5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy

5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


So you want to be a catboy huh? As a fellow catboy, let me share my fabulous journey to becoming one. It all began when I noticed this trend exploding among my cosplaying friends. They would add ears and whiskers to their usual costumes and I found it incredibly adorable.


Since then, I have researched this ‘catboy’ hype. I was met with mostly NSFW catboy content (which I do not mind at all.) So I thought, oh is this catboy trend about porn?


It isn’t. There’s a subcategory of catboys specially for the naughty ones. But there’s also a catboy playground for those who are just interested in the aesthetic.


My Catboy Story

5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


See, I’ve never looked like a Disney princess. I was actually the villain, looks-wise. I have thick brows, sharp eyes — in short, I have that “resting bitch face.” If you meet me for the first time, you’ll think I’m planning your murder.


Hey, cats have that same vibe, right? But they’re also super cute. So I thought, “What if I become a catboy?”


Stepping into the catboy role was a perfect way to express both my feminine and other-gender aspects. I won’t lie, the transformation made me happier and more confident. Embracing this persona made me feel more comfy in my own fur — uhm, skin.


So, if you’re teetering on the edge of letting your inner catboy claw out, I’ll share with you my best 5 tips!


Perfect the Catboy Look


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


Cats take very good care of themselves. Most cats don’t even need frequent baths since they self-groom. Catboys should adopt this too! Good grooming is the foundation of your catboy life. Keep your skin clean and smooth, unless you plan to wear a fursuit, then you can hide under it.



5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


But I still won’t recommend skipping a good skin routine entirely! It doesn’t have to be the 10-Step Korean Skincare Routine. A simple daily cleanse and moisturize and weekly exfoliate sched is enough.


Here are some of the products I suggest never to skip:


• Appropriate facial wash for your skin type (avoid those with beads as they can clog your pores)


• Face serums and moisturizers — day and night use are different!


• Retinol and spot treatment for the more advanced catboy out there


• Hydrating lotions or oil, if you can, pick those with SPF so you save some bucks


• Good hair products that work for your hair type (shampoo, conditioner, hair treatment if needed)


Catboy Costume


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


Onto costumes, ’cause no catboy is complete without a killer outfit. Again, as I’m a thrift store enthusiast, try to find your wardrobe essentials there first. Catboy fashion doesn’t ask much anyway, oversized sweaters and cute skirts or shorts are enough!


If you want something customized to your liking, create it or head on over to Etsy. Just remember to never skip the following:


• Ears and tails are non-negotiables. What kind of catboy has no ears and tails?


• Chokers or collars, add leashes if you want that NSFW vibe. Almost all catboys have something around their necks.


Thigh-high socks, often with paw prints, over my fishnets or stockings.


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


OK, you can skip these ones but whenever I turn into a catboy, I always have:


• Some cute hairclip


• Dangling earrings (loop and studs are ok,  just pick something that won’t take away the attention from your cat ears)


• Rings or gloves — I like to think of myself as a ninja cat


• Claws or pointy fingernails. If you can’t maintain long fingernails, painting them black or white will do.


Nail the Catboy Persona


Make it your mission to beat Puss in Boots to be the best catboy. Here’s how:


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


Move Like A Cat


You can’t fully be a catboy if you can’t move as sleekly as a cat!


If you’re not as flexible as one, take your time and move slowly. Practicing yoga or pilates can help you get that flexibility down. A very, very simple exercise is the less than 5-minute Radio Taiso routine — anyone can do it, even if you’re old or have chronic pain.


Well cats are nimble, right? So agility’s up next. Try some light exercises that help you be swift on your feet — jumping, skipping, or running will get you up to speed. It’ll pay off when you’re bounding around looking all cut.


Cat Faces


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


Now, let’s get that cute face working. Two main things you need to master: pouting and widening those eyes, aka Puss in Boots’ pleading face and ultimate weapon! Like him, don’t be afraid to get a little mischievous too.


Look in the mirror and try expressions like. Yawn (in a sexy way) or do that narrowed-eye look cats give when they’re about to pounce. I won’t skip the seductive bits either. You know that half-lidded stare? Use it! Smirks work wonders too, especially a playful one.


Meow Voice


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


Speak softly — almost in a whisper at times. A quiet voice is alluring and is easier to control for us MTF crossdressers. Add a bit of a playful tone when you talk. Or be deadpan, depending on your cat’s character. High-pitched isn’t necessary, just soft and inviting.


Don’t underestimate the power of a little purring too. I’m not joking here! Practice it! It’s easier and more natural-sounding when you’re confident.


Play Up the Sexual Aspect


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


As a catboy, you’re not just supposed to be cute. You’re also sexy. I mean, you’re lithe and you purr, what’s not sexy about that?


But why are catboys such a turn-on for some folks?


• Cats are inherently graceful and mysterious — these traits are incredibly attractive


• Despite their “mysterious” allure, once they get comfy with you, they become playful. Catboys know how to switch to that sultry demeanor, especially in intimate settings.


• The whole idea of embodying a cat’s elegance while being cheeky and naughty just amps up the appeal.


When playing up your sexual charm as a catboy, make cats’ movements your inspiration. They are effortless and with a sense of ownership. Channel that energy. Own every step, every look.


When it comes to roleplaying, the sky’s the limit. Picture this: you’re the seductive, slinky catboy, and your partner is the intrigued human. Play out scenes where you purr softly in their ear or slink across the bed. Your partner will always anticipate your next move. You could even do the nasty with a playful, teasing vibe that mimics a cat’s predatory playfulness.


Maintain the Feline Lifestyle


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


I have to admit that being a catboy isn’t just sunshine and catnips. There’s a balance you need to constantly be aware of when you’re in your catboy persona.


It’s an exciting adventure, don’t get me wrong. But if you don’t put enough effort into your mental well-being outside of your catboy world, it’ll be a cat-astrophe. OK, I’ll stop with the cat puns now.


As an apology, below are practical tips to help you go about this quirky lifestyle!


Prioritize Mental Well-Being


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


From the very beginning, you have to be aware that being a catboy takes a lot of energy and creativity — just like a cat plotting world domination. Make sure to take time for self-care and mental relaxation too. Outside of your world-dominating thoughts, of course.


Engage in activities that soothe your mind, like meditation, yoga, or a leisurely prowl in nature. These practices can help you recharge and maintain an A+ outlook.


Coping Strategies


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


While living your best catboy life is undeniably thrilling, it might occasionally feel like you’ve got too many furballs to handle. The solution? Developing coping strategies that work for you.


These should help manage your stress and anxiety, or at least distract you long enough to realize they’re not as bad as you initially thought. Do deep breathing exercises, journaling your whisker-filled experiences, or talking to a supportive cat or non-cat friend. Take long catnaps to get your energy back from time to time as well!


Continual Improvement


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


Becoming an endearing and convincing catboy doesn’t happen overnight. So regularly practice your mannerisms, movements, and vocal tones.


Watch cat videos or observe real cats to find inspiration for your performances. With persistent practice, you’ll notice subtle improvements. When you’re sure that what you’re doing is right, then you’ll feel 100% comfortable in your role.


The Importance of Feedback


Feedback is there for you to improve. So go seek constructive feedback from trusted friends or community members who understand and appreciate your catboy charm. Use their insights to refine and take your catboy presentation from good to best.


Join Catboy Communities


5 Tips for Transforming into the Best Catboy


Finding a community that gets your catboy persona isn’t just cool, it’s necessary. Connecting with folks who share your interests can take your experience to 3 to 10.


There are online forums, social media groups, and even local meetups where catboys and their admirers hang out. It’s all about finding the cat playground you fit in and thrive.


Join these groups to


• have a solid support system.  There are just some things those outside of the catoy world don’t get.


• get constructive criticism to up your catboy game. Who knows better than other catboys?


• stay in the loop about the latest trends in catboy fashion and mannerisms.


• find it way more fun — more cats are better than one!




Becoming an exceptional catboy is about embracing your inner feline, having a lot of fun, and connecting with others who share your passion. It’s a journey filled with playful purrs and countless catnaps.


As a catboy, stay true to the character you choose for yourself. Accept and work on constructive feedback. Most importantly, enjoy every moment of it. After all, life’s too short — why not spend a part of it pretending to be a cat?

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