measure the area about one to two inches above your navel.




After getting your waistline measurement, subtract four to five inches from it; that’s how small your waist trainer should be. Let’s say your waistline is 30 inches; the right waist trainer size should be 26 inches. When you get a new waist trainer, gradually break it in, don’t overdo it, and do not force yourself, or you’ll damage the corset!


# Picking The Right Material




Because waist trainers are tight and can make your waist sweat, you must choose the most comfortable and breathable material there is. I recommend choosing trainers that are lined with 100% cotton. This material is smooth and breathable, so you’re guaranteed to stay comfortable even when you wear it the whole day. A waist trainer made of cotton will also be less irritating to our bodysuits when we’re wearing one.


# Fitting It In


During your first weeks of wearing the waist trainer, don’t over-cinch, and tighten it only until it fits snugly. This allows your waist trainer to shape according to your hips and ribs. A helpful piece of advice: fitting in your waist trainer takes time.


It would be very uncomfortable because the trainer will tighten your boxy waist area, so you have to be patient in getting used to it. Overdoing it will hurt yourself or pop a part of your corset.


Once the trainer fits snugly, give yourself time to get used to it until you reach the comfort level. Personally, it took months before I could completely enclose the entire waist trainer without feeling too constricted.




The moment you can tighten and enclose the entire waist trainer, it’s time to size down. You have to be patient with the results because our bodies are entirely different from women’s. The waist trainer tightens your waist to reduce that rectangular and straight body type, creating curves.


4. Wearing the Waist Trainer in the Right Duration


I know a common question you would ask is how long I wear my waist trainer in a day. If you are a beginner, wearing it for at least three to six hours a day should be good. I also recommend wearing it when you work out, especially when doing waist exercises for a more effective workout session.




Once you’ve gotten used to it, try to wear it the entire day, except when you’re sleeping because the steel bone can hurt your waist, making it uncomfortable for you to sleep.


5. Caring For Your Waist Trainer


Similar to clothes and other essentials for crossdressing, waist trainers should also be maintained. Here are my simple tips to ensure that they last long:


  • Always air-dry your waist trainers after wearing them. Turn the lining to its upper side and hang it away from a heat source. Doing this prevents it from shrinking and having the stitching damaged.




  • If possible, purchase more than 1 corset so you can alternate them. This allows your trainers to get a break, which prevents you from overusing them.




  • Ensure that the outer covering of your waist trainers is also protected by applying a scotch guard.




  • Part of maintaining your waist trainers is cleaning them. Regularly wipe the outside and the corset’s lining using a damp cloth. Never attempt to wash it, especially when you don’t have any experience with its type of clothing.




If you ask me what results in you should expect, it depends on how disciplined you are with wearing it, maintaining a healthy diet, and how motivated you are with working out. Our bodies are not the same, and what works for me might not work for you. At the end of the day, you must remember to be patient, stay disciplined, and soon, you’ll be getting the results you desire!


6. Get A Waist Trainer Now


Waist trainers are effective products for a more defined and sexier waist. Personally, I used one for three months before I started to see results! I still wear corsets when I crossdress, making my body look curvier with a better hourglass silhouette!


How was your waist trainer experience? Let me know in the comments below!

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