6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing
The economy’s been so screwed up lately, isn’t it? I know I’m not the only one experiencing the strain of a high cost of living. Frankly, being a crossdresser during these times is harder.
I don’t only get to deal with judgments thrown my way from narrow-minded people. I also have to go for crossdressing outfits that are “more boring” than I usually would. But hey, we crossdressers are a creative species. So I honed out my money-saving talents and will share them with you here. I have 6 surefire ways to save you some money!
This guide isn’t only for our adult crossdressers with a steady stream of income. It’s also for crossdressers who are still not 100% financially independent, like students or those who are just experimenting with their fashion. Let’s get to it!


Shop Secondhand

6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing
The most obvious — but still true to this day! Shopping secondhand may sound like an exhausting ordeal at first. But when you find pieces that you actually like, you’ll be addicted to it. And in this economy? I’d rather be addicted to secondhand stores than branded or full-priced, well, anything!


“But isn’t thrifting today is more expensive than it was before?”


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


For the non-enduring, yes you’ll see more expensive items on the rack. My suggestion? Don’t go for the rack right away! Dig into those that are shelved at the back. Oftentimes, those that aren’t displayed are less costly than those occupying the front-row seats.


Another suggestion is to befriend the manager or anyone manning the thrift store. Find a good thrift shop with varying goods (that includes clothes, accessories, bags, and shoes). If you can see yourself coming back more than twice, try to make peace with the people there. More often than not (if they are as kind as you), they’ll give you more discounts and even notify you when they’ll get new items.


DIY Fashion Alterations


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


I can’t stress this enough — learning basic sewing skills will give you endless advantages. It’s literally life-changing, especially for us crossdressers!


“But alterations are cheap anyway, why labor for it?” Sis, these “cheap alterations” accumulate pretty fast when you’re a crossdresser. Imagine having ten cute dresses you want to wear and the alteration cost for each is $10. That’s a $100 sum total!


Don’t be afraid of the thread and needle! You don’t have to be a fashion goddess to do simple alterations. Plus, once you have these skills, you can pick some small jobs on the side. Instead of spending $100, you’ll be the one collecting those bills! Those saved coins can go towards more naughty and nice items (wink wink), making every dollar count!


You’ll look your best in any clothes you have ’cause you can tailor it to your body. Plus, it’s so much more rewarding ’cause you did it yourself!


Utilize Coupons and Deals

6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


I never imagined that I would grow up to be like those in TLC’s Extreme Couponing but here I am. I didn’t realize just how much their tenacity was until I got to experience it myself. So let me tell you — if you’re not using coupons and deals, you’re leaving money on the table for the rats to eat!


Sign up for newsletters from your favorite brands. Follow them on social media. Brands often send out sneak peeks and special deals just for their loyal followers — why say no to that? Do what you can to collect those discounts! You’ll get your hands on exclusive deals and even sales.


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


Another smart move is to use websites and apps that pile up coupons and promotional codes. These platforms save you both time and money — so learn how to work them on your advantage. Always check for ongoing sales or clearance items cause you deserve the best and it’s possible for way less! Don’t sleep on stacking discounts either!


Let me tell you about one of my favorite brands that’s always so generous with these coupons and deals: Roanyer. It’s specifically for us MTF crossdressers and it always offers something new. So I always hang around its website to scoop the best promos!


Rent or Swap Clothing


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


Here’s another game-changer: Renting or swapping clothing instead of buying brand-new stuff. I mean, who said we must keep the clothes we bought unless we really, really like it? Like it enough that we can’t part ways with it?


For me, unless it has sentimental value, I don’t mind renting fab clothes for super important events or swapping with other fellow crossdressers or even femboys. As long as we have similar body types, I really don’t mind!


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


• Rent/Swap keeps my wardrobe fresh without endlessly burning through my wallet. My friends used to think I was old money since I never wore the same things twice.


When you’re renting clothes, you also get to try out different styles that you may not usually wear, without the long-term commitment or hefty price tag. You can even wear a historic vintage garb if Mother Fate blesses you!


• And hey, if you have a partner, chances are you’re already probably doing it. Both of you can share pieces and mix things up. Any money saved can go straight to your “Kinks and Other Stuff” Piggy Bank.


• Still not swayed? What if I say it’s very also it’s eco-friendly? Now that’s something all of us can get behind, right?


• Here’s another perk: You don’t have to worry about closet space.


Tips to make the most of renting or swapping are super straightforward.


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


Sign up for a monthly subscription from brands that offer these services. They’ve got options for various tastes, so check them out.


Join groups or communities where you can swap clothes — such as those within your local LGBTQ+ organizations and circles. If you find no obvious queer groups, connect to those who celebrate Pride Month. I’m sure they can give you a tip or two on legit queer communities you can join. They can even vet for you!


Joining swap parties or online clothing swap groups is another cool way to refresh your wardrobe. These events are broader than just those for queers. Which is also fine if you’re looking for something different. It’s a fun way to network and score some dope outfits.


Prefer Versatile Pieces


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


It’s exciting to just run into the clothing racks and pick whatever gets your attention. But wait! When you don’t have a black card to pay for everything you want to get home, you have to go for the priority items first. These are the ones you should first hone in on, anything left in your budget is spared for anything else you’ll like.


Obviously, it’s up to you to make your own exemptions. I’m just helping you put a cap on your spending and make sure that your money is very well spent.


So what priority items am I talking about? If you’re not specifically hunting a certain piece of clothing for your crossdressing ensemble, then build your wardrobe around versatile or flexible pieces.


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


What’s versatile clothing anyway? These are pieces used in multiple events, multiple styles, and multiple situations. They’re the cream of the crop of the mix-and-match magic. Imagine you’re going away for a 1-week vacation — free of charge! But there’s a catch: You can only bring one regular-sized bag pack with you. What will you bring?


That’s what versatile pieces are for! These help you maximize your closet so you don’t get stuck with one-time wear pieces.


Here’s a caveat though: What you pick will depend on how well you can pass as the opposite gender. There are crossdressers who can pass more easily, so more items can be “versatile” for them.


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


Generally, these are the versatile pieces to broaden crossdressers’ fashion playground:

• Panties (nylon or lace, up to you sis!)


• A jumpsuit (especially great if you’re tucking or wearing gaff panties)


• The little black dress (doesn’t matter the cut or style, choose the one that best fits you and makes you feel like you’re the only woman in the world!)


• Neutral tops (match it with some breast forms and no one will be wiser)


• The best jeans (that hug you in all the right ways)


• A maxi dress (everyone loves flowy dresses)


There are other wardrobe essentials you can prefer, so go ahead and make your own checklist.


Use Accessories Wisely


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


Versatile clothes will just be clothes if you don’t know how to style them up or down in the right way. That’s why accessories are one of the most important elements in any fashion ensemble. For us crossdresses, the skill to use accessories appropriately is something we can use even if we’re old and grey. (Yep, ’cause I plan to slay even when I’m in my 80s!)


Wigs are one of MTF crossdressers’ weapons. They come in every style, color, and whatever else. They can easily make or break any fashion statement.


Jewelry, whether subtle or bold, is crucial for the styling game. Learn what jewelry is best for your skin tone. Get a mix of both small jewelry and big, eye-catching ones to have the freedom to choose.


6 Easy Ways to Save Money While Crossdressing


Makeup, too, is incredible — small changes in your makeup routine can change the whole aura of your outfit. For instance, even if you wear casual clothes, if your makeup is well done, people will think you’re on your way to some important event.


My secret to saving money on accessories is creating homemade accessories. No one said crossdressers can only stick to real gold or silver, right? Unless I miss a memo somewhere?


I get to craft unique pieces that reflect my personality and ultimately, my crossdressing story. Plus, making your own accessories can be a fun and rewarding hobby. Your partner can also join in on the accessory fun, making it a bonding experience.




Crossdressing fashion doesn’t have to drain your wallet! With these money-saving tips, you can slay on a budget without compromising your unique style. Note that the key to fabulous crossdressing lies not in how much you spend, but in how creatively you express yourself.
So grab your thrifted, tailored clothes, flaunt your perfect makeup, and strut your stuff knowing you’re a savvy, practical crossdresser the economy will never bring down!

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